Preserved Sheet Sylvester Kreisel

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Jan 31, 2016
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sucking lestat de lioncourt’s toes




"The price of success must be payed."
~Basic Information~

Name: Sylvester Kreisel

Nicknames: Most commonly, Syl or Sylv.

Age: Twenty-five.

Birthday: March 23

Gender: Male

Race: Alt-Regalian Ailor. Possessed by a Betrayal Voidling.

Religion: Unionism.

Main Ambition: Power via manipulation and the gaining of political connections.

Special Permission: N/A


~Skill Information~

School: Slither Magic; Toxic Alteration | Shadow Magic; Devoid and Shadow Meld.

Level: Caster in all.

Source: Tutor hired in private. | Tomes bought from the black market.


~Visual Information~

Eye Colour: Icy blue.

Hair Colour: Jet black.

Hair Style: Medium length and neatly cared for; falling just below his neck.

Skin Colour: Extremely sickly pale from Possession.

Clothing: Often practical yet mildly fancy tunics, favoring the colors black and green.

Height: 6'0"

Body Build: Skinny.

Weapon of Choice: Shadow or Slither Magic. He also carries a small kitchen knife, for use if he cannot talk his way out of conflict.

Visual Information (Expansion)

Sylvester has an angled, yet gaunt, face, with defined cheekbones. He has thick eyebrows framing his cold, icy blue eyes. The man has a narrow, aquiline nose, and thin lips. His skin is abnormally and unhealthily pale due to his Betrayal Possession. His ears are elongated and pointed, like that of a Nelfin- something that bothers this Unionist deeply. He often tries his utmost to cover these ears with hair.

Sylvester is very tall, at a remarkable height of 6'0". The man has a fairly weak, thin build. Due to his Voidling Possession, Sylv's nails are sharpened and elongated, becoming somewhat claw-like.

Sylvester speaks with an Alt-Regalisch accent. He can fluently speak Alt-Regalisch and Common.


~Personality and Abilities~

First Paragraph: Strangers often perceive Sylvester as a kind, polite young man. He is often perceived as approachable and creative, due to his laid-back exterior and artistic talent. However, he can often have a reputation as a dishonest attention-seeker- often fabricating the truth to make himself look good, slipping up and getting caught in his web of lies, and confusing what he's said to one person with what he's said to another. Charming and convincing, Sylvester knows how to get what he wants out of people. In fact, he might seem a tad fake to those more observant. Not only this, but he has a tendency to be quite greedy, which is noticeable through his façade of kindness at times.

Second Paragraph: Sylvester is a complicated lad- on one hand, he's rather confident in himself, but, just like everyone else, he has his insecurities. He views himself as a successful man who would do anything to prosper- which, is not a bad thing to the Alt-Regalian. However wonderful he thinks himself to be, though, Sylvester does have some insecurities. Since he is not a psychopath, Sylv does in fact feel remorse for his actions- even if that remorse is locked away. He stresses over how many lies he's told- but, at this point, he can't stop. Sylv has lied to everyone he knows, and coming clean would ruin what he believes is a spotless reputation only marred by the hatred of those he's betrayed. Not only this, but the lad's greatest fear is the secret of his criminality coming to light. Another insecurity is the physical changes brought on by his Possession- he doesn't know he's Possessed to begin with, so the mutations are completely out of the blue to the Alt-Regalia. While the pale skin, gaunt face, and clawed hands unnerve Sylvester enough to begin with, he's especially bothered by the pointed ears, due to his strong belief in Ailor supremacy. He often tries his utmost to cover these ears with his hair.

Third Paragraph: Once someone gets to really know Sylv, their perception of him only worsens. He's doubly kind to those he knows well, but alas, this friendliness is fake. Sylvester rarely gets to know anyone without some use to him- be it political or criminal connections, money, infamy, you name it. And, when someone is no longer of use to Sylv, he has no issue with backstabbing or turning coat. In fact, due to his Betrayal Possession, Sylvester seeks to see friends fight, and thrives from the look of shock on the faces of those he's betrayed. Though- physical harm is not always the result of his betrayal, and Sylvester tends to spread rumors and cause his friends to fight for his own enjoyment. He sees causing powerful allies to fight as a suitable method of distracting his competition. This often causes him to lose friends quickly, and those who have been betrayed are rarely silent- a potential mar on his good reputation. Though, he isn't fully incapable of friendship- Sylvester often keeps the powerful or wealthy as company, and will rarely betray someone whose alliance benefits him. Due to this, Sylvester often allies himself with other criminals he views as competition, living by the motto of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer".

Fourth Paragraph: Sylvester is Neutral Evil in alignment, doing things for himself and only himself. He acts purely out of self-interest. The Alt-Regalian lad is quite corrupt, and child abuse and rape are the only crimes he wouldn't commit. Aside from those two, Sylv is absolutely desperate to obtain power, and he's more than willing to kill, lie, cheat, steal, backstab, or coerce to get his way. He outwardly seems to despise amorality, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Not only this, but Sylv will, on occasion, stop other criminals, either to seem like a hero or to eliminate the competition. In short- he doesn't have any particular distaste for the cruel acts committed by others, in reality, but he views criminals with disdain, wanting them out of his way.


Magically Adept: With ability lying in both subforms of Shadow Magic, and Toxic Alteration, Sylvester is quite the talented mage. His Shadow Magic is often used for quick escapes, thievery, or simple tricks, and his Toxic Alteration is often a handy tool in manipulation and betrayal. Unfortunately, his magic usage has lead to a nasty Betrayal Possession- which has even gone so far as to influence what he often uses magic for.

Manipulative: With experience in crime, and a charming exterior, Sylvester is quite the manipulator. He has no qualms with flirting or gaining false sympathy to gain his way. However, his Betrayal Possession and constant lying often gets in the way of this- he'll betray someone, continue to lie to cover it up, and lose track of what lies he's told in the past, either letting something slip or telling the wrong falsehood.

Persevering: Sylvester is a highly ambitious man, often showing a large amount of determination to complete his goals, no matter how trivial they may be. He truly does not know when to give up. While this may seem positive at surface level, he is rather power-hungry. The Alt-Regalian does not care what extremes he must resort to, so long as he is in a position of power over others. He will manipulate, lie, cheat, steal, or even kill to meet his goals. Despite his power-hungry nature, Sylv's ambition carries him a long way in accomplishing goals and gaining power.

Artistic: Having practiced art since the age of twelve, Sylv is quite the artist. He owns a small shop near the Golden Willow, where he sells art pieces- his main form of non-criminal income. Sylvester especially draws humans well, often painting portraits for people.


Betrayal Possessed: Unfortunately, due to his frequent use of magic, Sylvester wound up being infested with a Betrayal Voidling. He revels in chaos and the reactions he gets after backstabbing someone who viewed him as an ally, which, quite obviously hinders his ability to retain allies. This betrayal especially occurs when he's decided someone is no longer of any use- why keep someone around that offers no political connection? Additionally, he worries and stresses over the physical mutations brought on by it- he hasn't a clue what they're from. Not only do the physical aspects bother Sylvester, but he's often quite conflicted about how much he revels in betrayal. He enjoys his betrayal in the moment it occurs, but inside, the lad mourns the loss of his friends. Additionally, the amount he enjoys chaos bothers him- while he'll keep sparking arguments and turning coat for his own enjoyment, the very fact that he enjoys it bothers Sylv. Due to the loss of melanin in his skin, Sylv burns rather easily in the sunlight. The claws brought on by his possession aren't sharp enough to be used as weapons, and instead cause him difficulty holding objects at times. He compulsively files this down to remedy it, but they always return.

Compulsive Lying: Due to his Pathological Lying Disorder, Sylvester often loses track of what lies he has and hasn't told. He'll fabricate even the most simple of stories in his favour, but the next time he tells the story, it'll have changed completely- perhaps more honest, or even more self-glorifying. The Alt-Regalian often gets caught up in his lies, forgetting what he's told people, and at times failing at consistency. As one could guess, this is not the best way to gain allies- most people dislike being lied to. This hinders his charm and manipulation.


~Life Story~
  • Born to a middle-class family of Alt-Regalians, March 23, 278 AC, in the Crown City- Regalia.
  • Lived a rather average childhood- not spoiled, but definitely living well enough.
  • At the age of seven, Sylvester began schooling. He learned how to read and write in Common and Alt-Regalian, with lessons in Geography and History, over the next ten years.
  • At the age of nineteen, Sylvester became infected with the Ombratore bloodline during a trip to the Regalian Sewers.
  • Due to his decision to remain infected, Sylvester taught himself how to manipulate and charm to get his way.
  • He eventually ended up developing what would be known today as Pathological Lying Disorder at this point- lying constantly to fix his problems, and then lying more to cover up his dishonesty. It became an endless circle for Sylvester.
  • Eventually became forcibly cured by vampire hunters that had discovered his secret, deciding to pursue magic rather than becoming infected again.
  • Privately hired a tutor in Toxic Alteration at the age of twenty-one, seeing it as an excellent way to quietly expose of competition.
  • Purchased tomes on Shadow Magic from the Black Market soon after that year, picking up both subforms.
  • Became Betrayal Possessed due to overuse of magic and attempting a spell he couldn't properly handle at the age of twenty-two.
  • Became even more involved in crime at the age of twenty-four, now armed with magic befitting a criminal such as himself.
Last edited:
Assigning this application to @TcareyIsTaken . This is a staff review. Please make the edits Tcarey says, and then I'll check the final application through quickly once you @tag me. Happy writing and reviewing.
Staff Review
Skill Information
  • While this isn't an edit I want you to make, I just want you to be aware of the time it takes to switch between different types of magic which is cited in the magic guide. It's an uncommon thing that doesn't come up often, but with a character that knows different categories of magic, I feel like it should be mentioned.
  • I'm not sure if the way you describe his betrayal possession could currently be considered a weakness. There's no drawbacks listed in the paragraph, so I'd either like you to replace it or further expand on the negative effects that it brings on his psyche and physical body. I feel like going into a little more relevant detail than lovely writing fluff could bring out some more specifics about the character.
I only have that one edit for you, so once you've filled that in, colour it a different shade and tag me.

@Chiruda @SpamanoRelic

Staff Review
Skill Information
  • While this isn't an edit I want you to make, I just want you to be aware of the time it takes to switch between different types of magic which is cited in the magic guide. It's an uncommon thing that doesn't come up often, but with a character that knows different categories of magic, I feel like it should be mentioned.
  • I'm not sure if the way you describe his betrayal possession could currently be considered a weakness. There's no drawbacks listed in the paragraph, so I'd either like you to replace it or further expand on the negative effects that it brings on his psyche and physical body. I feel like going into a little more relevant detail than lovely writing fluff could bring out some more specifics about the character.
I only have that one edit for you, so once you've filled that in, colour it a different shade and tag me.

@Chiruda @SpamanoRelic
Changes have been made. @TcareyIsTaken @Chiruda
That edit is sufficient enough for me to warrant this application approved. Once @Chiruda takes a look over it, she'll either suggest more edits, or set the tag.

Oops. Thanks for the reminder, I got a swarm of notifications recently that must have bumped this down. Approved.