Archived Temp Mute Ticket Idea

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Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
when someone is temp muted they should eather not be able to make tickets or when a ticket is made and they are talking to the moderator then there should be a special chat so there able to talk for the sake of the ticket.
just a helpful idea thought I would post.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I used to get help from Nommy through TS when I was muted for a week.
Certainly a good idea, I couldn't report someone if I didn't use TS.
Yes I do agree with this, for the simple fact that like Madus said, some players could potentially get away with breaking the rules or being racist to the extreme and if the only player to catch this purp is muted, how can they ask a mod to watch the player for any further abuse, as I have witnessed several occasions.
I, for one, support this idea. I vote we make a poll on this...
Yes I do agree with this, for the simple fact that like Madus said, some players could potentially get away with breaking the rules or being racist to the extreme and if the only player to catch this purp is muted, how can they ask a mod to watch the player for any further abuse, as I have witnessed several occasions.
Technically speaking, most players do have a forum account, so they could just make a report on the forums using screenshots and what-not. However, it is noteworthy to say that other's /don't/ have a forum account, or if they do, they don't know how to report a player properly, or they might even not be able to take screenshots.
Technically speaking, most players do have a forum account, so they could just make a report on the forums using screenshots and what-not. However, it is noteworthy to say that other's /don't/ have a forum account, or if they do, they don't know how to report a player properly, or they might even not be able to take screenshots.

Exactly, That's the issue. Not saying everyone's like me but I rarely join a forum unless I've been playing the gamer/server for quite a while: and as you said, it's not easy for some to be able to grabs screenshots, like for my process I have to go through several things and many minutes before I can even download it onto my computer.
Exactly, That's the issue. Not saying everyone's like me but I rarely join a forum unless I've been playing the gamer/server for quite a while: and as you said, it's not easy for some to be able to grabs screenshots, like for my process I have to go through several things and many minutes before I can even download it onto my computer.
out of curiousity, but what are you doing that it requiers to download the screenshot? like, printscreen of just f2 creates a screenshot without downloading (with printscreen you just have to paste it somewhere)
out of curiousity, but what are you doing that it requiers to download the screenshot? like, printscreen of just f2 creates a screenshot without downloading (with printscreen you just have to paste it somewhere)

Yes but either way you still need (what I have to do) is post a URL of the picture(s)
I know how this feels, for similar situations
This is an interesting idea, I guess you get...

+1 Suzzie Support
Meh, I'm not to big on the idea. You could just use Teamspeak or forums for reporting a player/other reasons.
I personally don't think there needs to be a chat for muted players. Technically it wouldn't be a true mute if they could talk to the staff in a "Mute Chat"

I also disagree with the "no tickets" part for muted players. Due to others could take advantage of it and grief/steal/break other rules. And the muted player couldn't make a ticket about it.

If you are temp muted and wish to discuss it you can always make a mute appeal about it.
Meh, I'm not to big on the idea. You could just use Teamspeak or forums for reporting a player/other reasons.
I personally don't think there needs to be a chat for muted players. Technically it wouldn't be a true mute if they could talk to the staff in a "Mute Chat"

I also disagree with the "no tickets" part for muted players. Due to others could take advantage of it and grief/steal/break other rules. And the muted player couldn't make a ticket about it.

If you are temp muted and wish to discuss it you can always make a mute appeal about it.

About the Mute appeal, depending on the situation it would render useless to make an appeal for a mute that's only several hours.
There is a place for this on the forums. A mute serves a purpose and creating a chat channel will not outweigh the benefit. I am heavily against this idea.
Although I am on the fence with the idea, I am always tweaking it with a different approach. What I would suggest is there can be a good pro to this, seeing that once you observe someone breaking the rules, usually, you don't leave the area or just go away. Most of the time you are interested in what they are attempting to accomplish, thus being said having a way to contact a mod/admin for immediate respond would be key to preventing the conflict to continue.
Meh, I'm not to big on the idea. You could just use Teamspeak or forums for reporting a player/other reasons.
I personally don't think there needs to be a chat for muted players. Technically it wouldn't be a true mute if they could talk to the staff in a "Mute Chat"

I also disagree with the "no tickets" part for muted players. Due to others could take advantage of it and grief/steal/break other rules. And the muted player couldn't make a ticket about it.

If you are temp muted and wish to discuss it you can always make a mute appeal about it.
Not everyone uses team speak. Like me for instance. Too many people in my household and I dont like them listening in on my is true though people could always use the forums but this idea is a bit more quicker.
A staff member will not issue a punishment if its not warranted. That being said, if the player did something to get the mute then that's the end of that. If it's a few hours you might as well sit it out. Honestly this is just a waste of time. We have the forums for this very thing. That's the fastest way to get it solved.
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A staff member will not issue a punishment of its not warranted. That being said, if the player did something to get the mute then that's the end of that. If it's a few hours you might as well sit it out. Honestly this is just a waste of time. We have the forums for this very thing. That's the fastest way to get it solved.
I think what he means is that slower response time is part of the mute punishment. Not a bad idea.
This makes me think to when I was accidentally muted.
Did you sit out the entire punishment or was it revoked? When you say that you were accidentally muted that means that a staff member acknowledged that it was an accident. Or are you saying that it was an accident because you believe it was an accident and nobody else?
Did you sit out the entire punishment or was it revoked? When you say that you were accidentally muted that means that a staff member acknowledged that it was an accident. Or are you saying that it was an accident because you believe it was an accident and nobody else?
It was an accident, because an error was made an' stuff. [I don't blame them.]
It was acknowledged as an error and junk, and got removed. [Hence why my ./seen is squeaky clean :D]
Ya see, I had an alt, and because I was confused as heck, logged on as that and asked what I had done. [probably against the rules..whoops.]
But then I pointed out some stuff and it was all fixed. But errors like that are rare.