Preserved Sheet Sylvarae Solleria Eledhwen

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Tree-Hugging Tea Addict
Oct 19, 2018
Reaction score




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"To win without risk
is to triumph
without glory."

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  • « NAME » Sylvarae Solleria Eledhwen
    • « NICKNAMES » Sylva, Syl
  • « AGE » 64
    • « BIRTHDATE » 10th of February
  • « GENDER » Female
  • «RACE » Altalar
    • « SUBRACE » Solvaan
  • « SEXUALITY » Heterosexual
  • « PREFFERED WEAPON » Flamberge + Dagger


  • « TOTAL POINTS TO SPEND » Fifty from age, and ten hobby points, ten talent points.
    • +19 Greatsword Combat [+19 Age Points Invested]
    • +12 Sorcery [+12 Age Points Invested]
    • +6 Archanology [+6 Age Points Invested]
      • Artifact Knowledge
      • Affliction Knowledge
    • +7 Dagger Combat [+7 Age Points]
    • +6 Linguistics [+6 Age Points Invested]
    • +5 Statecraft Command [+5 Talent Points]
    • +5 Bodycare [+5 Talent Points Invested]
    • +5 Painting Art [+5 Hobby Points]
    • +5 Writing Art [+5 Hobby Points]

  • « PHYSICAL STAT » 20
  • « CALCULATION » 15 Greatsword + 7 Dagger + 5 Bodycare/ 2 = Capped at 20
  • « BODY SHAPE » Toned
  • « BODY FAT » Average

    • Modern Altalar [Mother's Tongue]
    • Plains Elven [Father's Tongue]
    • Picaron [Linguistics]
    • Leutz-Vixe [Linguistics]
    • Common

  • Altalar Racials:
    • Age Control I
    • Arken Sense I
    • Arcane Mastery I
    • Battle Dress I
    • Weapon Song I
    • Peace Reign I
    • Sollerian Mist I
  • Talea's Blessing:
    • Sei-Maan's Craft
  • Sorcery:
    • Arcane Sorcery:
      • Binral Blink [Ability]
      • Distant Discourse [Ability]
      • Quarrelsome Quill [Aesthetic]
      • Lasting Lustre [Aesthetic]
    • Nature Sorcery:
      • Elemental Orb [Ability]
      • Elemental Intercept [Ability]
      • Elemental Bending [Aesthetic]
      • Elemental Influence [Aesthetic]



  • « EYE COLOR » Stormy blue
  • « HAIR COLOR » Dark, golden blonde
  • « HAIR STYLE » Typically an elaborate updo
  • « SKIN TONE » Fair and pinkish toned
  • « CLOTHING » Vibrant gowns crafted with expensive Altalar fabrics
  • « HEIGHT » 6'0



  • « ALIGNMENT » Lawful Neutral
    • "Abide by the rules, except at the expense of order."
    • "Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the Executive personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths."
  • « FAITH »Faith of Estel [9/10]
    • "I value my beliefs above all else, for they are my guidance. "




On a bright, sunny morning in Osteiermark, Sylvarae was born to Quail and Iefir Eledhwen. House Eledhwen was, at the time, a wealthy commoner family nestled in a small village abundant in Luetz-Vixe culture. Sylva was the sixth and last child of her parents. Like her sister Eponia, she was fascinated by books and had a passion of learning. Though Sylva had been born sixteen years after her twin siblings. By the time she could read and write, Eponia was already at Castle Carrois du Lion training to become a Lion Pelt Knight. Her mother, a Solvaan Altalar Magus, spent her days with Sylvarae cultivating her curiosity and wonder with tales of her Allorn Culture, filled with magic and mystery. Soon Sylva's curiosity blossomed into a strong desire to learn all she could about her Altalar heritage.
As the years progressed, Sylvarae came out of her shell and began trading her books for weapons to train with. Her father found it difficult to bond with her over stories of brave knights of the Lion Pelt Order, unlike her sister. Instead he grew closer to her by training her with a weapon of her choice; A flamberge greatsword, who's flamboyant nature attracted her. Though it wasn't long before training alone began to leave her unsatisfied. She craved adventure and thrill, and most of all, magic. Researching sorcery for so many years instilled in the young Altalar the desire to learn it herself. Though her goals were unobtainable in Osteiermark. After coming across a book detailing the history of the Wards of Fae Order, Sylva knew what she wanted to do.


After begging and pleading with her parents, she was given permission to join the Order. Her mother wanted to help Sylva find her passion, but her father was hesitant and sending her off so soon. Regardless, at the age of seven Sylva gathered her belongings and her beloved sword before being sent off to the Prime Sepulchre to learn the ways of the Fae. She spent her first seven years there as a Page, doing simple tasks such as carrying and relaying messages, and cleaning equipment and armor. Each time she was granted permission to study the Code of Galatyr she was ecstatic. Her determination to become the strongest knight the Fae had seen grew stronger everyday. Following her fourteenth birthday she graduated from her role as a Page and was promoted to a Squire. She began to taking on simple tasks such as guarding, but soon was allowed to fight besides her mentor in battle. She fought fervently, pouring all her her passion and faith into her blade. Her mentor, a Breizh Ailor named Rodael, recognized her fiery attitude right away and sought to teach her self control and temperance, making it clear to her that the only way to reach self-mastery was through pure will-power alone. Her tempernment simmered and cooled, but her blazing determination never wavered. Additionally, Rodael began to admire his Squire for her imaginative mind and constant hungering for knowledge. He took it upon himself to teach her sorcery as well, viewing it as befitting and complementary to her existing skill.


In the coming years Sylva would be promoted to a Dame-at-Arms, embracing her new Knightly title with dedication and honor. She spent years travelling all across Aloria in search of artifacts and relics so that she may uphold her duty as a Fae Knight. Along the way, when not adorning her usual armor or uniform, she developed her own style as well, adopting dazzling Sullerian jewelry but also vibrant Luetz-Vixe gowns, merging the two cultures into an eccentric design of her own liking. After years of constant questing, Sylva had grown increasingly homesick. She had not seen her parents in years, nor any of her siblings. In recent months her mail she received from her mother ceased. Becoming extensively concerned, she finally decided to return to Osteiermark for what she hoped would be the family reunion she had been waiting for 30 years. Instead, when she arrived she was met by the tragic news that her mother and several siblings had been slain by the Wardens of Purity while she was away. Sylva was heartbroken. She spent several years after in Osteiermark, meeting with her Knightly Order from time to time to complete small quests and easy tasks in her childhood home. While there she had begun to blame herself for her mother's demise. If she had only been home with her, she believed she could have saved her. However, after receiving a letter from her sister in Regalia, she decided the time for grieving was over. Gathering her belongings and her beloved sword, she set off once more, though this time her sights were set on Regalia.


Sylvarae has recently arrived in Regalia and reunited with her family, who now had gained a noble title. There she returned to the Wards of Fae Order as well, thrilled to return to questing and missions. Her determination had been rekindled, and Sylvarae was ready for another chapter of her life.​
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