Unknown Baskarr Diviner. Tchay, the Thousandth Son.
July 311 A.C. Painted limestone. Temple of the Eternal Sun, Gizkh.
Basic Information
⇶Full Name | Tchay, son of Akhet and Ines
⇶Race | Asha
⇶Current Legacies | Legacy of Adoration, Legacy of Hate
⇶Age | 23 (Born Oct. 26, 288 A.C.)
⇶Gender/Pronouns | Identifies male, he/him
⇶Eye Color | Metallic golden irises, grayish-black sclera
⇶Occult | Non-Occult Baskarr Godborn (God Magic)
Core Concept
Tchay is the son of the Reclamation; an Akhet Godborn. It is his divinely ordained destiny to bring about the Reclamation, through his service within the Tutelage of Mirah, as a would-be 'supersoldier' of the great Asha diaspora. Born deep in the Ithanian Desert, surrounded by Baskarr fundamentalists, he was always to be of a deeply faithful conviction. It was however recent events that gave him his dark night of the soul, from which he has emerged with a renewed certainty about his purpose; but with that certainty, he unknowingly threatens to leave his heart behind.
Visual Information
Tchay is an Asha best described as looking akin to Thomson's gazelle or a Grant's gazelle. He stands at 6'10, and is of an impossible, herculean build thanks to his father. He carries himself with a haughty, charismatic gait, rivaling that of an Ashal corsair. Tchay has two long black horns on the top of his head, with white and brown fur mixed heavily with a metallic golden fur from his father, complete with even a short golden goatee. His fur accentuates his features, especially his resplendent Godborn eyes, which are often lined by a dark eyeshadow.
⇶Points spent | 14/14
⇶Strength | 7
→Careful Fighter Pack [Free, 4+ Points]
→Technique Parry Pack [Free, Legacy of Hate]
→Diving Tackle Pack
→Bruiser Slam Pack
→Bruiser Flurry Pack
→Bruiser Parry Pack
→Bruiser Agony Pack
→Bruiser Tackle Pack
→Bruiser Rampage Pack
⇶Constitution | 4→Technique Parry Pack [Free, Legacy of Hate]
→Diving Tackle Pack
→Bruiser Slam Pack
→Bruiser Flurry Pack
→Bruiser Parry Pack
→Bruiser Agony Pack
→Bruiser Tackle Pack
→Bruiser Rampage Pack
→Rebound Pack
→Debuff Endurance Pack
→Bulwark Pack
→Thick Hide Pack
⇶Intelligence| 3 | Living Metal→Debuff Endurance Pack
→Bulwark Pack
→Thick Hide Pack
→Mindcontrol Pack
→Tech Exhaust Pack
→Hook Shot Pack
⇶Wisdom | 0→Tech Exhaust Pack
→Hook Shot Pack
⇶Dexterity | 0→Soft Landing Pack (Free, Legacy of Adoration)
⇶Faith| 0 | Baskarr→N/A
⇶Magic | 0→N/A
⇶Default | Common, Ibeth
Life Story WIP
⇶ Birth and Childhood (0-8): Born in a nomadic tribe descended from the elusive Siwath-Khenu in the Paysec Desert, Tchay was quickly noted as a Godborn of Akhet. His mother, an escaped slave, had brief relations with his divine father at some point in their journey through the dunes, a father Tchay would not meet. Despite this, Tchay was immersed in an Asha's world. His mother, Ines, was quick to instill early wanderlust with teaching of Ra'mut, but just the same, the fighters and other Diviners of his tribe were quick to teach him his proper role as one of the Thousand Sons. When rarely the tribe stopped, he would go out of his way to childishly explore for remnants of the Dewamenet in the sands.
⇶ Late Childhood and Teen (8-16): At the early age of eight, Tchay began to learn swordsmanship from his spartan-like (and some Khannar) kin. who were eager to teach and influence the Godborn to their ways. Tchay was a natural at the art of swordfighting, yearning for the day which he could join the 'hunters' and liberators amongst his tribe as one of the great Reclamators. In the meantime, he learned more of his father, his manipulation of Living Metal, and the teaechings of Baskarr- and whispers of those lessons which had been lost in the sand.
⇶ Early Adult (16-21): When he came of age, Tchay joined his tribe's 'hunters'. He spent years hiding, waiting, and ambushing the unfortunate caravans of slavers (and others) that would make the dangerous and covert journey between Nelfin and Ithanian lands, freeing those he could in perfect adherence to his role as Reclmator. He became a favorite amongst his crew, despite his young age, thanks to being both Godborn, and competent at what he did. A raid on a caravan of low-level Allorn diplomats saw his crew recover a stash of still-functioning Dewamenet artifacts destined for a far-off Ithanian Nelfin. With fleeting thoughts to be a Diviner of Ra'mut when he grew old, Tchay took on the task of bringing these artifacts back to the Ashal Isles.
⇶ To Regalia (21-23): Tchay first met with a crew of Sea Asha corsairs, who were taken with his quest, his status as Godborn, and his foreign, yet familiarly charismatic personality. It was another year with the corsairs before he arrived at the ports of the Asha Isles, in which time he participated in more than one 'Reclamation'. Tchay however, eventually repatriated the stash he was originally sent to. He spent another year enjoying the pleasures of the Ashal Isles and life amongst the Home Asha, many who admired and adored the presence of one of the Thousand Sons, but wanderlust grew overwhelming. Having been immersed in three of the four major Asha diasporas, Tchay sought to meet the fourth, and see to what work might be done as a Reclamator in the east. Tchay set sail for the City of Regalia, arriving in the Spring of 311 with little more than the clothes on his back, experience under his belt, and a Reclaimer's conviction.
⇶ Reclaimation's Herald (23-Present): The time that Tchay spent in Regalia his first few months, were periods of indulgence, and of responsibility's abandonment. Weeks went by, where Tchay was not a day without indulging in one vice or another, finding parties and dances all throughout the many levels of the city. Tchay found friends in Asha, and even those more alien to him- but all this would change upon Khannar's summoning. Tchay was deeply impacted by his meeting with the God, and this singular event would define the lives of hundreds of millions. Following events of an unprecedented scale, Tchay chose to depart from Regalia in secret, returning to his homeland in search of something lost. His pilgrimage into the desert eventually found him his Ma'aat, whose corpse he convened with for a great amount of time. But Tchay would eventually emerge from his isolation, and his reflection, making once more for the city he had left prior.
⇶ Late Childhood and Teen (8-16): At the early age of eight, Tchay began to learn swordsmanship from his spartan-like (and some Khannar) kin. who were eager to teach and influence the Godborn to their ways. Tchay was a natural at the art of swordfighting, yearning for the day which he could join the 'hunters' and liberators amongst his tribe as one of the great Reclamators. In the meantime, he learned more of his father, his manipulation of Living Metal, and the teaechings of Baskarr- and whispers of those lessons which had been lost in the sand.
⇶ Early Adult (16-21): When he came of age, Tchay joined his tribe's 'hunters'. He spent years hiding, waiting, and ambushing the unfortunate caravans of slavers (and others) that would make the dangerous and covert journey between Nelfin and Ithanian lands, freeing those he could in perfect adherence to his role as Reclmator. He became a favorite amongst his crew, despite his young age, thanks to being both Godborn, and competent at what he did. A raid on a caravan of low-level Allorn diplomats saw his crew recover a stash of still-functioning Dewamenet artifacts destined for a far-off Ithanian Nelfin. With fleeting thoughts to be a Diviner of Ra'mut when he grew old, Tchay took on the task of bringing these artifacts back to the Ashal Isles.
⇶ To Regalia (21-23): Tchay first met with a crew of Sea Asha corsairs, who were taken with his quest, his status as Godborn, and his foreign, yet familiarly charismatic personality. It was another year with the corsairs before he arrived at the ports of the Asha Isles, in which time he participated in more than one 'Reclamation'. Tchay however, eventually repatriated the stash he was originally sent to. He spent another year enjoying the pleasures of the Ashal Isles and life amongst the Home Asha, many who admired and adored the presence of one of the Thousand Sons, but wanderlust grew overwhelming. Having been immersed in three of the four major Asha diasporas, Tchay sought to meet the fourth, and see to what work might be done as a Reclamator in the east. Tchay set sail for the City of Regalia, arriving in the Spring of 311 with little more than the clothes on his back, experience under his belt, and a Reclaimer's conviction.
⇶ Reclaimation's Herald (23-Present): The time that Tchay spent in Regalia his first few months, were periods of indulgence, and of responsibility's abandonment. Weeks went by, where Tchay was not a day without indulging in one vice or another, finding parties and dances all throughout the many levels of the city. Tchay found friends in Asha, and even those more alien to him- but all this would change upon Khannar's summoning. Tchay was deeply impacted by his meeting with the God, and this singular event would define the lives of hundreds of millions. Following events of an unprecedented scale, Tchay chose to depart from Regalia in secret, returning to his homeland in search of something lost. His pilgrimage into the desert eventually found him his Ma'aat, whose corpse he convened with for a great amount of time. But Tchay would eventually emerge from his isolation, and his reflection, making once more for the city he had left prior.
Plot Hooks WIP
⇶Tchay is a Godborn Asha from the Paysec Desert (Ithanian Desert).
→Born to a tribe of a Asha who marched north during the 'Great Journey' to the Asha homeland during the breakdown of the Allorn Empire, and who meant to rally the Ithanian Asha, Tchay grew up amidst their failure and what he believes was the betrayal of the Ithanian Ailor. The Siwath Khenu was forced back into the desert, where their descendants remain today as nomads.
→Tchay, perhaps due to his old isolation, his birth, or merely his father's genes, Tchay has something of an ego and indulgence problem, resembling that of Akhet.
⇶Tchay was raised into a reclusive group of Asha nomads and freedom-fighters in the Ithanian Desert.→Tchay, perhaps due to his old isolation, his birth, or merely his father's genes, Tchay has something of an ego and indulgence problem, resembling that of Akhet.
→Tchay is fairly knowledgeable on the past of the ancient Asha, and grew up around the sand blasted ruins of their ancient empire.
→Because of this origin, Tchay has an extremely strong dislike for Ithanians, nobility, capitalists, and for nigh all Nelfin that he meets. He further distrusts mages and other Occult figures, and especially hates the Afflicted, and the Demonic.
⇶Tchay is an extremely faithful adherent to the Baskarr Faith, fueling much of his drive in life.→Because of this origin, Tchay has an extremely strong dislike for Ithanians, nobility, capitalists, and for nigh all Nelfin that he meets. He further distrusts mages and other Occult figures, and especially hates the Afflicted, and the Demonic.
→Tchay knows himself as a Reclaimer, and seeks to fulfill that role. Once doubtful of his service to this role, he now sees himself as one of its greatest adherents.
→Tchay treats the tenets of the Faces like a knightly code. He does all he can to personally uphold them, and views the world through a binary: things are either good for one's Ma'at, or bad, and all decisions should be taken with this in mind. There is no such thing as middle ground.
→Those who wish to speak on the Baskarr Faith are always welcome to speak to Tchay.
Trivia→Tchay treats the tenets of the Faces like a knightly code. He does all he can to personally uphold them, and views the world through a binary: things are either good for one's Ma'at, or bad, and all decisions should be taken with this in mind. There is no such thing as middle ground.
→Those who wish to speak on the Baskarr Faith are always welcome to speak to Tchay.
→Tchay was broadly inspired by the Fremen, from Frank Herbert's Dune.
→Tchay is quick to action, and slow to reflect. Some may call him unintelligent-- others would call him decisive.
→Tchay is quick to action, and slow to reflect. Some may call him unintelligent-- others would call him decisive.
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