Preserved Sheet T'aik

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Jan 24, 2016
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~{T}~ The Great Tyberian Empire ~{T}~

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Named T'aik by her parents, although her owners named her Ithueli Rhiga Alsag.

  • Age: 18 years old.

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Lampar
  • Main Ambition: Mainly knowledge and power.
  • T'aik has been in Regalia for nine years, practically inhaling all she needs to know in order to hopefully become equal in intelligence to that of an Ailor. She escaped from the people who were going to sell her in Regalia (A Solang couple) and is currently living in a bush that she has claimed as her house.

  • T'aik was born in Hummaneh, Farah'Deen to C'haera and L'afiktu. She has countless siblings, half siblings, step siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts, and almost any other relation you can think of due to her family being bred to look a specific way. The majority of her family are either pets or (not very useful) slaves, although some have made it out and away to explore the world.

  • T'aik would love to be able to become a pet of someone higher than her, so that she can work her way up in the ranks. Although she does not say it, she also looks for love.
  • T'aik was not trained in a specific school, due to her size, but was taught how to fight by her Solangarian owners for their entertainment.

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Teal.
  • Hair Color: Red.
  • Hair Style: Mainly short and fluffy with a ponytail and braid in the back.

  • Skin Color: Tanned.

  • Clothing: A white dress with one side higher than the other, patterns and edges adorned with a silver-colored lining. A light purple cloth underneath to cover anything that might be inappropriate left by the dress design.

  • Height: 2'5
  • Body Build: Athletic, though lacking the muscle that would come with the build for other races.

  • Weapon of Choice: Tiny dagger, merely something she'd grown attached to, not thought of to be useful if she ever was forced into some sort of combat.
  • T'aik has wide eyes, slightly exaggerated by long, darker red eyelashes. Her eyebrows are rather thin and graceful, several shades lighter than her eyelashes. Like most of her kind, her face appears to be that of a child, although not as plump as some due to her lack of overeating. A small, dainty nose rests upon her face, with a barely visible dusting of freckles. Her lips are close enough to let her tongue reach her nose, as she sometimes does for various reasons. Straight teeth hide T'aik's forehead isn't visible in the red softness atop her head that serves as hair. She keeps her hair mostly short, with a darker streak in a braid at the back. She has two long bunches of hair at either side of her head, which twist back to form a ponytail at the back. Lastly, her fluffy, delicate ears are almost invisible, being nearly the same color as everything else on her head. A slender neck slopes down to her small body.

  • T'aik's small stature reaches up to be only about 2 feet and 5 inches. She has almost no actual muscle, but an athletic body shape. She has fairly small bones, which is a result of her height. Her fingers are long and nimble, good for instruments and handwriting. All of her nails are kept neat and at a decent length. T'aik is very flexible and dextrous, as a natural trait that comes with most other Lampar. She has longer legs than a torso, making her appear a little more graceful. T'aik has a very flat chest. Her whole body is covered in a very light milk chocolatey color, from her and her parent's, grandparent's, ect's time in the sometimes harsh suns of Farah'Deen. She has a very fluffy tail, about the same height as her and the same color as the rest of her hair. What other body hair left is generally shaved away.

  • T'aik usually wears a Qadiriq dress made of white and purple fabric. She Prefers white and purple on herself, influenced from her previous owners, although she likes any color except black. She will sometimes refuse to wear it, unless it has some part of it that is a bright color. She wears two silver bracelets on her wrist, fitted so tightly that she cannot get them off without help, inscribed with details (In Faraddi) about her and her owners. Two intricate tattoos mark her upper left leg and arm, a hint of her past of living among two Solang. She ALWAYS carries a small dagger on her belt, also from her previous owners, who found it cute. She often has a small amount of Regals with her, strung on her belt beside the dagger in a brown pouch.

  • T'aik's voice is fairly childish, but lowering when she is angry and becoming higher-pitched when she is excited. She speaks precise and neat common, rarely ever stumbling on her words. In order to have learned Regalia's most common language, T'aik abandoned all of her prior knowledge of the language Faraddi. She starts stuttering when she is either stressed or sad.
Languages spoken:

  • Common- Technically her third language, but she has forgotten Faraddi and before that, Xulti.

  • Elvish- Since she has a surprisingly large amount of Nelfin friends, T'aik has learned how to understand a small amount of Elvish.
Personality and Abilities

  • T'aik is viewed by most others as simply a speaking rat. Those who are willing to look beyond that, however, would find a passionately kind and protective soul, along with the apparent desire to amount to more. When compared to most other Lampar, T'aik is described strange and serious, along with -if the person has seen or made the Lampar insulted- a high temper. Those who hear about her would generally think of her as a strange rodent, because of her Race's status.

  • T'aik becomes more confident in herself when she or her friends get insulted, often finding the courage to put up a (Albeit small) fight. Her She becomes anxious when she cannot help someone who is in need of it, taking it as a sign of her own weakness. T'aik sees herself as a Lampar destined for greater things, despite the world's view of her kind. She has never listened when people tell her that she won't get in any better position than she is now.

  • T'aik only hugs friends and family, with the exception of other Lampars. Kissing is reserved for her lover and ONLY her lover. She can't feel even a slight anger or exasperation or any sort of annoyance towards any of her friend or family the majority of the time, loving them too much to do so. Family and friends often perceive her as almost fiercely protective of them and an awesome person to come to in hard times.

  • T'aik is good with a slightly chaotic and unpredictable edging, which she has been trying to make thinner and thinner throughout her life. She prefers to go along the path of justice, liking to see her world turn for the better. When she sees others committing acts of unjust, she feels slightly outraged, having no idea why one would dare to do that.

  • T'aik very strongly believes in Unionism, even wearing a necklace with one of the Unionist symbols on it. She has long since stopped her native Religion, not having been raised by other Lampar in the first place. She feels as if Nobles should be kinder to commoners, and commoners nicer to Nobles. T'aik views her privilege in the world as something that needs to be earned.

  • Learning: T'aik has a surprisingly large capacity for learning compared to much of her race. She uses this to adapt in Regalia's culture and learn how to read and write.

  • Dancing: T'aik loves to dance, due to her natural good coordination.

  • Singing: A pure, childlike voice allows her to sing most songs.
  • When being her absolute most serious, T'aik would be easily compared to that of a person with ADHD, constantly getting distracted and almost always having more energy than is good for her. When happy, T'aik might start humming in the middle of conversation, or bouncing to a song in her head. She wiggles her ears and swishes her tail randomly, sometimes without noticing. Her nose twitches whenever she's curious about something.

  • A trait inherited from her people, T'aik is naturally good at learning how to play instruments. She is also very good at decorating for special events.

  • Dancing: T'aik loves dancing. It makes her feel almost free from the racist world she lives in. Dancing comes easily to her, so it has never been a thing that required much concentration.

  • Cookies (Almost all sweets): T'aik rarely ever gets a cookie, but when she does, she savors every bite. She just loves the taste of cookies.

  • Being around people: T'aik loves being around other people. It gives her a sense of security that does not come when she is alone.

  • Being punted: Despite what people may think about klein, T'aik does not like to be punted. It makes her angry and gives her bruises or worse, depending of the strength of the punt.

  • Rashaq: T'aik hates Rashaq, having heard of them eating her kind. If she sees one, she would most likely avoid it, although they're one of the only races that she would start a fight with.

  • Snooty people: When T'aik talks to or is around snooty people, she becomes annoyed at their behavior, wishing she could put them in their place.
A'nirina (@JokerLupus)-- T'aik's lover, whom she treasures above almost all else in life. The two met at the tavern, their relationship quickly becoming stronger and better until it has become rare to spot one without the other close by. It's a two-way relationship. Their main hangout place is above the tavern fireplace.

Katrina C'aelrith (@Emo_Bunny)-- The second person T'aik has met in the tavern. She has become almost a bodyguard to her, due to Katrina's bad luck at times. Everytime she sees Katrina, she becomes happier than she is right before.

Life Story

~Early years~

T'aik was born in Farah'Deen, Hummaneh, within the house of two Solangarian Lampar breeders. She was given the name of Ithueli Rhiga Alsag, although her parents named her T'aik. To their delight, she retained the traits they had been trying to achieve in a Lampar. Very tan (For a Lampar) and red hair. They had quickly learned that her race could not have any color eyes besides green or blue, so this was the closest to breeding a Solang-like Lampar they would ever get. She had one, almost identical sibling born in the litter (Out of five) with her. The Solangs promptly decided to keep one and sell the other, doing who knows what to the rest of the litter. The one to be sold was T'aik. They waited until she was five, forcing her to have a litter of kids with another Lampar who had the desired traits as well, taking her to the market afterwards.

~New owners~

At the market, T'aik was bought by a Qadir group, who found her looks to be almost exotic, with her red hair and darkish skin. They then set her up at the front of their store to lure customers in, and outfitted her with the clothing she now currently wears, along with two fitted bracelets with information about them and her on it. She did indeed lure customers in with her looks. T'aik was fed only enough to look like a true mini-solang, and hardly ever interacted with her owners more than a couple times a day as she stood at the front of the shop, sometimes performing dances or singing songs that they taught her. The Qadir closed their shop, which had run out of business, and decided to head to Regalia by boat for new wealth.

~Going to Regalia~

For entertainment on the ship, the Qadirs set up little sparring matches that T'aik was required to use a tiny dagger, her speed or something else completely against her nature. Although she did not want to fight, she did surprisingly well, and the Qadirs gradually started teaching her more and more fighting techniques. She understood Faraddi now (9 years old), so understanding what her owners were trying to teach her was not a problem. This continued on for a couple of months before the ship made it to Regalia, where her owners made a mistake. They didn't put her on any sort of leash before docking there, which gave her a chance to run. She took the chance, dashing off of the boat. Nobody noticed until it was too late. Her now former owners looked around for their exotic pet, but she was nowhere to be found. If they had given up slightly later, it would've been more likely that T'aik were to become a pet once more.

~In Regalia.. And free!~

T'aik quickly learned her way around Regalia, spending days running around and exploring. She eventually settled down in a bush in the park and stayed there for nine more years, having decided to adapt to the culture, religion and whatever else came with becoming a Regalian citizen. Common is the first language she has learned how to both understand, speak, read and write in, after years of studying and practicing. She now ventures into the more social areas of Regalia, looking for new friends, a job, and in general, a better life.
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Claimed for Aspirant Review! Expect a response within 48 hours.
Aaand...well done! Thoroughly comprehensive application and I especially enjoyed reading the life story.


Thank you for reviewing my application! I fully expected to have to make some edits..