Preserved Sheet Syrick Laynsmae| Alucard D'amaritz

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Mar 29, 2015
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I bet you'd like to know.

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Syrick Gelo Laynsmae.
  • Shifted Name: Alucard Boivin d'Aramitz.
  • Age: 63 Natural Form | 26 Shifted Form.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ithanian-Vladno Slizzar.
  • Sexuality: Bisexual.
Skill Information

Total Points: 60.

  • +20 Alchemy Sciences (Learned)
  • +20 Food and Drink Sciences (Learned)
  • +20 Statesman Knowledge (Racial)
  • +10 Underworld Knowledge (Racial)
  • +10 Fast Blades Combat Skill (Learned)
  • +10 Linguistic Knowledge (Learned)
Body Shape
  • Physical Status: 10.
  • Physical Shape: Athletic (Natural Form) | Appearing Strongman (Shifted Form).
  • Physical Fat: Average.
  • D'Ithanie (Native Language)
  • Mirnoye (Learned within Etosil Isles)
  • Common (Taught himself)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Purple with dark grey sclera.
  • Hair Color: Red with some yellow highlights (Natural Form) | Light brown (Shifted Form)
  • Hair Style: Dreadlocks (Natural Form) | Short and kempt (Shifted Form).
  • Skin Color: Darker tones, black and grey scales (Natural Form) | Alior Pale (Shifted Form).
  • Clothing: Darker robes (Natural Form) | Work clothes, hardened leather accents and other durable wears (Shifted Form).
  • Height: 6' (Natural Form) | 6'4" (Shifted Form).
Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: Syrick at first glance can be perceived as a rather boisterous, unintelligent being who disregards social normals for a good time. He embodies his physical form into his personality, illustrating dullness instead of sharpness, highlighting his body as a source of intimidation through his shifted form even though there is no use to it. The way Syrick shows himself to the public and how shows himself to those who familiarize themselves with him are two very different things, as someone converses with the Slizzar throughout the hour's glimpses of a high intelligence seemingly unfolds. Whether this is shown through his knowledge of cuisine or alchemic sciences it is all very apparent that the Slizzar does put on a front, even within the first day of meeting him. Though, counteracting this, most people see him as a lovable-giant, someone who is sincere, and caring despite his intimidating appearance.
  • Second Paragraph: The man is always thinking, trying to decipher different scenarios in his head, or take on various day-to-day challenges. Though it is natural for a Slizzar to think this way, it is often strenuous. Syrick is no exception, often times he feels that it is only himself struggling for greater life which pains him. He is by no means plagued with depression but cursed with a passion to be the quite literally the best, trying to obtain the most in his life. His fight is against people and time, which he carries heavy on his shoulders and always tries to remember to keep pushing himself forward instead of backward.
  • Third Paragraph: Syrick treats most everyone as a friend, he portrays himself as a very trusting individual. Acquaintances and friends are titles that he holds in very different lights, Syrick doesn't intentionally provoke or betray friends unless it is in his great benefit, but acquaintances come by the many for the Slizzar and it doesn't exactly matter what happens to them. Furthermore, considering Syrick is a Slizzar and familial bonds don't hold strong within their line Syrick has never had a family. In fact, he practically grew up on the streets, criminals and other street-thugs were formed into his idea of family, which is why he isn't so keen to betray those who find a close relationship with the man. Romantic relations are hard for the Slizzar, although he has had the passing moment with a few others, nothing has exactly held strong for Syrick which is why he most likely will attempt to push someone away before getting intimately involved with anyone.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Syrick follows a strict moral code which revolves about supporting people who support him, that and loyalty which sheds light on his 'lawful evil' nature. He seeks power but has realized that power isn't delivered by making enemies, but by gaining friends. In any case, Syrick will do what he needs to complete his over-arching goal of wealth and power, but within limitations with his own code of conduct. This makes Syrick more human-like in nature, but in actuality, it is all for his own self-centered aspirations.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Syrick gives a lot to live the way he does, but with this comes a certain order in his life that may be strange to others. He has an overwhelming need to be organized, and well-kempt. Simple things can tick him off, such as someone not wearing shoes or being dirty which internally drives him crazy. This has been built up from serving so many people of high-standing order, whether it be nobles or government officials the man has learned to keep himself clean and overall put-together which is illustrated in his day-to-day actions and wears.
  • Histrionic Personality Disorder: What makes Syrick differ from a few Slizzar is his overarching need to fit in with a society which influences how he introduces himself, and how he interacts with people. Often times he can seem a bit off to newcomers, someone who may be a bit loud and over exemplifies the meaning of boisterous. This is due to Syrick, internally, not being a very outgoing man, but has to be to somehow worm his way into social groups, over the years of doing this it has become second-nature to the Slizzar and has built up this disorder for a need to fit in.
Life Story

243 - 264 A.C | The Streets.

  • Syrick was born in Ssasrakand to Lylthil Emrissian, and Lissilth Tylliss, the would not be seen after the first night with Lissilth, though the mother did nurse the child up until he was eight. Their bond was never strong, she simply kept him fed and taught him of religion.
  • By the age of eight, he went with his mother on a long trip, then eventually she left him within the streets of Ithania. Cold and starving, the boy would learn how to live on his own the hard way, by picking up the scraps of others.
  • Eventually, a local chef named Borgious took him under his wing, teaching and caring for the young boy.
  • Borgious and Syrick's relationship grew into a great bond over the years, the Slizzar finally had someone to call family, but also started to earn his name as a chef within the high-class society of Ithania who mildly kept in mind that Syrick was a Slizzar, and not an Alior feeding them, but nevertheless he was quite popular for a Slizzar.
  • Growing up there wasn't many troubles besides the common fight here and there, his childhood was pretty basic as far as any commoner is concerned.
  • Borgious renamed his establishment "B & S Cuisine" when Syrick turned eighteen, extending his time to Borgious' cause, which gained some traction and gave them both some coin to work with.
  • Soon enough, the climax of Syrick's escapade in Ithania began, "B & S Cuisine" was burnt to the ground by competitors, so Syrick returned the favor, Syrick's mock-up of an Alior faded and within him came out a diabolical, retaliating being. Soon enough, Syrick was on the run within Ithania for helping burn down two neighboring restaurants to the ground, which killed two Aliors inside.
264 - 285 A.C | Refuge and a Life as a Criminal
  • Syrick fled to Etosil Isles at the age of twenty-two, he made a steady living off catering for military events at first.
  • Soon enough, Syrick was leaned into the criminal life by some friends who connected him back to his childhood-like days.
  • One of these friends was a talented alchemist who would go on to teach Syrick the tricks of the trade, Syrick caught on well considering his long patience and will to make coin.
  • Eventually, Syrick dismissed the cooking business altogether to pursue selling alchemical concoctions on the black market.
  • Years later, he was working the streets like any other fence out there and made a great profit which he didn't spend away, he saved for something more- a chance to travel to the Crown City, a place of power.
  • Eventually, after a few encounters with the law, Syrick left Etosil Isles on a fishing boat which landed in Regalia.
285 - 306 | Reborn
  • Sadly enough, Syrick spent almost all of his funds traveling over from the Isles, so once he planted his feet on the Regalian soil there wasn't much time to waste, he slowly began working outer-circles of crime lords, and criminals before realizing that the money was where the nobles were.
  • Soon enough, "Amaritz Catering and Services" opened up- serving events and nobles, and well this gave Syrick another chance at life he wasn't prepared to lose it due to getting caught in the street, so for years, he kept serving for various families.
  • Presently, Syrick has now opened up his fence yet again for selling his alchemical concoctions, though this time he is being sure to not overdo anything as he tries to earn the trust of the slum-dwellers.
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My review:
  • Skill Information
    • You've listed your body stat at 15, though it is only 10, due to your Fast Blades Combat Skill. Please rectify this! As a Slizzar, Syrick will still have his naturally athletic body, so there's no need to change the category itself.
Other than that small issue, I see nothing wrong with the character! It's a very different take on a Slizzar, for sure. Make these edits in one of these fall colors: this red, this orange, or this brown. Tag me when you have!