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Synodical Encyclical: Unitatem Et Obedientia In Nostra Ecclesiae


Unitatem et Obedientia in nostra Ecclesiae

Solemnly Promulgated by

1st December, 305 AC




The unity among all Unionists is tantamount in the mission of the Holy Synod and that of the Holy Church. Unity through faith comprises the motif of our Sancella. The Imperial Spirit so revealed to Blessed Emperor Theomar the one truth and Creed to be the infallible law for all the faithful. However, in lieu of this fact, many factions of religious communions and heathens living amongst us present themselves to man as the true inheritors of the salvation of the Spirit and the keepers of such fallacious truths; all in indeed truly profess unity with the Divine One yet differ in mind and spirit in the means to achieve the eternal Providence of the Everwatch. Moreover, beings of unholy nature continue the to infiltrate the sanctity of all our Holy City and if the Spirit's elect. Let it be known that such divisive actions and inordinate practices committed by those outside of the purview of the Most Holy Sancella and her Magisterium are contradictory to and hence, condemned by the Will of the Spirit.

What has been revealed to us from the Spirit derives from a single source, untampered and most perfect in all its dimensions: The Creeds of Union. By virtue of the Spirit's Exalted Emperors, the gracious Spirit through the Emperors ordained a Holy Church and formed by generations of sacred tradition and divine revelation of the Creeds to be the unequivocal spiritual commandment to the faithful. That by the divine Succession of the Heads of the Faith begun under the direction of Blessed Emperor Theomar and his lawful successors, the Exarchs, and the Curia of the Order of Reverends and Curates fulfills the vitality of interpretation of sacred scripture and sacred tradition. Any deviance from this fact is inordinate to that of the Imperial Will and henceforth, anathema.

The sacraments that the bosom of the Holy Church imparts to the faithful is not only the ritual to which we formulate the orientation for our salvation, it is the only means of achieving it thereof. Since the divine revelations imparted to Blessed Emperor Theomar, the Imperial Spirit upheld those whose virtues and deeds have emulate the immaculate nature of its divinity. Moreover, it is our duty, faithful sons and daughters of Union, that the call to holiness is embodied in ourselves, interiorly and exteriorly. Our faith must remain stalwart. Our commitment to the Creeds and our deeds as reflections of the virtuous Herons must remain absolute. Our fidelity to the Holy Empire and to those whom the Imperial Spirit elect as the vessel for the divine Will shall remain now and forever.

OOC Points:
  • Sancella is preeminent institution of faith for all Ailors and converts to Unionism.​
  • Condemns all propagations of heresy and seeks mending all Unionist division.​
  • Unconditional reverence and obedience to the Imperial Spirit.​
  • A call to all the faithful to actively engage in virtuous works in imitation of the Herons.​
  • Unity in Mankind through diligence and faith.​