Preserved Sheet Tehrathel Avalleia

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May 17, 2019
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Tehrathel Avalleia


Basic Information (Required)

  • Imperialized Name: Tehrathel Avalleia

  • Modern Altalar Name: Nyrian Tehrathellar Cellithyr Quesoral Avalla-Loseia Bel Eïsul-Solleria

  • Age: 93, Born in 217

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Teledden Altalar
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 50 (45 from age + 5 from General) + 10 Hobby Points
  • 5 Vocal Singing
  • 15 Schooling
  • 3 Linguistics
  • 6 Sorcery
  • 15 Writing Art (Free 10 Hobby Points + 5 Racial Boost)
  • 15 Sailing Art
  • 6 Dancing Art
Body Shape

  • Body Stat: 10 Body Stat (3 from Dancing, 7.5 from Sailing, = 10) (Capped at 15)
  • Body Shape: Athletic Body Shape

  • Body Fat: Low Body Fat

  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • Altalar Language(learned from Parents)(1 of 2 base Languages)
  • Allorn Language (taught by instructors at home)(2 of 2 base Languages)
  • Suvial Language (Linguistics)-3
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

  • Tal'sieth's Watch
  • Exist Sorcerer
    • 3-Element Control I
    • 6-Dueling Brand I
  • Schooling
    • 3-Admiral School (Talant Ilha-Faial Academy)
    • 6-Archaeology School (Litántha Allornata)
    • 9-Espionage School (Praanistha College of Insight)
    • 12-Statesman School (Ivaëlleanthe Presidium)
    • 15-Diplomacy School (Eälessa College for Tact)
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: His eyes are a piercing shade of green, each one free of any blemishes.

  • Hair Color: His hair is a rich shade of honey blonde.

  • Hair Style: His hair is tied up in a tight bun up top, with the rest of it spilling outward over his neck and shoulders.

  • Skin Color: His skin is pale and lacks any form of blemish or imbalance of melanin.

  • Clothing: While he has a full wardrobe available to him, his primary choice of clothing consists of a blue coat, the fabric clinging tightly to his arms and frame. A decorative golden trim runs along the center and edges of the garment. When attending events that require an actual sense of fashion, Teledden Gatherings, he tends to wear a robe that fits the top half of his form down to his wrists, silver clasps linking around each wrist. A thin layer of silver rests on top of his shoulders before travelling up his neck to his jaw. His legs are covered in the lower part of a robe, the fabric stopping precisely a few centimeters away from the floor, to avoid being dragged across it. This robe comes in a variety of colors depending on the season or occasion, but usually comes across a hue of red, black, or blue.

  • Height: 190 cm | 6'3"

  • Alignment
    • True Neutral - Tehrathel works toward the success of his own personal goals and desires. He prioritizes taking care of the people around him through whatever means he must, whether it be for or against the state of Order or Chaos that exists. He has no qualms about bloodying his hands if need be, but he also won't go out of his way to do so either.
  • Personality Type
    • ESTJ - The Executive
  • Religion
    • Faith of Estel [Altalar Pantheon] - 6/10
      • Tehrathel believes in the Pantheon enough to acknowledge its significance, and he even pays reverence to each of the Eight. However he does not believe that the will of the Faith should come before the will of himself and his people.
Life Story (Required)

  • Tehrathel Avalleia is born in 217 AC in the city of Lenna Bas. At this point in time, he mostly grows up under his father, and tends to take after some of his more eccentric traits and habits. His given birth name was Nyrian, a once great writer whose many works were lost to the Cataclysm, yet whose name lives on.
  • At a young age he starts to take great interest in the function and usage of naval vessels. While he is still too young to even board one, he spends most of his time around the local docks at Lenna Bas, watching new vessels come and go whilst talking to whoever could spare the time. After hearing all these fantastical tales and stories, he decided as a point of pride to forgo his name until he had written something great, or done something worth writing about.
  • The next two years he spends again by the docks, spending most of his time with another Teledden (Kirillian), a Fin'ullen(Miereth), and a wayward Lesarra(Calgarath). The four of them spent most of these years accepting short trips on vessels, aiming to get as much practice as possible in working as crew as they could.
  • Around the time he is Twenty years old, he enters into a period of schooling for fifteen years, learning about tactics, strategy, and naval theory in the Academy of Ilha-Faial, spending some time at the Litántha Allornata to study relics of the past, Praanistha College of Insight to learn the inner workings of obtaining information from his own community in addition to others, Eälessa College for Tact to interact with other nations, and Ivaëlleanthe Presidium to better manage the affairs of the state.
  • After his time at the naval academy, he immediately met back up with his former friends, aiming to spend some time together in each other's companionship without any ties holding them back yet.
  • Over the next five years, the four of them travel across the continent, visiting as many places to see as they could, making sure to never overstay their welcome. Kirillian spent much of his time teaching Tehrathel different dances and performances, mostly to laugh at him when he performed them poorly. They spent much of their travels aboard different vessels, choosing to enjoy the comfort of the wood and water rather than the grass and earth.
  • During these five years, they each end up going through their Trial of Be'saith. The visions that visit Tehrathel were of fields of blue, the golden sun overhead before he slowly submerged deeper and deeper into the fields, the sun fading in brilliance and light. He took this to mean that Tal'sieth was his patron deity, and gave reverence to her since.
  • During this trip, he ends up convincing his friends to come to Solleria with him, where he went to meet his family who he had not seen in such a time. He spends five years here, learning the basics of combat from some of the instructors present.
  • When the four did finally return to Lenna Bas, Tehrathel was called up as a junior officer to serve with a force aiming to take care of a recent incursion of Varran piracy. For the next ten years, he served in the Navy, hunting down multiple small detachments of Varrans and ensuring that they were unable to get a steady foothold into their land. Toward the end of this campaign, He is given command of a small detachment of vessels in order to get in applicable battle practice for the future. For the circumstances, he achieved above average results, there were many injuries, but only a handful of casualties across the board.
  • When he finally returned to Lenna Bas after his service, only two of his three friends came to greet him. When Tehrathel left for the sea, Kirillian left to combat the continuing Avanthar incursions, and had unfortunately perished in battle. The three friends spend some years on a private vessel, lying low and simply revisiting all the places they had visited before in Kirillians memory.
  • When the Ranger Crisis arrives, Tehrathel returns back to Solleria to attempt to get more accustomed to his homeland. He picks up a job at the docks preparing food for travelers, talking to people to learn as much as he could about the place he was from, and of different sightings across the world.
  • When the Elven War does finally arrive, Tehrathel spends most of his time assisting the Avalleia Navy, ensuring that no other foreign entity takes advantage of this war to try and make advances into Avalleia territory.
  • When the war is over, he returns back to Solleria, spending time poring over different astrological charts and their coinciding with historical battles and events, trying to learn as much as he could and to expand his knowledge as much as possible.
  • Tehrathel spent the years before today learning as much as possible, and serving his family in whatever way was required. His friends came frequently, carrying with them new stories and tales every time. When his presence was called upon in Regalia, he decided to take his last voyage with his friends before heading into an uncertain fate.

A young man in blue walked across a dock, his eyes sparkling as he looked at each vessel anchored and tied off. His eyes were drawn to three others, untying themselves from the dock and preparing to set off. With a grin, he ran over, waving to them as he joined them.

Across a table was sprawled dozens of maps, a handful of books open all about as the young man in blue laid asleep upon the wood, his eyes dark but his smile wide. When he awoke, the man in blue stood tall, his clothes neat and sharp, his posture impeccable as he moved from room to room, attending his studies as he went through each and every day, ending each and every night with a face upon the table surrounded by work.

The four stepped together along a new dock, each footstep unfamiliar, each sight unseen. Yet the man in blue grinned widely as he glanced about Solleria, his feet pressing against the wood steadily as he went to see those tied to him by blood, memories from his younger years filling him slowly.

Four adults sat around a table, mirthful smiles upon each of their faces as they huddled around, a small book being passed between them as they each wrote down a line, remaining silent all the while as the light next to them swayed to and fro with the ship.

The man in blue was covered in red, a dark purple sinking into his clothes as his shoulders rose and fell heavily. His gaze turned toward the fallen on board, both Varran and Altalar. The sound of crackling brought him back to his senses, the sounds of screams slipping in as the burning Varran ship sunk further under the water.

Three adults sat in silence around a table, thin lines drawn across each of their faces as they sat around an empty seat. They passed the small book between the three of them, each one running their fingers down each line of writing, shaky hands moving to write new lines amongst the old, the light dimming as the ship began to darken.

The man in blue stepped across a familiar dock, each footstep soft, each sight familiar and warm. Yet the man in blue looked around wearily, his eyes dark and his shoulders low as he glanced about Solleria, his feet dragging against the wood slowly as he went to see those tied to him by blood, memories from a calmer time slipping away slowly.

Across a table was sprawled one map, a single book open in the center as the man in blue stared down upon the wood, his eyes shining in the dark as his mouth was pressed in a thin line. When he stepped away from the table, the man in blue stood tall, his clothes neat and sharp, his posture impeccable as he moved from cabin to cabin, speaking with each person amongst the vessel, a plain smile on his face as he went about his travels each day, returning to stare at the table each night surrounded by silence.

The three stood together, all three clasped arm in arm as they smiled warmly. As the man in blue separated himself, the two handed back to him the small book, giving him only a brief nod as he accepted it. With a short grin, he turned away, stepping off the vessel as he glanced around this unfamiliar city, heading further in with each step as he went to see those connected by blood.

(Edit: Proficiency Update 04/24)
If anyone wants to help me make app look pretty, I will accept help.
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Claimed for review.​
@fantuinn Made racial ability changes corresponding to the new update, and added in a paragraph to Life story Information in Blue that describes the Trial of Be'saith for his character.
@fantuinn Here ya go general Kenobi, just changed proficiency Points for the updates. No rush.
@fantuinn Dropped Pathfinding, in exchange put two points in Dancing, the other 8 in Sorcery.
All seems good here. Approved. @Follower
@Woodwork Modified Application for proficiency changes. Only proficiencies changes, and a small blurb in the backstory adding schooling, but that is all.