Preserved Sheet Sylvia Reinard

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Draconic Mercenary
Jan 5, 2019
Reaction score
Regalian Empire



Basic Information

Full Name: Sylvia Eusophia Reinard
Age: 76
Gender: Female
Race: Ailor of Norean Lineage
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Preferred Weapon: Demi-Puretek & Alchemy


Inventory Information

Alchemical Bandolier
  • An intense potion of lady's shine in liquid form
  • A potion of Allar Blood in liquid form
  • A potion of avant leaf in liquid form.
  • (When carrying her demi-puretek, she switches the bottle of Allar Blood to a bottle of liquid & intense Hagaan blood potion for better sight)
Notebook & Pencils

She always carries a small, leather-bound notebook filled with scribbles and ideas. This is joined by a case with two pencils, always sharp and ready to jot.

  • A golden necklace with the centralpice link shaped like the Unionist eye.
  • A ring of gold bearing the sigil of her academy and signifying her devotion to its cause even years after graduation.
  • A plain golden circlet, more utilitarian to separate her hair and keep it out of her face than a fancy ornament.


Skill Information

Graduated from the ...
School of Alchemy - von Kaiserman academy
School of Marshallry - Regalian State academy


Total Points: 60 + 10 hobby

Alchemy +25
General Tactics +20
Diplomatic Case +7
Literary Arts +6 (Hobby)
Puretek Combat +5

Musical Arts +4 (Hobby)
History Knowledge +3 (Ailor history)

Body Shape

Physical stat: 5
Body shape: Average
Body fat: Low body fat

  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • Burdicalic (from maternal lineage)
  • New-Regalian (from paternal lineage, reinforced in school)

  • Sylvia holds a position of decent stature and wealth in Regalia as a relative of Augustin Reinard. She arrived from Ithania to congratulate her cousin on her recent title acquisition and with hopes of continuing her studies and research in the city.

  • She was raised in a wealthy environment, though often sidelined by her father in favour of his studies. It was no surprise that she was sent early to the Kaiser alchemy academy to follow in her father's footsteps. Sylvia has one brother, Alderick, and is part of the extended Reinard lineage.

  • Sylvia's main ambition has always been to make a name for herself as an inventor and to discover something that will imprint her name in the history of Ailor alchemists. Though she also has multiple secondary ambitions: to see her family's name rise, to re-establish contact with some long-not-seen family members and to further her newfound research into puretek and aberrants.



Visual Information

Eye Color: Deep blue; left eye missing
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Hair Style: Shoulder-length
Skin Color: Pale
Clothing: Noble gowns & dresses
Height: 5'4''​
  • Sylvia has an oval face, a long nose, sharp features and brows knit in a permanent expression of curiosity. Her lips accentuate this with a thin line underneath. Her face is framed by shoulder-length blonde hair, usually flowing loose and straight. She lost her left eye to an alchemical experiment, since replaced either by a patch to cover the socket or a glass eye of similar color to her right, depending on the occasion.

  • Sylvia has a slender body, neither too tall nor too short, wholly lacking in athletic or muscular training. Her shoulders are fairly wide, compared to thinner hips. Her skin is Regalian pale and largely untouched by scars or dirt.

  • She presents herself as a fitting cogwheel in upper class Ailor society - both in manners, appearance and clothing. She masks her blemishes with regular use of Lady's shine potions, and adorns herself with quite the amount of golden jewelry that she never really was humble about. In a sense, her spending may be considered a burden on her and the family as she always aims to look pristine and up on level with court expectations.

  • Sylvia speaks in a lighter mezzo-soprano voice, concise and well-structured. She tends to avoid cursing, sometimes going as far as to use rhyming slang instead, but never for a stutter or a halt in her voice. She speaks Common with no accent, Regalisch with a light common accent and Burdicalic with a heavy Regalian/Common accent.

Personality and Abilities


The Core List


Neutral Good

Personality Type:

- A personality more afraid of failure than the unknown; Sylvia entertains an ever-lasting thirst to discover and to innovate. She is always ready to change, adapt and to resolve whatever issues she faces in life. Her personality ties into her main ambition - which is to become an acclaimed alchemist who invented something and contributed thus to the scholarly side of the Regalian empire.

Dragon Dogma 3/10
Unionism 8/10


How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?

Sylvia isn't one to express happiness directly - though it is obviously visible in her behavior. When happy or excited, she often forgets some level of mannerism and seriousness and hastens her speech and movements.

How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
As someone dedicated to exploring, testing and poking at the unknown, Sylvia is more excited by fear initially than paralyzed. Though if the looming threat is large enough, she will immediately consider retreating and will not risk foolish courage. When a threat catches her by surprise, she can often be confused and surprisingly submissive or cowardly.

How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
Sylvia does not handle stress well and can easily break underneath it. In worst situations she will reach for slag and get herself high, simply ignoring any tasks or responsibilities that she'd have to complete.

How does your character view Law and Authorities?
She is wholly content with authorities and considers law a necessary framework to prevent society from falling apart - often contrasting the opinion of her family members. Though within law, she prefers a more relaxed approach to things, away from the traditional eye-for-an-eye doctrine.

How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
She often feels tension between herself and the more magically-inclined races due to the prejudices ingrained into her during her education in alchemy. Specifically, she does not get on well with elves. Other than that, she reckons that all races deserve a chance to prove themselves and aims to ensure they have the opportunity to do so. All but aberrants...

How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
Sylvia is a mild unionist leaning towards the imperial dragon cult, presently intrigued by the events that unfolded around the Kade family. She views other faiths as misguided, but not necessarily evil. All except void worshipers whom she considers enemies of the empire and society.

How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
She opposed the idea of magic and would prefer an aberrant-free Empire. She never dipped her toes into magical research, though is very much interested in anti-magic measures, an interest that sparked her recent pursuit for puretek technology.

How does your character feel towards their family?
Sylvia feels somewhat distant to her family due to separated upbringing and some differences in opinions. Yet she remains proud of her heritage and also dedicated with loyalty to her kin.

What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
For being able to follow in her father's footsteps as a scientist; specifically in a field where Ailor are usually regarded as "inferior".

What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
Curiosity towards the unknown. If Sylvia had the chance to live immortal, she would likely seek out to visit every corner of the world and uncover every mystery she ever encounters. As her life prospects are limited by Ailor aging, she limits her pursuits to the Regalian Empire and its realms.

What is your character's biggest insecurity?
Failure. If something can trigger a period of brooding and depression for her, it's failure at any of her ambitious pursuits.

What is your character's biggest fear?
Losing her other eye. Going blind would end her life of exploration and research and would render her unable to continue with her ambitions.


Life Story



Sylvia was born in Tuselunde, in the imperial heartlands in the year 232AC to a cadet branch of the Reinard family during the iron-fisted rule of Chancellor Morgann Kade.

She received focused education very early on in her life, as daughter of a wealthy scholar. Through these, she learned to read, calculate basic arithmetics and picked up Ailor history before she was old enough to pursue science. At the age of eleven, she was sent to the Kaiserman academy of alchemical sciences and began her studies in the Waldmark.

Teenage years

Sylvia remained a well-performing student in the academy if not too ambitious. She took every chance to travel, visiting Calembeg, Vixhall and Rivellia multiple times during her academic years. It is during these years she lost her eye to an unfortunate experiment.

Sylvia remained with the academy for further years as an alumni, aiding her former teachers in holding lectures and writing some minor treatises on alchemy and its applications. She travelled frequently home to Baurith, though remained far more affiliated towards the developing Calderligan cultura than her homeland's.

Young Adulthood

Sylvia's young Norean 30s saw the onset of Regalian pessimism and a period of radicalization that turned her scientific and scholarly pursuits more and more towards warfare and military. She served as attache and aide during the Drachenwald crisis where her own family was also heavily involved and also in the following Chrysant war that concluded the era of pessimism.

The chrysant war had profound effects on her knowledge of war and alchemy, and more precisely, the combination of the two. She saw first-hand the Allar wielding alchemy to hold out against the technologically and numerically superior Ailor, which inspired her to immerse herself with the knowledge even further. She has been seeking out Allar scripts and pre-chrysant notes ever since.

After her return from Hadaria and the passing of the Tenpenny act, Sylia decided to formalize her education and enrolled on the Crown Isle. She never formally returned to the military though, and remained a scholar and theorist penning some treatises and devising theories instead of shadowing a man in battle or serving as aide.


Sylvia returned to academic duties at the von Kaisermann academy while also spending some time traveling around the Regalian Empire. She was in Ithania during the bone horror crisis; it is there she first saw the Qadir technology wielded against the creatures, which inspired her greatly.

She first heard of Puretek weapons in late 307AC, which became a possible new topic of research to her, and the specific reason why she departed Ithania and returned to the Regalian Archipelago.

Now that Augustin has risen in ranks and was preparing for his marriage to Novellia Fristadvlom, Sylvia travelled to the Crown City once more and pledged her aid to the family. All along, she also maintains ambitions to find the right partner she could spend her life with and marry.
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Claimed for Aspirant review.
Please expand upon what 'Logician' in your personality section means so that we have a better understanding of your character's personality beyond a mere technical term. Additionally, I'd recommend that you flesh out your character backstory a little bit more, with maybe one or two more short paragraphs, though this isn't super necessary. Implement these changes and I'll mark your sheet as approved.
@Arhbi finished the Lineage re-work + also implemented some more minor changes - all highlighted blue

- Norean lineage added
- Age upped to 76
- Added marshalry school
- Revamped proficiencies -> removed culture knowledge & dance, upped alchemy, inserted general tactic & diplomacy. Increased puretek by one to make it a lovely 3-4-5-6-7.
- Fixed "Ithanian" language references to "Burdicalic" to align with other Reinards.
- Re-written life story to fit new timescale + Norean background
Remains approved