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Played Character Targrom

This character is actively played.
Jun 23, 2013
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Targrom
  • Race: Urlan
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: N/A
Core Concept
  • An individual with a troubled and violent history, Targrom is an Urlan who seeks a new role and purpose in the world, as he adjusts more and more to his life as a non-vampire, as well as life as an Urlan. Despite leaving that life behind and crafting a new identity for himself, he continues to grapple with all the resulting implications of his long-term affliction, and of the purging that came after, the draw of the Sanguine curse's power still fresh in his mind, along with the consequences of said curse. Additionally, though he was once a follower of Estelley in his younger years, he largely abandoned his faith during his time as a vampire. Now, even post-purging, he has mostly rejected his faith, feeling as though his gods have done very little for him, along with a distaste for the Nelfin superiority themes within the religion, now that he is an Urlan. He now passively searches for a new faith.
  • Strength: 7
Technique Parry Pack
Knockback Sweep Pack
Concussive Blow Pack
Unyielding Strike Pack
Diving Tackle Pack​
Weapon Throw Pack
Steady Body Pack​
Brawl Stampede Pack (Free)
  • Constitution: 6
Block Pack
Shield Wall Pack
Debuff Endurance Pack
Rage Counter Pack​
Tank Slam Pack
Tank Rush Pack
Interception Pack (Free)
  • Arcane: 1
Chem Berserk Pack


  • Altalar (Native)
  • Common (Free)
Visual Information (Required)
  • Mutations: None
  • Appearance: Targrom is a strong, powerfully-built individual who stands at a height of 7'4, a particularly tall Urlan given his former Fin'ullen nature, and possesses fairly dark fur, and blue eyes. He wears a myriad of gold jewelry on his horns, along with a gold band that ties back his black-colored mane, and normally wears relatively simple but stylish pants, opting to keep his hooves and furred torso bare.
  • Shapeshifting form: None.

Life Story (Required)
  • Childhood: Targrom, known then as Akkor Shavuur Tiraal Bel-Saal Solleria-Tol Visëu, was born in Tol Visëu, his mother and father both commoners. His upbringing was fairly typical, a childhood full of play and mischief.
  • Adolescence: He quickly gained an affinity for combat, taking up training in the spear and shield, as well as deep-sea diving, collecting pearls and other various findings from the seafloor. He quickly grew to love the sea and other bodies of water, even by Fin'ullen standards, and developed a strong appreciation for animal life of all sorts.
  • Adulthood: Akkor soon stepped into the role of mercenary work, leaving home for extended periods and travelling with his band of fellow mercenaries. One day, though, he soon found himself struck on the head from behind and rendered unconscious, and woke up within the sewers of the city he was currently passing through, weakened and with the taste of blood in his mouth that he would later learn was vampiric blood, with several sets of eyes watching him from the shadows. He had been chosen as the newest member of a small coven, and as the Sanguine curse seeped into his mind and warped his perception of what had just occurred, he welcomed his new life with open arms. As the years passed, though, the coven slowly began to fall apart, until Akkor was ultimately on his own.
  • Regalia: Alone and with few strings attached to himself, Akkor decided to make his way to Regalia, seeking greener pastures. Through several tumultuous experiences that left him seeking out a purging of his affliction on two separate occasions, and left him stripped of his power, left only with the memories of things he's done, Akkor rejected his miserable, pathetic life, and a body that was now sapped of its power post-purging, and sought out Symbiosis, changing his name from Akkor to Targrom. He now seeks to finally begin to rebuild his life, even while being trailed by the memories of his past, as even though he changed his name in an effort to create a new identity, his personality having been influenced somewhat by the Oorl worm after Symbiosis, aspects of his old self still remain within his mind.
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