Preserved Sheet Tavin Vauclain

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Birb & Geek's C- Student
Jun 22, 2016
Reaction score
New York

Tavin Vauclain


Art by: @oldbooksmell

Basic Information

Full Name: Tavin Eadmund Vauclain
Age: 25
Date of Birth: August 7th, 281 AC
Gender: Male
Race: Ailor
Culture: Alt-Anglian and Ithanian
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Skill Information
(25 points)

  • +10 Bodycare Training (Ithanian)
  • +15 Food & Drink Sciences (+15 Points)
  • +10 Nature Care Sciences (+10 Points)

Body Shape:
  • 0 + (2 x 0) = 0
  • Type: Slim
  • Fat: Average Body Fat

  • Common (Fluent)
  • D'Ithanie (Fluent, Learned from Childhood)

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Electric Blue
  • Hair Color: Medium Brown
  • Hair Style: Moppish, Parted in the front
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: White ruff collar, purple Tudor outfit, dark grey pants, black leather loafers, black leather belt
  • Height: 5'4
Visual Information (Expansion)

  • Tavin's facial appearance is best described as "boyish". His hair is dark brown and parts in the front and falls to each side of his face, sometimes covering his eyes. He has big blue eyes; his eyes are the most noticeable feature. Tavin often uses his eyes to express his emotion. His nose is small and has no distinguishable features. Tavin has rosy cheeks that grow redder from his mood or a little bit of wine.

  • To go along with his boyish look, Tavin is very slim. He has no defined muscle or any noticeable body fat. He is, also, under the average height of a man his age. He stands at a whopping 5'4. He also has no distinguished facial or body hair.

  • Tavin prefers the color purple, like most of his family. He wears a ruff collar around his neck. His usual attire consists of an oversized Tudor tunic that covers from his neck to just above his kneecaps along with the matching trousers. The tunic is dark purple striped with gold. Around his waist, he wears a black leather belt. Tavin's outfit is completed with black leather loafers.

  • Tavin's voice is best described as soft. He sometimes stutters from nervousness. However, if Tavin becomes upset his voice will change from soft to loud in a moment's notice.

Personality & Abilities

  • First Paragraph: Tavin is perceived by others as a weak and anxious person. However, when he talks about his wine hobby, his weakness and anxiety tend to disappear as Tavin gains a burst of personality. He can also be viewed as being a bit immature, tending to act like a child around his family. He cries when he is upset or hurt, pouts when he wants something, and is very clingy to people he cares about.

  • Second Paragraph: Tavin is a very passive individual, strongly disliking any forms of confrontation. He struggles internally with his desires to be liked by those around him, in a constant state of worry of keeping people happy. Often he will put his own desires and wants aside to better serve the group as a whole.

  • Third Paragraph: To his family, Tavin is sweet and affectionate, often clinging to one of their sides. He brightens up a room, acting like a beacon of optimism among the otherwise relatively cynical bunch that is his family. His upbeat outlook and loyal demeanor are also extended among his chosen few friends, though he will be slightly less clingy towards them. As a whole, Tavin will do pretty much anything to keep those close to him happy and upbeat.

  • Fourth Paragraph: When it comes to his morals, Tavin tends to be Chaotic Good. Though he is fearful of the law, he will have no qualms about doing whatever needs to be done to keep those he loves happy and safe. He genuinely has only the best of intentions, though he may have to adventure into some less than savory actions to achieve his goals. Tavin will always strive to find the most optimally beneficial solution to any situation he faces.
Life Story

  • Tavin was born in 281 AC to Ehren and Josephine Vauclain.

  • He was the second child; Tavin had an older sister, Yvette (@Nesstro ). She was five at the time Tavin was born.

  • During his early years, Tavin found it hard to make friends with his peers, especially other boys. Instead of interacting with boys his age, Tavin would spend most of his day with his mother and father.

  • His father, Ehren, was a vintner. He would take great pride in hand picking each grape and making every bottle of wine with love and care. Ehren's wine was a work of art. Tavin's mother, Josephine, was a free-thinker. While her husband was working in the cellar and out in the vineyards, she would be practicing her archery skills or hunting in the nearby woods.

  • Because of his lack of friends, Ehren and Josephine would try their hardest to protect Tavin. They would always make sure he knew how special he was. Tavin never faced hardships throughout his childhood. His parents coddled him from a very young age. This is the reason for Tavin's "exaggerated" emotions and childish personality.

  • Tavin, at an early age, found himself enjoying helping his father with his vintnery. He would help squish the grapes into juice, fetch empty bottles, and pick grapes. As Tavin got older, his father taught him the ins and outs of the trade.

  • Ehren and Tavin continued to bond over their winemaking and vineyard. Tavin found his niche; by the time he turned sixteen, his wines' quality surpassed Ehren's. However, to this day, Tavin claims that his father's is the best.

  • At the age of twenty, Tavin's mother and father both fell ill. Tavin did not leave his parents' bedside for months. His father's winery halted and the vineyards slowly died during this time.

  • Tavin took care of his parents throughout their sickly time. He would cook their meals, sponge-bathe them, send for doctors when needed, and do all he could to help the healing process.

  • However despite all his efforts, Ehren passed away three years after he became sick and Josephine passed two months after him. After his parents were buried, Tavin mourned them in his empty childhood house. He cried and would not eat for days on end.

  • At the age of twenty-four, Tavin's cousin, Darcie Vauclain (@Walnoodle ), took him from the neglected house and vineyard. Darcie allowed him to move into her home, with his other cousins: Alexander, Marianne, Leonzio, and Gabriella.

  • During his one year in the house, Tavin set up a wine cellar and small vineyard. He began making wine again.
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