Preserved Sheet Tebryn Latimer

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Oct 21, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

Full Name: Tebryn Barhn Latimer

Nick Name: Barhn, Tebbo, Tebby

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Avanthar

Sexuality: Bisexual

Total Points: 26+5+10(hobby)+10(talent)+5(Racial) = 56 (actual)

Core Group Proficiencies

+10 Glaive Combat (from points)

+5 Light Bow Combat (+5 from points)

+6 Linguistic Science (from points)
Talent Group Proficiencies

+5 Strings Instrument (from points)

+5 Vocal Singing (from points)

+10 Captain Command (+10 from talent points)
Hobby Group Proficiencies

+5 Sailing Art (+5 from hobby points)

+10 Husbandry (+5 from hobby points, +5 from racial boost)
Body Shape

Physical Stat: 5 (Sailing Art) x 0.5 + 10 (Glaive Combat) x 1.0 + 5 (Light Bow Combat) x 1.0 = 17.5

Muscular body shape

Average Body Fat

Plains Elven (Native Language)

Common (Free)

Daendroquin (Fluent)

Braggan (Fluent)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
Racial Abilities

Apex Predator [Racial Passive]- Avanthar are the recognized masters of the woods and plains, and all non-ability summoned, non-magus animals respect this. When an Avanthar, and up to 1 other Character, are traveling in natural environments, no animal will attack them, regardless of if the Avanthar enters their territory. This effect will end if the Avanthar or accompanying Character attacks or physically accosts the Animal. In addition, the Avanthar is specifically inclined towards Horses, gaining bonuses to rolls in World System Progressions involving the usage of Horses.

Natural Inclination [Racial Passive]- The Avanthar can naturally manifest any Mutations from the Monster or Pagan Mutations Category, and can additionally shed them while sleeping, should they choose. Mutations manifested with this Ability do not count as Mutations for the purposes of determining Aberrancy.

Evolved Mutations [Racial Passive]- The Avanthar has access to a set of custom Mutations that they can manifest naturally, and can additionally shed them while sleeping, should they choose. Mutations manifested with this Ability do not count as Mutations for the purposes of determining Aberrancy.

Genetic Defense [Racial Passive]- Once per day, for up to an hour, the Avanthar can alter themselves internally to prevent them from being tracked or followed. While altered in this way, the Avanthar cannot be Tracked or traced by Abilities, and leaves no physical footprints. If an Ability tracks them for longer than the duration of this Ability, that Ability does not end, but is temporarily suspended for the duration of Genetic Defense.

Cast of the Body [Racial Shift]- The Avanthar's legs become goat-like with hooves, gain a set of large curled ram horns, and a prehensile lion tail. While in this shift, the Avanthar cannot be rooted, constrained, or knocked off their feet by Abilities. In addition, they do not tire out from running, and can jump up to three blocks high. The Avanthar can change in and out of this Shift at will, but once they shift out of it, they cannot shift back for 1 hour.

Evolutionary Implement [Racial Spell]- The Avanthar can extend a bony spine from their hand and morph it into a small tool for domestic purposes (such as weaving, cooking, sewing, etc.). The spine is fragile, and cannot be used for combat or to make weapons. The spine remains attached to them, and if forcibly removed, can be re-grown after 24 hours.


Pagan Toach [Pagan Marvash Mutation]- The fingers of the individual leave ghostly pale wisps trailing from their digits as they move.

Genos Vision [Avanthar Custom Mutation]-
Can darken and deepen the blue color of their eyes, causing their iris to have faintly moving, swirling patterns. Eyes are additionally reflective when shined on in the dark.

Visual Information (Required)

Eye Color: Blue/Hazel (A green mixture of blue with brown speckles)

Hair Color: Dirty blonde/light brown

Hair Style: Long and Unkempt w/ Ponytail on the back, held together with a green headband

Skin Color: Olive Tan

Clothing: White tights with gold embroiders

Height: 6'2

Personality and Abilities (Required)
Character Alignment
Lawful Neutral

Character Personality Type

Character's Religion
Bastardized Bacchan Unionism (7/10)
Dragon Dogma Pagan (3/10)

Life Story (Required)

Genesis |
Born in Southern Daendroc, the Latimers birth was a symbolic one. Having been seized by the heel after birth, he was named Tebryn by one of the nurses due to his mothers death shortly following his birth, to represent his left behind nature, and dubbed Tebbo throughout their younger years.

He was later then sired by Argylwyd, who was a relative friend and accomplice to Tebryn's mother having been apart of the Privateer company during Argylwyds early campaigns. Despite being born at sea, Tebbo received general nursing along various colonial villas, and was mostly raised by the sphere of his fathers influence till the ages of 10. The majority of his early adolescence was in the absence of his father Argylwyd. Despite this absence, Argylwyd still played a major role in the rooting of the boys personality, which is mirrored even to present day.

Adolescence |
They grew in the midst's of a variety of cultures, regarding warfare and combat much like a sport. With the variety of cultures exposed to Tebbo at a young age, religion was a confusing factor that practices a particular flexibility. Like Sesenno the Musician in Altalar Pantheons, Tebbo picked upon musical tacts. They neither specialized in this hobby, nor live like a playwright, however they do enjoy playing the lute and singing to themselves during their private hours. In many of the first childhood trials and tribulations, which included the hardships of being a near orphan, Tebbo would practice music and sing to their hearts desire within the confines of their own company. This would serve as the general coping mechanism for stress both during his teenage years, and during his early adult years.

The young Avanthar picked up on many warrior talents as well. Such as hunting, fishing, sailing, and more competitive combat talents. Still within the sphere of influence of his father, Tebryn was also encouraged to study and practice naval tactics alongside a variety of trivia education. Some of which was absorbed and maintained to present day. This sphere was presented as a simple letter or delivered book from time to time from Argylwyd.

The Bloom of Endearment |
Tebryn grew to keep to themselves. They respect their father and only parental figure with a sense of gratitude, however no real connections were established between himself and his great many of siblings. For much of his early life, he lived outside of their sphere of influence. Charisma isn't to blame for this circumstance. Merely an impostor syndrome, and the awkward sensation of feeling like a stranger in their company.

Growing up on his own with limited guidance forced the young Avanthar to try new things. Many failed attempts at learning other hobbies or occupations occurred. One such hobby that was both influential and successful was the unofficial knighthood within the jurisdiction of the School of Avant. This bastardized form of the School of Avant focused less upon the customs of horse riding and archery, and more on foot combat with Calvary lancers. It was mentored by a small group of Avanthar Horde veterans and in no ways attempted to be official. However, through the teaching of these Veterans, Tebryn hopes to officialize their own form of the knighthood.

Ocean travels.webp

The Causatum |
After years of uninvolvement, Argylwyd, now known as Abelhard, had reached out via letters to all of his sires. One such letter was to Tebryn. In a moment of haste, the young Avanthar packed all their supplies and sold their home belongings to raise the money for a small ship. Hoisted anchor, the winds of the Consortium blew the vessel North East, set for Regalia. In the midst's of the voyage however, many hardships occurred. From faulty navigation to storms, everything seemed to go wrong on Tebryns voyage. Delay after delay continued to ensue. A three to four month journey quickly turned into a year, then two years. Outrunning piracy and peril, Tebryn set anchor to many colonies to resupply. Nothing seemed to deter the Avanathar from seeing his father Abelhard.

Step towards the horizon.webp

Resuscitation |
The cool autumn breeze raked through Tebryns hair, the August sun bathing his skin. He sucked in a breath of calamity and exhaled a gasp of released stress and peril. Peering over the lush grassy hills and fall forests of the countryside, the Avanathar recalled the harsh journey. This resuscitation had brought about a new range of wisdom and maturity, alongside physical skills in sailing and navigation to the young man. With an initial tread and determined eyes, Tebryn embarked forwards into the horizon...


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