Archived Take Money From People Upon Death

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Jul 25, 2012
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I was thinking that when you kill someone you should be able to get some of their money. I was thinking maybe 0.5% of their money. That would mean if you had 100s you would lose 50 copper upon death to a player. This would not work upon death by natural causes (drowning, fall damage, lava...).
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I like it, but itd probably hurt PvP arenas some, as most people wouldnt want to just fight for fun anymore. If it could be disabled in warzones, Im all for it. Itd make raiding and defending much more interesting.
Higher risk higher reward. Interesting.
Could be fun, until someone sits next to your bed.... lol.. But no, I like the sound of it. However, you could just throw all your money into the faction bank to avoid this.
Major flaw if you have a second minecraft account you'd just put all your silver in it and leave the account parked in a safezone all the time.
Possibly a looting plugin where you can get the option to loot them after they died. There might be something like that.
I like this idea. Also, this could be disabled in PvP arenas and Warzones so people can still fight for fun. But there is no way to fix what Grailen (Willr) said, so that will remain a flaw if this suggestion gets implemented. Maybe if you use a Looting III sword you might get more money or something like that.
This could be easily abused. If you camp somebody in a raid and keep killing them over and over again, you would be losing all of your money pretty quickly.

Thus, I say no.
True imboring, but there could be a cooldown. Like if you get killed then respawn, then there could be 10 min or something of no loosing money when you die for 10 minutes. So that way, spawn killing and camping won't matter. But the idea does have many flaws, so I don't think it will be implemented.
As long as there is a cooldown.

So you can't camp. Make it so that if you kill a player and get money, killing the same player again within 24 hours will give you nothing.
As long as there is a cooldown.

So you can't camp. Make it so that if you kill a player and get money, killing the same player again within 24 hours will give you nothing.
maybe a shorter cool-down would be better as 24 hours, in my opinion, is a bit extreme.
Also maybe anyone under 20 silver doesn't drop any money so noobs dont go broke because they cannot fight.
maybe a shorter cool-down would be better as 24 hours, in my opinion, is a bit extreme.
Also maybe anyone under 20 silver doesn't drop any money so noobs dont go broke because they cannot fight.
.5% of 20 silver is only 10 copper. I used such a low percentage because you would get nothing if it were any lower. If you think about it, when you kill someone, you would get all their money. But, to be friendly, you only get half a percent of it.
Suggestion: Instead of taking the players money you get a small amount of silver (like 1-5 silver) from them in the same manner as mob killing? That way the more peaceful of us (*cough cough*) wouldn't be abused by the more agressive of us (*cough* Argonia *cough* Valyria *cough* I need a cough drop!). Just a thought :)
Well the only problem with that Mecharic, is that there is enough silver circulating enough already, and also it is way too easy to abuse.
You get items what more could you want ? I don't need more money when I kill people
How about you only lose a maximum of 5 copper per death.
I like the idea of 0.5% of your wallet only during raids and wilderness bandits, that is, it will not happen if you are in Warzone, but it will happen everywhere else. Would you carry your wallet into a play fight?
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