Preserved Sheet Syrimon Le'velulaiyha

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Weary Exile
Mar 17, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Syrimon Le'Velulaiyha, commonly referred to with nicknames such as; Sy, Syr, Syri.

  • Age: 32

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Saivalthar

  • Main Ambition: Wants to make something worthy of himself with his new life in Regalia, furthering his own power and prosperity within the various ranks of the city.
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Sky Blue, although his eyes are a duller shade of it than those of his brothers.

  • Hair Color: A platinum blonde which is hard to differentiate from white.

  • Hair Style: Well kept, shorter combed hair tied with a short trimmed ponytail at the back.

  • Skin Color: Nearly as white as fresh fallen snow.

  • Clothing: Generally Syrimon will wear shorter, fancier clothing of common Saivale colors like malachite green and silver and electrum gold and such, granted he can get his hands on them.

  • Height: 6"4

  • Weight: 159 lbs

  • Body Build: Ectomorph.

  • Weapon of Choice: Hex Magic mage level.
Personality and Abilities (Required)

Personality Traits

  • Blunt: While Syrimon is capable of coming off as soft-spoken to situations that truly ask for it (and would benefit him), he will almost always coldly, and bluntly state things. his ideals and the ways he will use to express himself can be seen as rough. He doesn't like to sugarcoat situations, always being quite straightforward and honest (however, he does understand when he must lie) speaking the truth even when it is unpopular, which can often land him in heavy arguments and other sticky situations with those around him as they can't see past these harsh realities.

  • Intelligent: Although at times he may not be the wisest when it comes to understanding the other races, his devotion to the art of magic is exquisite. Dedicating his time to growing as a mage, Syrimon flourishes in the world of books, continually seeking ways to enhance his abilities, knowledge and understanding of things. Becoming a stronger mage was his top priority, although he seeks to better understand the way in which the races that resided within Regalia worked. Besides this, Syrimon has a strong head on his shoulders.

  • Scheming: Syrimon understands the reality of things, and that the only way to get himself somewhere in his lifetime would be through manipulation and careful planning to propel himself to where he'd like to be. This has been a big factor his entire life, as he is always coming up with plans for every situation and outcome he can possibly think of so that he'd be prepared for almost anything. Always trying to be a few steps ahead, Syrimon will go to extreme lengths to get what he wants.

  • Paranoid: Due to his scheming personality, he sometimes dawns the unreasonable assumption that the people around him are plotting against him, or are simply not what they seem. His unnerving fear of betrayal or acts against him will occasionally overwhelm him and bring him to abrasive conclusions with certain people or situations. Syrimon has the tendency to interpret the actions of other people as deliberately threatening or demeaning. The disorder is manifested by an omnipresent sense of distrust and unjustified suspicion.

  • Sociopath: From a young age Syrimon found himself incapable of feeling responsible for things he had done, seeing his way as the best, most righteous way he could have possibly dealt with an issue. A lifetime of this had led Syrimon to have a rather selfish temperament acting in ways that would mostly benefit him, as he perceives himself as being a much more valuable life than others. Due to this he cannot help but see people mostly as tools at his disposal that could be manipulated to do whatever he desired. Seeing a great use of the people around him to carry out tasks for him was his initial inspiration to take up Hex Magic.

  • Sadomasochist: Typical for Saivalthar, Syrimon faced many applications of pain in his lifetime, so much so that over the years he had began to somewhat enjoy the pain. While he learned to thrive off pain within moderate doses, he also enjoys to see pain inflicted on others, to an almost sick guilty pleasure.

  • Pain Tolerance: All Saivalthar mages are trained to harness pain with a trance and cast through it. Syrimon was taught by his brother Llytaei and trained to believe (like the rest of the Saivalthar) that suffering through physical pain was heroic. This, combined with his acts of artistic self mutilation, progressively brought him to a naturally higher pain tolerance than most.

  • Powerful Façade: Syrimon is more than capable to keep up a good act to appease those around him, a very good yes-man, Syrimon will seemingly bend his own wishes if it makes him more appealing to the people he wants to associate himself with. This usually comes off as him being friendly, agreeing and helpful to those he likes around him. He keeps his rather boring and blunt personality hidden underneath. This is often a very tough act to break through, and an even harder act for one to see through.

  • Hex Magic: Although he is only a mage, he'd like to believe with the aid of his brother and every book he could find on how to correctly cast, that he was a decent mage for his level. Syrimon is able to channel his energy in forms of hex magic like mind retention and twisted experience without much trouble, and maintains them rather well. Syrimon relies almost solely on the use of his magic to protect himself, thus making it imperative that he becomes a stronger caster.


  • Bad Eyesight: Syrimon has gradually gotten poorer eyesight in his lifetime, starting from his adolescence. This typically gives him difficulty seeing distant objects like faces and street signs, often needing to squint. Occasionally he suffers from eye strains, headaches and at points can feel fatigued from this.

  • High Blood Pressure: Passed through genetics like those before him, Syrimon has slowly started to develop a high blood pressure, at times he will occasionally go through mild dizziness, tiredness and weakness, especially after wielding his magic. These spells can last anywhere from minutes to hours.

  • Conflicted Emotions: Syrimon is at his core, a cold, opinionated person who shares little to no compassion for anyone beyond himself, and while this may lead him to act out or commit something cruel like harming others, or turning a blind eye to acts of such cruelty. his mind will eventually lash out at him, as he'd understand how he should feel, but he cannot, and does not understand why he doesn't feel the guilt of his actions. Leading him to a mental conflict with himself of trying to understand as well as suppress his own thoughts and feelings.
Life Story (Required)

  • Born to Sin'tri and Latrilemar Le'Velulaiyha within the continent of Saivale.The family being highborn in Saivale afforded a comfortable estate within the husks of the ancient elven cities.

  • During his childhood Syrimon was tutored alongside his two brothers, the wisdom of the tutoring allowed the children to gain common insight of literature and elven language.

  • Alongside basic tutoring, the brothers were taught to believe like all Saivalthar that suffering through physical pain is heroic and that magic reigns supreme, their father often put them through acts of flagellation to teach the children that suffering through pain was 'heroic'.


  • At the age of thirteen, Syrimon had progressed with his tutoring, being further educated with literature, gaining a more advanced understanding of what nations exist in the world, and was now admitted into a local academy.

  • Has just begun to learn about Hex Magic, able to do so with the resources of his highborn house.

  • Has been studying the magic for about two months, in tune with the mind, Syrimon is able to practice his twisting experience hex form on a few subjects of his family, whilst doing the best job he could practicing the mind retention form on his brother Sae'ra with events they had both witnessed.


  • Progressed with his hex magic, having a far clearer understanding of such. Syrimon is able to effectively channel his energy and focus into his hexes, Syrimon is able to cast these spells with greater ease.

  • House Le'Velulaiyha and its supporters have been disgraced. Due to his father crossing words with a few members of the Magistratum, his father and few of his personal supporters have been seen openly mocking them.

  • His older brother Llytaei knowing how this will end formed a plan to flee the city, Syrimon didn't. Instead searching acceptance upon a separate ship heading for Ssil.

  • Life outside of Saivale is extremely different. Syrimon has slowly adapted to the types of new races, people and languages though struggled with it, especially common tongue.

  • Remained in Sssil for roughly a year and a half, making some connections and coin. One of these few connections of his told him of word that similar elves such as himself have been seen in Regalia. Syrimon decides to pursue the idea and go to Regalia.

  • Arrived in the city a few weeks later, and by surprise comes across his older brother.

  • Within two weeks, Syrimon settles himself into what he could call a new life in Regalia with his two brothers, trying to get by in the rather strange new society.
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Hello, it's your friendly neighborhood Saivlathar reviewer:
  • Really the only change I'd have to suggest is that the family name should actually be Velulaiyha and not Le'Velulaiyha. The Le' comes from the vice that the specific saivalthar chooses to follow, so each member of the family can, in essence, have a different prefix to the family name. It could also be that everyone in the family chose to worship the same vice, which is also acceptable, I just wanted to bring this to your attention.
Otherwise good job, the character makes sense and is balanced. I'm going to say it is Approved, due to the only suggestion I have being one of family lore. Remember to sign up for your special permission as well.
