Preserved Sheet Takashi "asahi" Homura

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Apr 7, 2018
Reaction score
somewhere on Earth


Theme | Ivan Torrent - Icarus (feat. Julie Elven)


Basic information
  • Name: Takashi "Asahi" Homura

  • Age: 34 years old

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Ch'ien-Ji
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual

Skill information

Total proficiency point: 34/34 points +10 race boost

  • +12 Blades Combat Skill (from points)

  • +5 Fast Blade Combat Skill (from points)

  • +10 unarmed combat skills (from points)
  • +7 Athletic Training (from points)
  • +10 Eastern Knowledge (race boost)

Body shape
  • Physical stat: 12(2) Blades Combat + 5(2)Heavy Bow Combat + 10(2) unarmed combat + 7(2) Athletic Training = 68 Physical Stat
  • Body Shape: Ripped

  • Body Fat: Extreme Low Fat

  • Tatsugo (Taught from adopted mother)

  • Common (Learned from childhood)

Basic information
  • Takashi, position in regalia sees himself as traveler or a guru. With little interest in religion and politics. He believed in his own minimalism philosophy. He goes around looking for a better weapon and learns new technique to fight. He prefers to be alone and working with in the shadows.
  • Takashi never had a normal childhood since he was born. In fact, he was adopted by a female Ch'ien -Ji pirate. Takashi didn't know much about his adopted mother or of his origin. All he knew that loyalty and knowledge were his only way to survive on every surface of the world.
  • Currently, he is homeless living on top of trees that Takashi could find, drinking and eating from what nature gives him, and training in the depths of woods for hand to hand combats. Since he was a homeless guru, no one really respects him and many of the public finds him strange. Many judges him to be ignorant and unusually quiet. He enjoys the people judging his appearances because it gives him the advantages of surprises and keeping his status a low profile.
  • Takashi small ambition is to join the regalia community as a guard, mostly as a warden. He wants to join and ensure the future of people on the world. He believes someone should assist to fulfill their goals as he is merely a tool. He believes his role in the community belongs to someone who has a more promise ambition. Willing to give up his life, since he has he never lived his life well enough.

Visual Information
  • Eye color: Yellow

  • Hair color: dark Brown

  • Hair style: man bun

  • Skin color: bronze

  • Clothing: red torn vest, with dark depleting blue pants with Persians boot.
  • Height: 5'8 feet
Visual expansion:
  • Has a scar on the right side of his eye close to his nose in which he often tries to hide it with some dark red face paint, inspired by songaskia face paints. His hair is usually long which is why he ties it with a red hair band, with some loose strands hanging from his face. With an average forehead, small ear but no earlobe, and thick hair. He usually has a facial expression of unbothered or sometimes sinister.
  • With his broad shoulder, and a very low body fat, he is very toned. He is tall for his race but he is among tallest of his race. He has a sharp jaw with small lips and a small size nose. He is flexible but not fully double jointed but the exception of his fingers only, not the thumb. He has some trouble seeing and hearing but has a strong sense of smell and touch. Such as vibration and wind. He has a silent step including that he can run without any noise at all. He usually walks by steeping on his front foot without any foot injury. He was able to accomplish this as a child sine he climbed a lot with a monkey.
  • He tried to fit in with his Ch'ien-Ji society because he never really experienced a normal life as a Chi. So, he would sometimes wear a samurai Kimono. However, many Chi calls him a ronin because he is often sleeping outside, and many would assume he is an outcast. Normally he will just wear a red silk vest with blue wool pants and leather boots given from this old friend Qadir merchant. He would wear a rope around his hands and wrist to enable his ability to punch without any injury and climb without any strain. The only downside to this is that he must keep buying more because they will eventually be torn apart.
  • Normally Takashi has a deep but low voice in which he is often quiet. He usually walks by steeping on his front foot without any foot injury. He was able to accomplish this as a child since he climbed a lot with a monkey.

Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: In the stranger's eye, they would see Takashi as a very distinctive and quiet person. Getting advice from him would be confusing because he would speak with a lot of metaphors about life perspective. However, he is kind hearted and a very devoted to anything. Meeting with Takashi for the first time would be different upon his mood. Sometimes he may seem to be lost, because he would often stare out the world. Anyone who passes by him would confuse him to be angry all the time. However, he is just slightly blind an has to squint only at close things. Takashi is often calm but tends to wonder round observing something in his path. His presence confusing people,bring in fear confusion, or sometimes peace. Perhaps a prime example of death? No one knows for sure. His welcoming is just calm.

  • Second Paragraph: Takashi is very impatient with people's emotions and annoyed by stupidity within people bias. He is more comfortable sticking to himself for sometimes. He doesn't believe in love, since his relationship has always been a distraction and disappointment. He always thinks ahead of himself, prepared for almost anything to happen from his death to his last strength. He feels enlighten knowing that he has no world possession, only waiting for his next purpose in service of any community. Inside Takashi mind, he feels lost for losing those who he had loved. Knowing that death follows him, he used his opportunity of fearless, to fight in battles. Without the death of his adopted parents, his old mentor, and his girlfriend. His ambition, vengeance, and rage. His personality wouldn't made him want to become a warrior.

  • Third Paragraph: The friends he makes, he knows he can trust. He only makes friends to those he believes their morality are true. He is more comfortable around with leaders because he would be gladly to assist for the greater good. However, he wants to keep his friend list small and limited. He does not want to be remember, since he feels like he has condemned many acts of sin from pride to rage. He has lost so many loved ones, feeling that he should had done something different. He lives with regrets, and sometimes would mourn silently, but his family past remains quiet from his friends. Whenever he visits the old places, like his parents grave. He would always drop to his knee, cutting his finger and writing his name with his blood. But whenever he thinks of his passed relationship, he wants revenge against a bandit leader. For the murder of the forgotten girl.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Takashi Morality are based around anarchism and republic ideals. Believing everything is free willed that people should take care of themselves. Letting what is natural to do its work like volcanoes destruction and human civilization sprout. Everything has its reason to be destroyed or form. His ideals come from his experience where he loses love one. Believing everything has its natural way to end, and not by force. He judges people by the 7 sins. Deciding if they are corrupted or not, he must understand their motives and their desires. Because one desires and hate, is what make their values worth. He believes that those who steal has reasons. If they need it for survival and not power. He would agree with their ideal, but he despises stupidity. Such as those who lies about themselves and their responsibility.

  • Takashi can sometimes feel uneasy when it comes to relationship like family. He has no experience with family bonds and or any strong relation with. He is often quiet and would sometimes look into the distant. He is interested in philosophy like the origin of the universe and the understanding of the world. He isn't very educated with language, but he can understand the world visually. He would never speak much about his family bonds because he has no origin, lost of family, and forgotten memories.
  • Takashi can understand fighting alone but not strategy within groups. He doesn't know to give up since he knows fighting to the death is a normal ideal. He understands how to kill someone but wouldn't make it clean. His combo ability to use blade sword and unarmed fighting advances his fighting style including his flexible ability. He grows tirelessly but gets bored easily if there if is enemy doesn't grow fear.

Life Story
  • Age "birth"-5: Takashi was told he was born near the harbor of Yang-Tzu Isles. He was just 3 months old when a female chi pirate name Homura found him in a basket. He was wrapped in a rather large red silk blanket. Before she was going to bring him into the ship, she needed her husband's blessing, Captain Nasir. The captain didn't like the idea of having a baby on a ship. But after knowing that the two cannot bare Childrens. The captain decided to have him on and raised him like their own. The captain had a monkey name Aku. When Takashi was 3, he followed the monkey on all four limbs. Which later developed a habit for him. He was able to crawl faster and hide within the bushes and tall grasses when on land. His mother taught him how to tie sails and use a start to travel in seas. At young age, he always sees blood within waters when he watches his father attack and raid ships. It was a typical life for a young boy to observe blood, being fearless of death.
  • Age 6-10: Takashi for the first time in his life, he was going to use a mortar and attack ships with it. His rope tying skilled help him secure sails and hold down canons from moving. He didn't really fire a mortar yet until the age of 7. He started to use swords, bows then later learned on hand to hand combat. He went with boxing before doing anything lethal. He spent most of his childhood watching the stars and learning from his adopted parents. Never in his mind he wonder if he is the son of Homura. Takashi mostly learned about survival of the fittest, learning to fight what we need. Looting for food and hiding from war.
  • Age 11-15: At the age of 11, he was able to fight beside pirates on small plunders. However, at the age 12, he was forced to leave the life of seas. Since the ship was attacked by Songaskian military ships. His mother was shot with a javelin through the chest and the captain was able to get Takashi on a boat and quickly escape the ship. Until a large wave tosses the boat over and destroys their escape. Takashi was knocked out, but the captain was alive, so he brought Takashi on a broken board and swam to a shore in Farah'deen. His father died from cardiac arrest for swimming so long, taking Takashi to shore. A merchant happened to notice from a far distance to see the 12-year-old Takashi washed ashore with a corpse beside him. The Songaskian merchant took the boy into his tent before night fell. The merchant was ancient, and he took responsibility to do a pyre with in the sand dunes. Takashi was welcomed but the old Songakian wanted to help Takashi make his own decision in life. Takashi was helped by the Songaskian merchant, training him old fighting technique from his old military age. Such as tearing throats out of people and face paint. From time to time, he helped the old man in the bazaar, selling old items like medicine and clay. As well doing deliveries across the hot desert and mossy rivers.
  • Age 16-20: By the time Takashi was 16, the old merchant took Takashi silk blanket and made it to a vest for him. Takashsi adapted to help the merchant to sell the left over silk and bought a Persians' warrior boot for himself. The merchant time was almost over when Takashi reached 19 years old. The Merchant sold his entire supplies and resources and gave Takashi a few kunais that he once used in his younger time and a Khopesh blade passed down to his family bloodline. Takashi honorably learned from the ancient merchant and sent his final breath in a pyre. After that, Takashi went to look for a ship to leave the desert and went off on a regalia passenger ship. He was 20 when he finally arrived in Regalia. He lived off eating from what he hunted and drinking water from rain or rivers.
  • Age 21-24: By 21, he was hired by a young man the same age as his. A Nobel family member of the Viduggla family. He worked as a body guard for Garth Viduggla, protecting him from harm in his work. He later decided to join his warden in which he later disappeared. He went back to Farah'deen when he was 23 and learn their hand to hand combat. In the desert, he was able to master some stealth skills like hiding under sand, mud, rocks, tree, as well mimicry with bird sounds. It was once said that he spent 3 days in the field of reeds, just to master the wind flowing. Then by 24 the athletic training with desert hunters. He learned to run within the hot sand, ending up getting used to the heat and blisters.
  • Age 25-34: By 24 years old, Takashi than travel to the Yang-Tzu Isles to further his hand to hand combat in monks temples. He trained with monks on athletics training. He never questioned his mind where he originally came from. The monks looked upon him as selfless and purposeless man. But he never told anyone his true purpose in life. He once met a beautiful woman of a faraway land at the age of 27. She was here to visit her grandparents who worked in the temple. He once had a relationship with her until she was killed by raiders. The raiders were bandits and the leader had a hold of her. They spilled her blood on a sacred land, and killed the love pf his life. The monks pulled him out of the temple but left her body in the ruins. He was angry and quit the monks training. By 32 years old, he returns to regalia after months at sea. Finally, ready to work for the Wardens again. He only knew people from the warden and trusted his Noble friend with his family. He wants to find a way he could take down the raiders all at once. For now, he lives with a fiery rage over the lost of his love.
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Hey there, I'm going to give your app a quick peer review to clear up any errors I can find.
  • Basic Information:
    • Your physical stat should be 57, not 39. With the recent update on the Proficiency Page, you double up certain skills along with having Sailing Knowledge factor into your character's body shape (So, with your provided skillset, I used the equation 10+(5x2)+(10x2)+3+(7x2) to figure out Takashi's physical stat).
  • Basic Information Expansion:
    • I would change the title of this section to involve "Expansion." It might get a bit confusing to have two Basic Information sections.
  • Visual Information:
    • All Ch'ien-Ji/Sihai have a maximum height of 5'8" (With the Racial Heights Page having been more recently updated, I would assume you follow that. While the Physical Description on the Ch'ien-Ji page states Ch'ien-Ji can grow up to five feet nine inches, the table on the top right corner of the page also states 5'8". I would go with 5'8" as your character's height just to be safe).
  • Personality and Abilities:
    • I've noted that 3 out of 4 bullet points on your Personality and Abilities section have 2 sentences while the Character Applications Template asks that you write a paragraph for each bullet. It should be fairly easy to add more sentences to your bullets- flesh out each paragraph as much as you can. You can do so by expanding on various things such as the history of your character that has led him to act a certain way.
Takashi's life story is a very interesting upbringing. These were all the noticeable errors I could find, so I do suggest you go back and fix them. Otherwise, the rest of the app seems to be in orderly fashion.
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I have made some changes. However, i'm unsure what i need to do, to deal with my Physical stats. Meaning if it's appropriate for this type of race/character.
  • The War Sihai have not been released yet and, as such, are not playable. Please change them to Common Dynasty Sihai for the time being until the Sihai update drops.
  • The Language rules are Mother & Father's language and Common are free. Seeing as Takashi is not half-breed, either sink 6 points into Linguistics or drop Faraddi from his languages.
  • Please place all extra expansions under a Read More.
  • This is more for sake of ease and not anything else, but you have a lot of images and it makes it really difficult to review. Please limit them to just a few images sprinkled throughout. Again, this isn't necessary but makes for easier reading.
  • Please expand on all his personality paragraphs. Flesh him out more.
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done!
Just one more minor little edit. Your character is only 32, but you've used 34 proficiency points. Common Sihai also get a +10 to Eastern Knowledge, so you can throw that on there if you want.
@Athelois Thanks for pointing that out. I decided to change the age instead, to keep my ideal character skill. Thank you for your time.
@Athelois I would like to remaster my character sheet to work with the new Sihai update. What color should i use to show you the changes i made?