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Technological Advancement Fund For Regalia's Military Hardware


Snowdonian Pirate
Jan 3, 2013
Reaction score

Technological Advancement Fund for Regalia's Military Hardware

The Empire's loss of the Montagaard-Imperial Standard Banner and assisting Viridian Knights in Daen is a loss that we will feel for a long time, but a loss that must not have been in vain. Our fight against the Magic Covenant must continue with vigour, and as such, Regalia must have capable military equipment to be able to deal with the weapons that our enemies will thrust at us.

The Technological Advancement Fund for Regalia's Military Hardware is a new fund that has been established by the House Black. It has a very specific purpose: the proceeds collected will be donated to the Regalian Scholar's Court, with the goal that new and inventive technological advancements to our Empire's military hardware can continue to be studied, tested and distributed in a timely fashion, to aid us in our current war against the Magic Covenant.

To donate to this fund, please write a letter or speak to myself in person. All donators will have their names listed publicly, as a token of appreciation for their gesture.


Count of Narlas
Admiral of Regalia​
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To Count Christopher Black,

House Quinn would like to donate five hundred regals to help this cause. We hope to be a helpful asset for this fund along with strengthening our friendship. Montagaard's death was a tragedy and we can't let the knife ears win in any other battles against Imperial forces.

Kalben Quinn​
To Count Christopher Black,

House Quinn would like to donate five hundred regals to help this cause. We hope to be a helpful asset for this fund along with strengthening our friendship. Montagaard's death was a tragedy and we can't let the knife ears win in any other battles against Imperial forces.

Kalben Quinn​
Dear Mr. Quinn,

Thank you exceedingly for your house's generosity. I'd like to invite you and your family over to our country estate sometime soon, so that your family and the rest of mine could meet over an afternoon drink?

Let me know of a time that would suit.​

Spirit Bless,
Count Black.
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Dearest friend Black,

Christopher! Aren't you so proud of me? I can write in common now. Sorry if it's barely readable. Anywho, I'd like to donate three hundred regals. Anything with house black is worth my rent's money. I'll just bunk with Darak. Spirit bless you. Oh! We can talk over some tea or.. somethin'.
Spirit guide you,
Dear Christopher,
The shop has made more than enough the past few months, we have been able to open in three more locations around the city. I would be proud to donate Eight Hundred Regals from our earnings. I hope this will help.

From an Old crewmate,
Clinton Revrik Parlow II
Dearest friend Black,

Christopher! Aren't you so proud of me? I can write in common now. Sorry if it's barely readable. Anywho, I'd like to donate three hundred regals. Anything with house black is worth my rent's money. I'll just bunk with Darak. Spirit bless you. Oh! We can talk over some tea or.. somethin'.
Spirit guide you,

I am indeed proud. Thank you for your kind donation.​

Spirit Bless,

Dear Christopher,
The shop has made more than enough the past few months, we have been able to open in three more locations around the city. I would be proud to donate Eight Hundred Regals from our earnings. I hope this will help.

From an Old crewmate,
Clinton Revrik Parlow II
Mr. Parlow,

Thank you for your very generous donation, and congratulations on the success of your growing business.​

Highest regards,
Count Black.
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