Preserved Sheet Te'ing'ku Mei'ku

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Divine of the Sword
Apr 15, 2017
Reaction score
North America
Full Name: Te'ing'ku See'ie'te Mei'ku

Age: 28 (Born 279 AC, April 1)

Gender: Male

Race: Estalar

Preferred Weapon: Unarmed

Inventory Information:
  • Needles and Thread (1 regal)
  • A small flask (of WATER) (2 regals)
  • A pocket knife (6 regals)
  • A small leather-bound notebook (2 regals)

Skill Information

Points : 28 + 5 = 33
  • 10 Athletic Training (From Points)
  • 10 Perception Training (From Points)

  • 8 Dexterous Rogue Skill (From Points)

  • 5 Light Bow Combat (From Points)

  • 5 Thread Arts (Hobby Points)

  • 5 Dancing Arts (Hobby Points)
Body Stat: 5 + 5 + 2.5 = 13 (Racial cap of 25)
Athletic Body Shape
Low Body Fat

Languages :
Sihai (native language)
Common (learned in schooling)

Special Traits / Mutations:

Visual Information:
Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black/Brown

Hair Style: Long on top, shaved around the sides

Skin Color: Pale Yellow

Clothing: Loose, comfortable, red shirt and black pants
Height: 5'9

Core List:

Alignment: True Neutral

Personality Type: Campaigner

Religion: (Dragon Dogma 10/10)

Life Story:

Te'ing'ku Mei'ku was born in 297AC just minutes after his twin brother Te'en. He was raised within the caravan which his parents both worked as traveling merchants. His mother was an Altalar gypsie who sang and danced, and his father was a Sihai tailor. Te'ing'ku had a very happy childhood traveling all across the rim of the Eastern Continent.

Teen Years:
Te'ing'ku and his turbulent twin brother got into a tremendous amount of trouble together. Their mother ran away with another man, leaving Te'ing'ku and his brother and his father alone. Te'ing'ku, who was closer to his mother than his father, was devastated. He began to engage in risky behavior like theft, drugs, and sex.
He shed his timid nature for one of boisterous flamboyance. He ran with petty thieves, addicts, and slummers. He neglected his studies for learning streetsmarts. In learning to outsmart the authorities to avoid being caught, he grew very perceptive, and dexterous. He developed klepto-tendancies which would remain with him even beyond rehab.

Young Adult Years:
Te'ing'ku drifted apart from his brother. He went his own way, gambling away what little money he had and falling into trouble. It was when he hit rock bottom that he came back into contact with his brother. He was sleeping in an crackhouse which was infested with disease, barely able to pick himself up. His brother helped him into rehab and convinced him to reconsider life on the road as a tailor. It was an extremely frustration transition- and one that was not without many instances of relapse. But his brother never gave up on him.

Current Years:
Te'ing'ku and his brother have traveled to Regalia in search of economic opportunity! They wish to open a shop together and to live peacefully while Te'ing'ku recovers from his addiction.

Te'ing'ku feels he owes his brother his life, and it is his brother's dream to open a shop, so he is helping his brother in any way he can.
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You only used 23 out of your 33 points.
Feel free to add it in the color of purple.

Also, flesh out your life story a bit! It seems rather barebones for how old he is.
@Nesstro I apologize it took so long... ! But I fixed the proficiency points, and I added a bit to the backstory, but to be honest I'm not sure where exactly I'm seeking to take this character, so perhaps I'll come back and add more to his backstory once I've played him a bit more.