Preserved Sheet Tel'ella Avalorn

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texan (derogatory)
Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score

Basic Information​
-Full Name: Tel'ella Avalorn
-Age: 28
-Gender: Female
-Race: Fin'ullen Altalar
-Sexuality: Elfsexual


Skill Information​
Point Pool: 43 points. (Age + 5, Will of the Ages +10 boost.)
-Combat: 0
> +8 Magical Knowledge
> +23 Medical Sciences (Cap increased by Will of Ages)​
-Arts: 0
-Body: 0
> +12 Sorcery
Healing Grace
Hope's Beacon
Burn the Unburned​

Body Shape​
-Shape: Slim
-Physical Stat: 0
> Calculation: 0
> Body Fat: Average​
Modern Altalar
Special Traits​
Will of the Ages
> +10 Proficiency Point boost.​
Will of the Arcane
> Arcanomancy
> Memorymancy
> Powermancy​


Visual Information​
-Eye Color: Blue
-Hair Color: Brown to Deep Auburn, with a bit of a glimmer; like glitter resides in it.
-Hair Style: Bangs pinned to the side to keep them out of her face, but the rest of her hair is grown out past her hips.
-Skin Color: Pale, with a subtle shimmer located on her shoulders and nose.
-Clothing: Dress of some sort with maybe some sort of decoration for her hair to match.
-Height: 5'11
-Blood: Golden.

The Core List
Moral Alignment:
-Lawful Good.​
Personality Type:
-The Mediator.​
Religious Affiliation:
-Religion: Estel.
-Piety: 10/10.​


Life Story​
Birth & Childhood
  • In Daendroc, a small elf was born to a rather old Elven couple who had been trying for years for a child. The year was 279, and not much else was going on at the time.
  • Tel'ella was born into nobility. She was an only child, so she was subsequently spoiled.
  • Among her cousins, she was a pretty young addition to the family. While they've lived for decades and even a century for some of them, she was still welcome around them with her unusually calm and mature demeanor. Well, until she didn't get the spare chocolate she wanted.
  • While growing up, Tel'ella didn't seem as interested in combat as the rest of her cousins did. She withdrew more into books and neglected blade lessons for friendly romps through the fields. Her love for literature grew during this period, but her parents soon noticed she had a favorite subject in books: anatomy. Sciences that directly came or influenced the body.
  • It was by fate's divine graces that Tel'ella would come into contact with someone of a very special craft, one which she could use to heal the body of wounds or otherworldly ailments. Naturally, she met them at the supermarket while she was picking out flowers. With the pinch of a thorn or two, they became fast friends.
  • While studying in secret, her parents came to know that Tel'ella had finally chosen a path in life. One that, sure, took the back seat of any military operation, but one that saved lives nonetheless.
Early Adulthood
  • With the Avalorn's ambition to establish presence in Regalia underway, Tel'ella was one of the few cousins sent over to watch over the house. It took only a few months for Tel'ella to become home sick, and so she went back to Daendroc. During this brief period, she did make a few other friends, but mostly she stayed in the small estate and played nice with guests.
  • In a panicked bout, Tel'ella was once again summoned to Regalia, as her cousin had fallen far too many times in battle. Armed with a few books, she set off again to see what had happened, and to see if her skills could serve their purpose, unlike last time.
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