Preserved Sheet Taisho Ryosei

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The Walking Spreadsheet
Jan 11, 2018
Reaction score
North Carolina
Roleplay Guilds
The LCC, The Fourth Company
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Taisho Ryosie. (Sho, more to be added in-game)
  • Age: 12
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ch'ien-ji
  • Main Ambition: He wants to be recognized by others.
Skill Information

  • 12 Total Proficiency Points
+2 Dagger (2 from points)
+5 Unarmed Fighting (5 from points)
+5 Acrobatics (5 from points)
  • 12 Total Culture Points
+10 Poetry (10 from points)
+2 Dancing (2 from points)
  • Languages; 3
Fluent; Common, Alt-Regalisch

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Gold
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Messy
  • Skin Color: "a pale tan" (from the wiki)
  • Clothing: In variously colored silk clothing if he can manage, otherwise in black white and gold cotton clothing
  • Height: 4'2"
  • Body Build: Skinny
  • Weapon of Choice: A sword or dagger.

Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: Strangers would find little Sho to be weak and short and to the point not worth attention. He often is seen as wrathful, due to him getting very angry about those who make fun of his height. He also could be seen as literal, almost never getting hints or the truths within the truths. He would also be easily persuaded and is very trusting. He is a literal nobody, and if a stranger heard about him, they likely would not care to hear about him twice.
  • Second Paragraph: Sho sees himself as strong and persistent, as he never gives up on his goals. He strives to do what he wishes, and when he sets himself on a task he will not stop until he succeeds. However, he is scared around people with power, and doubts he will ever live up to the name of 'warrior,' as he wants to. He doubts he even will be recognized as a man, let alone a great man, and only strives to be known.
  • Third Paragraph: Sho is very caring to his friends and family, but sometimes his wroth gets in the way of him showing love. He is very curious and always wants to know everything about those he likes. Towards family he is always helpful and charitable, trying to give back for what they gave to him. He hates being indebted. He has never felt love towards someone, but if he did he would show the same affection and care for them as his family. Those close to him also know him to be ambitious, stubborn/persistent, and strongwilled purely on his one true goal, to be recognized as someone important.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Sho is lawful good and always wants to do the right thing. He will follow his superiors and his friends, and committing a crime is not only something he never dreams of doing but something that no one should ever pull. He believes in the people around him and holds them responsible for the rules implemented in society as he is. He has a sense of duty to protect those he cares for and acts almost as a Holy Knight or Paladin for the Unionist cause.
Life Story (Required)

Chapter One; Abandoned

Taisho Ryosei, otherwise known as Sho, grew up in the Holy City of Regalia itself. From the age of two, he was abandoned by his Chi family and put in an adoption center. These two years were the only years he ever learned Tatsugo, and thus his knowledge is only one of a toddler of the language. He to this day cannot recall even their names. He knows they are alive, but nothing more than that. He grew up with children of all different Ailor races, learning common from them until at age seven when he was adopted by an Alt-Regalian family.

Chapter Two; Adopted

At being adopted he was given the nickname "Sho" by his parents, who could not pronounce his full name very well. They spoke little common, and he was set up with a tutor to teach him Alt-Regalisch like they spoke. During the entire time with them, he learned and learned until he was able to speak it fluently. He learned to speak poetry from his mom and to run away/ fight off bullies with his fists from his dad. Being at least half a foot shorter than all the other kids, he was picked on during his early childhood. But he persisted on and learned and learned as much as he could, keeping a smile on his face. That is until an epidemic took his parents away from him, leaving him all they possessed.

Chapter Three; Stranded

He sold the cups, the plates, the silverware, the furniture, the jewels, and soon the House. He lived off of the items he sold from the age of ten to the age of twelve. Finally, at having to sell the House for a meager price of a thousand regals, he is stranded in Regalia. Alone, unloved and unwanted. But he does not give up. He hid his wealth of coin in his secret place since he was a child, and decided to live on the streets and explore the great city farther than the small corner he lived in. He became ambitious and wanted to be more than an average child. He wanted to be a man. He wanted to be renowned as a protector of the people. He did not want anyone he loved to get hurt anymore. Thus begins the true adventure of Sho's life.

Chapter Four; (Beginning of Playing Character)
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Pending !

  • All is well, but I think 3 languages is a bit too much. Two is fine.
See to this change and tag me when you're done, and I'll get ya stamped green!

@Jonificus Alright, the reason I had Tatsugo was for his two years of being with his normal parents before he was adopted, but he doesn't need it :) Edited.