Preserved Sheet Terisia Gianna Gi'allique ❋ Rewrite ❋

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Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
sucking lestat de lioncourt’s toes


"If knowledge is power, I suppose I'm already on top."

Basic Information

Full Name: Terisia Gianna Gi'allique

Age: Fourty-five

Gender: Female

Race: Cielothar. Infected with the Umredd bloodline.

Religion: Faith of Estel.

Main Ambition: The acquisition of power, and to further advance in alchemy.

Special Permission: N/A


Visual Information

Eye Color: Crimson red. Naturally, light green.

Hair Color: Naturally, caramel brown. However, she frequently dies it a light blonde colour.

Hair Style: Curly, frizzy, and messy, despite her best efforts to tame it.

Skin Color: Sickly pale due to vampirism. Naturally, warmly tanned.

Clothing: Often plain clothing, usually inexpensive dresses in various designs. She typically favours the colours grey and white.

Height: 5'5

Body Build: Gaunt.

Weapon of Choice: Alchemy (Capable of making anything with difficulty five or below), Fighter level with a cutlass. She knew all forms of light magic at caster level prior to infection, though she is currently unable to cast it.

•Terisia has a rather oval-shaped face, with a narrow, slightly downturned nose, round eyes with long eyelashes, and plump lips. Freckles speckle her cheeks. Her hair is highly curly and unruly, often very frizzy, too. The Cielothar often styles it to the best of her abilities. A large scar stretches across her face, starting at the right side of her forehead, going across her nose, and ending in the middle of her left cheek.

•Terisia speaks with a tone of voice that varies from flat to warm depending on company, with a slight Elvish accent. She rarely stutters, if ever. Terisia fluently speaks Common, Modern Elvish, and Middle Elvish.


Personality and Abilities
Personality Traits

Loyal: "Do you really think I'm going to leave you over that?" Despite her flaws, Terisia is a highly loyal person. She is dedicated to aiding her family and friends in any way possible, trying to aid them almost as much as she aids herself. In fact, while her greed may get in the way at times, Terisia does genuinely want to aid her friends. This trait often causes her to create lasting relationships with others.

Witty: "Hey, hey. Funny joke just came to mind!" It can be said that Terisia has an excellent sense of humor, and that she does. Highly prone to making clever puns and turning people's words into a joke, this can be used to her advantage to get back at someone who has wronged her in a more passive way. Though prone to a dark and sarcastic sense of humor, Terisia also tends to be very lighthearted in her joking sometimes. This often causes her to be seen as fun to be around.

Driven: "Pfft.. I'm not giving up on this. Ever." Highly motivated by scholarly pursuit and loyalty to achieve her goals, it is unlikely that Terisia would give up on something. She wants it all, and she's willing to do whatever it takes to gain power for herself. An example of this would be remaining infected with the Umredd bloodline in the hope of reaping its benefits. She is highly ambitious, often to the point of being unrealistic.

Nervous: "Nonono, what am I gonna do..?" Terisia has a tendency to get quite nervous over next-to-nothing, often making situation worse than they were. While her nervousness is at times quite warranted, it's plain anxiety and stress more often than not. Tying in with her loyalty, she gets extremely concerned for her friends over the smallest things, often causing her to come off as over-protective. She also tends to complain a lot about the things which are making her nervous, but never actually tries to fix them.

Prideful: "No, no, no. I'm right, you're wrong. Not the other way around. Trust me, I'm smarter than you." Due to her vampirism and general intelligence, Terisia is unfortunately extremely arrogant and prideful, thinking much too highly of herself. She will often dismiss constructive criticism, and tell most people off for giving it. Insults are not taken lightly at all, and she can be quite defensive, even to the point of getting into a fight that could have been otherwise avoided. This often causes people to dislike Terisia, as her overinflated ego makes her seem pretty annoying and snotty.

Unforgiving: "What you did is absolutely inexcusable." While not cruel or necessarily vengeful, Terisia can be quite the grudge-holder. Wrongs against her are almost never forgotten, and she tends to refuse to forgive others most of the time. She often takes moral issue with things as small as pickpocketing an ally of hers. This often causes Teri to be seen as hypocritical- she chooses to stay infected with vampirism, but she often holds others to unrealistic moral standards, to the point of occasionally rejecting other Umredd. Though she often doesn't seek vengeance, the Cielothar isn't about to trust those who have wronged her.


Alchemy: "Middencroft's Decoction is always fun." Terisia is a fairly experienced alchemist, capable of making anything with difficulty five or below. She is rarely spotted without some alchemical detriments, and always carries some healing-related concoctions. The Cielothar enjoys alchemy, seeing it as a well-rounded art that enables her to both aid and injure.

Educated: "Oh? I'm quite sure that you're wrong." With as much experience studying as she has, it is unsurprising that Terisia is rather well-educated. She is experienced in the fields of demonology, alchemy, and language. This is often used to her advantage, and some even see it as a redeeming quality. She fluently speaks Common, Modern Elvish, and Imperial Elvish.

Cutlass Skills: "Dread Blades are much better than magic." Terisia is able to wield a cutlass at about fighter level. She wields the weapon with finesse and skill, along with being able to use it as a Dread Blade. This often serves as her greatest asset in combat. The Cielothar will often challenge others to duels when she feels that her pride has been insulted, though, other than feeding, she will rarely attack people out of the blue- a remnant of her former pacifism.


Badly Healed Ribs: "My biggest weakness." During an incident involving Shendar raiding her Cielothar community prior to being infected, Terisia was left with a scar and broken ribs that never fully healed. Not only are her ribs sensitive, but her ribs also prevent her from running longer distance. She also often forgets to guard her ribs, meaning they are almost always open to be hit.

Arrogance: "Pah. I doubt you could beat me in a fight." Resulting from her vampirism, Terisia has quite the ego. Not only does she often blow up over the slightest insult, but she constantly overestimates her abilities. While she is most definitely formidable, there are always people stronger and better than her, and her vampiric weaknesses can be exploited quite easily. (Note: I actually hate crp on an OOC level, so. This will not be used as an excuse to constantly fight people. Often, Terisia will challenge someone to a duel or stick to verbal insults.)

Easily Stressed: "I have a lot of responsibility, that's all." Partially due to her motivation and ambition, Terisia often stretches herself thin. She has too many goals, and often worries about completing them. Due to multiple factors that vary day-to-day, Terisia is almost constantly stressing over something, and it's made much worse when she has other things to stress about on top of it. Her worry sometimes prevents her from achieving her goals.

Nearsighted: "What. I. Can't see them." Terisia is unfortunately rather nearsighted. Anything more than six feet away from her is blurry enough that she can barely see it at all. She currently does not have the ability to purchase spectacles, and as such, needs to deal with this weakness. It often hampers her combat quite a bit.


Life Story:

•Teresa Gi'alliquae was born Summer 260 AC in Daendroc to an agrarian Cielothar family.

•Her family was fairly wealthy for a commoner family, affording her a good childhood. The family's business was in alchemy, and medical aids.

•Was a rather healthy child, often pampered quite a bit.

•Was raised devoutly in the Faith of Estel.

•Helped out on her family's farm as a child. She had a younger brother, whom she got along with quite well.

•Began learning light magic at the age of fourteen, much like the rest of her family. She went along with it, but didn't exactly find it that interesting.

•Began practicing alchemy at the age of 20, finding it an interesting hobby.

•Moved to a wealthy Altalar city at the age of 25, seeking a place to study- she had found herself interested in scholarly pursuits.

•Spent the next 17 years studying and learning. She also began studying Demonology- having a sort of morbid interest in it due to its connection to the Pantheon. She never dared dabbling in Possession, however.

•At the age of 42, Terisia moved to Regalia, seeking more opportunity to pursue knowledge.

•When exploring the sewer system, Terisia was met with a few Umredd that were convinced vampires were holy beings.

•They practically forced infection with the Umredd bloodline onto her at the age of 43.

•Albeit shocked at first, Terisia soon began to grow fond of her vampirism, seeing it as just another tool of hers. She began training with a cutlass.

•Spent her time mainly as a rogue sanguine of sorts, not joining any covens due to their tendency towards Void Worship.

•She didn't really see her vampirism as a violation of her religion- moreso as a tool.

•Continues to practice alchemy in the sewers, still thinking herself to be a scholar of sorts.

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The aesthetics on this are fantastic. And I love the character idea. I thought by one of the gifs she was going to be a Bone Mage but as it turns out, she's completely mundane and normal. This is actually my favorite character app now lol.

Also: I took a Panic! At The Disco quiz, and the song I got was The Ballad of Mona Lisa. I LOVE THAT SONG.
The aesthetics on this are fantastic. And I love the character idea. I thought by one of the gifs she was going to be a Bone Mage but as it turns out, she's completely mundane and normal. This is actually my favorite character app now lol.

Also: I took a Panic! At The Disco quiz, and the song I got was The Ballad of Mona Lisa. I LOVE THAT SONG.
Aaa thank you so much! Means a lot to me. <3
They should meet again lol both are vamps
Loyal: "Do you really think I'm going to leave you over that?" Despite her flaws, Teresa is a highly loyal person. She is dedicated to aiding her family and friends in any way possible, trying to aid them almost as much as she aids herself. In fact, while her greed may get in the way at times, Teresa does genuinely want to aid her friends. This trait often causes her to create lasting relationships with others.
Cruel: "Reporting them to the guards? No, I'll find my own punishment." Mainly stemming from the fact that vampirism is a mild form of Malice infestation, and partially from her upbringing and general behavior, the Ombratore is a rather vengeful and cruel person. While this is not to say she would hurt someone over spilled milk or whatever, if someone were to wrong her or her close relations, they would be in trouble. Teresa takes pleasure from seeing enemies suffer, and though this usually extends to physical harm or emotional harm, she is also apt to throw sarcastic insults around to those she dislikes.
I'm just making a quick suggestion, these two do not seem balanced. Wikipedia's definition for Cruel is "willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it." and being Loyal does not seem balanced with that. It's just, someone who is cruel most likely wouldn't be a loyal person if they like to cause pain to others. Maybe put cruel with a lesser harsh word like "Ampathetic" or "Aloof" just because cruel means she would be borderline psychopath and psychopaths are not loyal to anyone because a trait that defines them is that they are self-serving.

Witty: "Hey, hey. Funny joke just came to mind!" It can be said that Teresa has an excellent sense of humor, and that she does. Highly prone to making clever puns and turning people's words into a joke, this can be used to her advantage to get back at someone who has wronged her in a more passive way. Though prone to a dark and sarcastic sense of humor, Teresa also tends to be very lighthearted in her joking sometimes. This often causes her to be seen as fun to be around.
Also Witty doesn't fit in good with the sense of humor either unless its, dark humor, which is like, carving a smile into someone's face. So with being witty and cruel it would make her like the Joker-- there is no problem with that besides the whole loyal thing. Again, I'm just suggesting that maybe use a lesser harsh term than cruel.

Thats the only thing I could really find besides--

Kalis Knife Skills: "Easily concealed and fancy." Teresa has average skill using a Kalis knife, able to use it without worry of it springing out of her hand or snapping in half. Despite canes being illegal above ground, she often pairs it with a sheath disguised as a cane when below ground, sometimes using the sheath to parry. The weapon's flexibility is also often to her advantage. While she is far from an expert at it, Teresa can definitely use a Kalis knife at fighter level.
Physically Weak: "I'm just too busy to bother with working out." However excellent she is with a Kalis knife, Teresa is not very strong. She rarely spends time exercising, and as such she is easily overpowered. This can easily be exploited and used against her.
That doesn't seem balanced much. The Kalis Knife may be lightweight but to be excellent with it she would probably have to be more than a weak person, especially to be fighter level. I just suggest scrapping physically weak, also because you have another physical weakness which are her ribs. Instead of physically weak, I suggest putting "Lightweight" which means she can be injured fairly easily, but does not necessarily mean she is weak. It just means that if she gets slammed in the stomach she is probably going down, but does not mean she can't wield a Kalis Knife at fighter level.

Those are only things I could find.
I'm just making a quick suggestion, these two do not seem balanced. Wikipedia's definition for Cruel is "willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it." and being Loyal does not seem balanced with that. It's just, someone who is cruel most likely wouldn't be a loyal person if they like to cause pain to others. Maybe put cruel with a lesser harsh word like "Ampathetic" or "Aloof" just because cruel means she would be borderline psychopath and psychopaths are not loyal to anyone because a trait that defines them is that they are self-serving.
Eh, I disagree plus. The staff that originally reviewed her had no problem. Sadistic and psychopathic are different things imo.
Also Witty doesn't fit in good with the sense of humor either unless its, dark humor, which is like, carving a smile into someone's face. So with being witty and cruel it would make her like the Joker-- there is no problem with that besides the whole loyal thing. Again, I'm just suggesting that maybe use a lesser harsh term than cruel.
By dark humor I mean less. Edgy noobish poorly portrayed psychopathy and. More like. Joking about death and shiz. Like. The definition is. a kind of humor that treats sinister subjects like death, disease, deformity, handicap or warfare with bitter amusement and presents such tragic, distressing or morbid topics in humorous terms. And, can't see how it conflicts with cruel- in my view the combo of the two is less. "hi I iz ejy noob trying to play a sadist yey blud lez kill everyone muahahaha" and more like. snide remarks directed towards people she dislikes. Like. Sadism can extend to more than edgy noob shiz imo. She isn't about to torture random people for fun- she's more apt to taunt an injured person she dislikes, or act cruelly to an underling to assert her dominance. In essence, it's less "i iz sadist yey blud I like hurting everyone even my friends muahahaha" and more like. "if I don't know u then I'll probably try using u for blood or smthn because u mean nothing to me until u prove urself. if I dislike u, ur gonna suffer. if I think ur a friend, then congrats u have me on ur side and I'm not about to betray u" It plays into her arrogance. Imo character traits should blend together nicely and have some minor complexities. Like. No char should have all negative traits or all positive traits.
@DockedRelic can confirm that I spent like a half hour explaining why Nes is a giant oxymoron. lmao poor Docked.

However I will take your advice about physical weakness- it's a trait that carried over from her previous char app and it's no longer very effective as a weakness. Therefore I'm removing it.
Thanks for the peer review fam- I didn't reject certain things due to a lack of respect for you, it's mainly that I don't think you got the right impression of what her traits mean and how they blend together. Love u daughter <3
Eh, I disagree plus. The staff that originally reviewed her had no problem. Sadistic and psychopathic are different things imo.

By dark humor I mean less. Edgy noobish poorly portrayed psychopathy and. More like. Joking about death and shiz. Like. The definition is. a kind of humor that treats sinister subjects like death, disease, deformity, handicap or warfare with bitter amusement and presents such tragic, distressing or morbid topics in humorous terms. And, can't see how it conflicts with cruel- in my view the combo of the two is less. "hi I iz ejy noob trying to play a sadist yey blud lez kill everyone muahahaha" and more like. snide remarks directed towards people she dislikes. Like. Sadism can extend to more than edgy noob shiz imo. She isn't about to torture random people for fun- she's more apt to taunt an injured person she dislikes, or act cruelly to an underling to assert her dominance. In essence, it's less "i iz sadist yey blud I like hurting everyone even my friends muahahaha" and more like. "if I don't know u then I'll probably try using u for blood or smthn because u mean nothing to me until u prove urself. if I dislike u, ur gonna suffer. if I think ur a friend, then congrats u have me on ur side and I'm not about to betray u" It plays into her arrogance. Imo character traits should blend together nicely and have some minor complexities. Like. No char should have all negative traits or all positive traits.
@DockedRelic can confirm that I spent like a half hour explaining why Nes is a giant oxymoron. lmao poor Docked.

However I will take your advice about physical weakness- it's a trait that carried over from her previous char app and it's no longer very effective as a weakness. Therefore I'm removing it.
Thanks for the peer review fam- I didn't reject certain things due to a lack of respect for you, it's mainly that I don't think you got the right impression of what her traits mean and how they blend together. Love u daughter <3
Love you too mom <3 and I was just trying to make sense of the matter, and the physical weakness is not needed because you already have a great one which is the ribs. It's perfectly balanced so don't throw physically weak in there, she's a perfect character and I'm sure she will bring great roleplay.
@DockedRelic can confirm that I spent like a half hour explaining why Nes is a giant oxymoron. lmao poor Docked.
Massivecraft is an Oxy moron by Jesus. Estel takes more life than Beheasal, and heck Beheasal actually gives life and immortality (since Zehler can in theory live well over 500-1000 years if they times their blood stasis right), on top of that cooler magic. Estel was supposed to be good and Beheasal looks more like the Arch Angel. Unionists is supposed to be a holy society... Nope kill everything.... Even most characters I see, Heck I've seen Cielothar more corrupt than half the shendar population combined, and yanar are mentally diseased plants. If at all everything is ironic... And I love irony... It makes me laugh... Not only laugh but-
Btw love all these quotes you put in with your traits, lowkey stealing this idea just to better explain traits... It totally helps with understanding how these are expressed, it's- it's beautiful and an awesome idea!
,,Actually. On second thought. Someone has forced my hand in making this char how they want, and I went along with it to maintain prior rp. I've decided that I'm going to go with the direction in which /I/ want this char to go in. Full redo incoming. Changing her to a Cielothar Umredd.
☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Cielothar are naturally very pacifistic and communal in nature, sharing what they have and outright rejecting hedonism. With this in mind, I find it difficult to understand why a Cielothar, born into a typical Cielothar village, would become Greedy and Cruel. There is some leniency here due to the Umredd infection, but I'd encourage you to rethink the reasons behind making this character a Cielothar, as personality-wise they seem to be anything but.
  • I'd like you to add at least one more sentence to the Educated and Cutlass strengths, to bring them in line with the other descriptions. What are her limits? When is she most likely to use these strengths? Additionally, how many languages does she know?
  • Similarly to the above, please add a couple more sentences to the Badly Healed Ribs weakness. How would this affect her in combat? What happens if the ribs are struck?
Please mark your changes in blue and tag me when you're finished!
Hello! I see the document has been edited, are you finished with the edits?
  • She fluently speaks Daendroquian, Common, Modern Elvish, and Imperial Elvish.
    I find this just a wee bit too much for a fourty-five year old Cielothar infected with Umredd. Imperial Elvish alone takes ten years to become fluent! Remove one of the languages, then tag me again.