Preserved Sheet Tawwakkol El-saadawi

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the thottiest of them all
Aug 3, 2018
Reaction score
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Basic Information
۵ Full Name: Tawwakkol El-Saadawi.
Alias(es): Thunder Bird
۵ Age: 58 years old.
[11 July 250 AC]
Zodiac Sign: Cancer.
۵ Gender: Female.
۵ Race: Ardualnaar Qadir.

Other: Cratos Bloodline.
۵ Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Primary Objective: To keep the flames of the rebellion alive, in the next generation. To become the perfect being.
Secondary Objective: To keep a watchful eye over what family she has left.
۵ Affiliations:
The Crew

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Skill Information
۵ Total Proficiency Points: 60 ( +55 from age, +5 from bonus, +10 from hobby.)
۵ Call: of War.
۵ Discipline: of Farsight.

Proficiency Pool | To snipe.
+20 Finecraft Science (+20 from points.)
+20 Heavy Bow Combat (+15 from points.)
+10 Perception Training (+14 from hobby.)
+06 Stealth Rouge (+06 from points.)

+04 Medical Science (+04 from points.)
+10 Architecture Art (+10 from hobby.)
Special Skills | To end.
Qadir Soul Shot (Qadir Soul Shot exists both in hand-pistol size called a Quartershot, as well as a dual-wielded rifle size called a Demishot, where a Demishot shoots five times as slowly as a Quartershot, but also inflicts five times more pain. Qadir Soul Shot functions similarly to Shardbows in that they use the Soul Essence of the wielder as energy to fire, yet the weapon as such does not need to be reloaded. While firing, every shot tires the wielder out more, where repeated use is like taking a marathon sprint. When hit with Soul Shot, the Soul Essence projectile (which appears like a needle) sticks inside the target (capable of piercing through clothes and leather but not armor). While inside the target, Soul Essence projectiles cause a sharp pain in the location where it hit, but leaves no permanent damage or an open wound, instead dissolving within a dozen or so seconds. The pain lingers for about a minute, stacking with other shots that hit successfully.)
Meticulous Precision (What sets the Qadir apart from their distant Ailor cousins is their meticulous precision skills. Qadir have unrivaled steadiness in their hands and sharp sight that seems to be far better than that of any other Race, even at a distance. Their often ambidextrous hands are capable of crafting the richly and most finely decorated items with extreme precision. It comes to no surprise that many Qadir are hired in various nations to establish authenticity of documents, artworks and tell the difference between forged signatures and wax seals alongside their more technology-based work.)
Tech Maintenance (The Vampire is surrounded by a constant field of microtech that auto-fixes any Clockwork they are wearing if it should be broken. Any Clockwork that breaks or malfunctions is repaired in a matter of seconds while they are wearing it, however they also cannot remove Clockwork from their body unless in the sanctity of their home or base (and if they don't have one, they cannot remove it at all.)
Tech Venting (The Vampire causes an instant eruption of venting superheated steam that causes a shockwave eruption around themselves. Anyone within 3 blocks of them is knocked back by 3 blocks and knocked to the ground, unless they have at least 50 Physical Stat in which case they remain standing upright, but are still pushed back. The superheated air does not cause any direct harm, but is unpleasant to exposed skin. This Ability can be used once every 15 minutes.)
Tech Exploitation (The Vampire is able to Tech-hack any Clockwork in Emote Distance. They can indefinitely hack Clockwork Software, usurping control over them and giving them new directives. They can also - once a day - cause any one piece of Hardware Clockwork worn by any target person to explode instantly. This Ability can even be used on other Vampires, even if they have the Tech Maintenance Mutation.)
Tech Magi-Pulse (The Vampire is able to rapidly construct and deploy the Magi-Pulse bomb, a small device that is deployed on the ground, extends its legs and then sends out a massive 60 block far (Announce Emote) blue ghostly pulse with a loud booming sound. Any Mage-wards caught in the radius of the Magi-Pulse are instantly destroyed, and any ongoing Magic Channeling is cancelled, while other Magic or Sorcery Spells are unaffected. This leaves no lasting effect on Sorcerers or Mages, and only imparts its effect on the shockwave.)
Tech Vileshot (The Vampire is able to manifest a corrupted Puretek-like weapon in their hand from pieces of wrought metal and bolts, that can then fire a Viletek Shot. A Viletek Shot has the exact same function as Puretek Quicksilver Quartershot projectiles, but instead of affecting Aberrants, it affects only those without any form of Aberrancy, while affecting Primal Aberrants and Ordial Aberrants (Archblood, Ordial Mages, Primal Mages) as if they were shot twice. Vileshot obeys the same shooting mechanics as Puretek, but this Ability can only be used to shoot twice, after which the weapon crumbles and can no longer be used. If the second shot is not taken within 5 minutes, the weapon crumbles anyway despite the second shot still being available. The Vileshot weapon can only be made once every 24 hours.)
Tech Form (When shifting into the Vampiric Form, jet black metal erupts from the base of her neck and envelops the skull with two glowing crimson eyes waiting in the metallic sockets and steel piping bursting from the crown of her head. These tubes run towards her forehead where a third azure mechanical eye appears, while also climbing down the sides of her head to activate maroon latches that extend out and backwards - almost like ears, which then reconnect at the back of the head. Her left arm is consumed by more of this azure machinery, while the left half of her body has clockwork and gears running. This leaves her right half of her body organic.)
Body Shape | To flee.
Athletic (29= +15 from Heavy Bow Combat, +14 from Puretek Combat.)
Low Body Fat (Elderly.)
Languages | To intercept.
Common (Fluent.)
Faraddi (Mother-tongue.)
Ashanna Faraddi (Learned during the war(s) to intercept, translate, or interrogate.)

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Visual Information
۵ Eye Color: Dirt brown.
Other: She wears goggles or an eyepatch to make herself appear vulnerable, but in actuality, both eyes work perfectly well. At other times, she wears two clockwork visors over each eye.
۵ Hair Color: Graying.
۵ Hair Style: Kept under a hat of some sort, her bangs stick out over her forehead - or are wrapped with a bandanna. Her hair reaches down to the middle of her back and is sometimes wrapped in a braid.
Other: Has her old rebellion uniform.
۵ Skin Color: ite.
۵ Clothing: Hooded desert and sea worthy robes, with a blouse and trouser that allows her to move swiftly and quietly.

Tattoo(s): A lightning feather tattoo under her left eye, a symbol of her precision and old codename.
Other: n/a.
۵ Height: 5'2"
Weight: 106 lbs
۵ Body Build: Athletic.
Weapon of Choice: demipuretek, demishot, clockwork, heavy bow, alchemy.

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Personality and Abilities
۵ Alignment: Neutral Good.
☇ tawwakkol is a fierce believer in the greater good, but can see how government and law slows this process. she has her own set of strict morals that she has followed for over half a century; unwavering in her loyalty to her people and those she loves.
۵ Personality Type: ESFJ, the Consul.
☇ she has always had a need to help others - whether that be through her precise shooting, clockwork mastery, or even the basic medicinal practices she knows.
۵ Religious Faith: Ardualnaar Patronism, 6/10. The Perfect Being, ?/10
like those before her, tawwakkol holds in the belief that her soul is bound to her own personal patron goddess. this goddess is one of wrath and fury, yet motherly and nurturing. this reflects on her wartorn homeland, and the militaristic nature of the ardualnaar. with her newfound vampirism, tawwakkol believes she can achieve divinity by creating the perfect construct of organic and inorganic materials.

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Life Story
tawwakkol was born a third generation qadir colonial in califaera, fourth of five daughters, during a time of war and turmoil. her family had fled the motherland to settle in the southern reaches of essalonia decades ago - trying to get as far from the songaskians who had held their clan as slaves for centuries. unfortunately, such hate would follow them across the seas as the dragon people settled just north of the qadir colony. it was not long before war broke out, and it did not take many years into her life for tawwakkol to learn the horrors of war.
the young hawk eye, as she would soon to be known, was essential for the war efforts of the califaera efforts to keep the songaskian rebells subdued. for nearly two decades, tawwakkol used her long range attacks to support raids on rebel bases - or other times, acting as an assassin, taking out priority targets with her demishot soul shots.

despite her best efforts, they were losing the war. it wasn't until a formal alliance with the ailor empire did her own nation begin to turn the tides. soon enough, a truce was made and allowed tawwakkol to turn to an aspect of her culture that while essential to her combative duties, she did not quite fully understand: clockwork.

by the turn of the next century, she had become a master clockwork engineer in her own right. it was while offering repairs at the docks she came across a young qadir by the name of khayri el-amin. a young man who prevailed against the slavery their shared people had faced for ages, and fought against it. they met briefly, but it was inspiring nonetheless.

believing her nation safe from the heraatz rebells, tawwakkol left her homeland to travel with the young qadir to a place of freedom: al-alus. unfortunately, shortly after they arrived in al-alus, did the full scale war between the masaya-regalian war break out.

although she felt guilt for not being there for her homeland, she found herself reinvigorated as the war washed upon the territory of al-alus. she could fight, she could teach; she could help. for the next few years, tawwakkol would being to teach khayri the more advanced aspects of clockwork engineering. her young ward was reckless, and soon she began to learn the basics of medicinal practices to keep him in good health.

after the war had finished, and her homeland safe, rumors of new ailor technology reached their stronghold in farah'deen. before long, tawwakkol acquired a demishot rifle from an ailor ally during the regalian occupancy of the desert lands. familiar with the design, given the qadir demisoul shot weapons, the aging sniper added another weapon to her arsenal. it was only a year before khayri and his growing crew decided to set sail for regalia with wishes of opportunity. not wanting to leave, whom she now saw as a child of her own, behind - she set sail after him, making sure none followed.

her time in the empire was spent bed ridden, having caught an illness upon the sea. then, after a few weeks of careful care and tending by her precious hafid - tawwakkol was healthy! well, as healthy as one of her age could be. not a fortnight had passed before the elderly qadir found herself awed by organic machinery of which she had only hear rumors. tired of her aging body, and willing to learn more of clockwork; she allowed herself to be infected by the cyclops of the sea.

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g/g gauntlet
w/b gauntlet
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@onlyathot Flesh out the life story a little more to account for her age and experiences with her older age. I'm going to go ahead an approve this app, though. I see no other issues with it.
techno granny | edits 07/11/2020
  • infected!
    • cratos bloodline
    • all mutations and vampiric form marked under special skills!
  • skillz
    • shuffled around some points, got rid of puretek & alchemy
unsure if this requires a tag, but @Anarchizm just in case!