Talsir Bel-Marisar
Full Name: Talsir Maralindë Bel-Marisar
A Sentinel in the Storm, steadfast and unyielding, this Solvaan carries the weight of loyalty and sacrifice.
"The Mists were called upon, and Sinnavei's Will has answered"
Heritage / Culture:
Azureborn Solvaan
25, Born June 3, 289 AC
Gender / Pronouns:
Male / He/They
Estelley(Syncretic Unionism)
Hobbies and Talents:
- Ex-Magical Talent
- Medical Hobby
- Cooking Hobby
- Sailing Hobby
- Athletic Hobby
- Poetry Hobby
- Husbandry Hobby
- Orienteering Hobby
- Altalar (Solaë dialect), Native
- Common, Fluent
- Sign Language, Fluent
- Český, Basic
- Vaman, Basic
- Anglisch, Basic
- d'Ithanie, Basic
Viridian Knight, of the Hohenfels Chapter
Hohenfels Mechanic:
Hohenfels Knights in out-of-combat Strength competitions involving Dice Rolls, can add +5 to any Dice Result. They also gain +2 Main Combat Stat (break cap up to 11) while not in the Main Regalian City (Gloomrot, Event Locations).
Eye Color:
Muted maroon, with yellowish sclera
Skin Color:
Wavy Ocean-Blue, tied back in a ponytail
6' 2" / 188 cm
Body Type:
Lean, but fit
Additional Features:
Wears gold jewellery so they can posthumously pay for a funeral if they die far from home.
- Born and Raised in the Town of Marisar, within the region of Solmarse in Solleria
- The Eldest Child, with three younger siblings
- A deeply devoted follower of Sinnavei holding no virtue higher than honor and dignity
- Solvaan can use the Mist Form Transformations, which does not count as a Disguise, and uses a variety of weather effects on their appearance.
- Solvaan can use the Mist Beast Transformations, which allows them to change appearance to that of the classical Mist Beasts, which is a Disguise.
- Solvaan will not be attacked by wild and non-humanoid creatures, which may prevent them drawing aggression from certain Event Creatures (discuss with Event Dm's).
- Solvaan are able to sense the mind of wild animals, which allows them to determine if an animal is an animal, or a person disguised as one (for example Body Arkenborn).
- Solvaan can see through low visibility conditions of any kind (sand storm, blizzard, fog, ash clouds, dust etc), but must still protect from choking hazards.
Talsir Maralindë Bel-Marisar was born to a proud lineage of warriors and sailors in the coastal lands of Solleria, where strength and loyalty were valued above all. From a young age, he was groomed to uphold his family's honor, fighting for their causes and protecting their name. As the eldest son, Talsir was bound by the weight of tradition and expectation. His word became his bond, and he would never break a promise or oath, no matter the cost.
However, Talsir always harbored a deep aversion to the violence that defined his life. He was haunted by the screams of the fallen and the blood that stained his hands. The battles he fought in, the lives he took—they all wore him down, leaving him yearning for peace. But his unbreakable loyalty to his family, his companions, and the oaths he swore kept him trapped in a cycle of violence. The burden of duty weighed heavily on him, preventing him from seeking the peaceful life he so desperately desired.
Talsir's loyalty is both his greatest strength and his greatest curse. He would sacrifice anything—his life, his soul, and his dreams—to maintain his word. The fear of breaking his bonds of loyalty holds him back from pursuing the pacifist life he longs for. Yet, with each passing day, the internal conflict grows more intense, leaving him torn between his devotion to others and his yearning for inner peace.
- Born with a sympathetic heart, Talsir is drawn to lost, violent, or broken souls, often making impossible promises in his efforts to help them, despite knowing the toll it may take on him.
- Born with a loyal soul, Talsir is bound by unbreakable loyalty, Talsir stands by his loved ones and his nation, even when it means enduring the battles that threaten to break him.
- Born with a cunning mind, Talsir is willing to make any sacrifice, believing that the cost of peace greatly outweighs any personal sacrifice he must make.
Past Occupation-
Talsir has been many things, Squire, Mercenary, Privateer, Healer, and Cook
- Father- Aezur Maralindë Bel-Marisar, 129 AC-Present (185)
- Mother- Ennya Menaar Bel-Avonn, 112 AC-Present (202)
- Late Brother- Edir Vilincaria Bel-Marisar, 293 AC-312 AC (Dead at 19)
- Sister- Enva Milacaria Bel-Marisar, 296 AC-Present (18)
- Baby Brother- Aezur Bel-Marisar, 297 AC-Present (17)
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 3, 1d13 (Intelligence)
-Defense Stat: 5, 1d15(7, 1d17)* (Constitution)
-Proficiency Points: 15/15
-Strength: 3
- Heavy Throw
- Resilience
- Steady Body
-Constitution: 7
- Tank Stance*
- Tank Hero
- Tank Block
- Tank Sentry
- Shield Phalanx
- Shield Cover
- Iron Will
- Vigor
- Shield Impact (Free)
-Intelligence: 3
- Tech Auto
- Tech Resist
- Tech Exhaust
-Wisdom: 0
-Dexterity: 2
- Sharp Reflexes
- Escape Artist
-Faith: 0
-Magic: 0
-Charisma: 0