Archived Swords Should Be Nerfed

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The Venomous
Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
London, Orpington
Ok, first of all, I want to start off with, never nerf axes as they are ok, but swords ... Counter Attack is quite op, your killing someone, then all of a sudden, your amazing hit, 1 hits you? Wtf? I believe the chance should be dropped as they already have: stronger serrated strikes, bleeding, fire aspect. Honestly, I'm tired of 1 hitting myself, it is a good rp aspect of swords but the chance has to be lowered, or the damage has to be lowered, or maybe even counter attack should be forgotten.[DOUBLEPOST=1364163136,1364163071][/DOUBLEPOST]5th option is: I cant afford weapons .... Including my fist ....
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I, honestly, dont think counter-attack is OP because I either disarm them, use a bow, or use splash pots to fight a counter-attack man.
If anything needs to be nerfed its the disarm skill- cuz an unarmed guy TAKES your weapon! WTF thats so OP!
Considering I suck at using all weapons (beastly Acro, Mining, Woodcutting, and Excavation though) it doesn't really matter to me... but ima say no cause swords are the only thing I'm slightly good at pvp wise. Take that away and I'm utterly screwed.

Besides, if Swords r OP then fists should be nerfed to. Literally got hit once lost my sword. Took a lot of threats (mostly bluffing) to get the bugger back -_-
Axes should be nerfed sometime too when most ppl gets at the very high axe lvls and break everyones armor in 5-6 hits :P
I, honestly, dont think counter-attack is OP because I either disarm them, use a bow, or use splash pots to fight a counter-attack man.
^ I know it's hard to understand, but "I can swing my sword, sword, sword" is sometimes not the way to go about things.

It's called strategy, and it seems a small number of people use it.
My input is this:
Each weapon has its purpose. Nerfing swords would take away its purpose.
Well, when we're talking about this, it is uselles for you to post that here. McMMO has forums, and write them there. Prolly they will read it and consider it.[DOUBLEPOST=1364177229,1364177113][/DOUBLEPOST]
Axes should be nerfed sometime too when most ppl gets at the very high axe lvls and break everyones armor in 5-6 hits :P
Axes got nerfed already. If you didn't noticed, when someone hites you with axe, it doesent take that much armor dmg like it used to...
I completely disagree. Mostly cause I am the most swords lover ever. I was actually thinking it could be buffed, Counter Attack is the ONLY reason people level it. Otherwise everyone is leveling axes which annoys me. If anything should be nerfed, it should be Unarmed (Not sure if it was nerfed already), or Axes. I mostly use swords and level it beyond 750 even though thats its cap. People tell me all the time to level axes instead of swords, and they're right, axes are better to level. Because their armor damage doesn't cap. Axes were fine until you could make Sharpness axes. I realize that they were nerfed before, at least their armor damage. But now people are leveling axes like crazy and they are doing the same armor damage they could do before it was nerfed. I would be fine if they lowered Counter Attack Percentage, and had more damage for swords instead. And Skull Splitter is a LOT better to use than Serrated Strikes. Mostly cause it wrecks armor, and it hits a bit faster than serrated strikes (This is my observation). Absolutely no one would level swords if it was nerfed now. Counter-Attack can seem Op at times, but when you compare it to the other PvP skills, it seems as though it should be buffed. But all in all, it is JUST my opinion :)[DOUBLEPOST=1364177759,1364177731][/DOUBLEPOST]Ack... Big wall of text.... "least it has good grammER. :P
I don't care as long as everyone DOESN'T start using Grenades( splash Dmg 2 pots)
(Pls work Reverse psychology :P)
Considering I suck at using all weapons (beastly Acro, Mining, Woodcutting, and Excavation though) it doesn't really matter to me... but ima say no cause swords are the only thing I'm slightly good at pvp wise. Take that away and I'm utterly screwed.

Besides, if Swords r OP then fists should be nerfed to. Literally got hit once lost my sword. Took a lot of threats (mostly bluffing) to get the bugger back -_-
Unarmed was already nerfed :)
Hey if every weapon is nerfed... then world peace? >.> or would we have armies of mobs to attack each other...
Well, when we're talking about this, it is uselles for you to post that here. McMMO has forums, and write them there. Prolly they will read it and consider it.[DOUBLEPOST=1364177229,1364177113][/DOUBLEPOST]
Axes got nerfed already. If you didn't noticed, when someone hites you with axe, it doesent take that much armor dmg like it used to...
Yes i know but i mean.. when many people gets at like 2000 axes they do same damage to armor as 1000 done before the nerf
My only response to this is a big fat NO! I've been using swords to fight over axes for some time now so I'll defend them swords!Counter attack chance is maxed out at 30% at the skill level of about 850 or 750. The bleed chance stops at 75% at 750 or 850. Meanwhile, axes crit chance max at about 37.50% and their armor damage never stops and just goes on. I don't think swords should be nerfed at all but axes should have an armor damage cap. Counter attack chance is if I'm correct the LOWEST percentage of any pvp skill advantages. First of, unarmed disarm chance gets maxed out at 1000 (at 33%). Critical on axes stops at 37.5%. Archery I currently do not know the chance of dazing. But as you see, Counter Attack has the lowest percentage of any other PvP skill in McMMO.
I think they are fine as is for ALL skills, just see it this way, there is always going to be some better and someone worse, RPwise this makes total sense.
If someone is just blocking, shoot them, pour lava on them, throw potions at them, be creative. If someone is fighting with a sword and getting counter attacks, then that is how they compensate against axes, for their low damage. Swords can be enchanted to do as much damage as axes, but axes can also be enchanted so this becomes irrelevant.

The way I see it, if you're more interested in surviving while still fighting back, use a sword, if you want to kill as many people as you can as quickly as you can before dying (pretty much a beserker), use an axe. Every combat skill has it's own pros and cons. Every single combat skill has been complained about by the people who are replying to this thread. It's pretty much a matter of opinion. Each combat style has a weakness, like rock paper scissors, there is no point complaining about a weapon unless it has no weakness and interrupts this logic.

For example:

To beat axe: Use a strong bow, get a few shots in, then attack while they are injured. Or if your archery is high enough, kill them with just the bow.

To beat a sword: Generally using an axe will allow you to win, depending on their counter attack chance, once your health is low, withdraw and use long range fighting.

To beat a bow: Enderpearl over there and use close range combat, or pull out a bow of your own.

As long as something can be countered, it's not OP.
If someone is just blocking, shoot them, pour lava on them, throw potions at them, be creative. If someone is fighting with a sword and getting counter attacks, then that is how they compensate against axes, for their low damage. Swords can be enchanted to do as much damage as axes, but axes can also be enchanted so this becomes irrelevant.

The way I see it, if you're more interested in surviving while still fighting back, use a sword, if you want to kill as many people as you can as quickly as you can before dying (pretty much a beserker), use an axe. Every combat skill has it's own pros and cons. Every single combat skill has been complained about by the people who are replying to this thread. It's pretty much a matter of opinion. Each combat style has a weakness, like rock paper scissors, there is no point complaining about a weapon unless it has no weakness and interrupts this logic.

For example:

To beat axe: Use a strong bow, get a few shots in, then attack while they are injured. Or if your archery is high enough, kill them with just the bow.

To beat a sword: Generally using an axe will allow you to win, depending on their counter attack chance, once your health is low, withdraw and use long range fighting.

To beat a bow: Enderpearl over there and use close range combat, or pull out a bow of your own.

As long as something can be countered, it's not OP.
What is your advise for beating unarmed?
Anything can beat unarmed. Since the nerf it's inferior to any close combat technique. It's unlikely you'll be disarmed and if you really have to you can dispatch them from a distance. It's effectively the same as axes.
Fair enough. But what about mass unarmed and unarmoured people running at you?
Well evryone stop crying...
I mean axes destroy your loot :/ but there should be something that has a chance for failing counter hit cuz u Can be afj noob farming ...
Other thing is... there is a anti disarm thing... Maybe train that ;)
Listen all, I never said take it away, I said make it less than 50% reflected back or lower the rate, swords have too much good stats, struck with extra force on axes isn't even helpful as it only works on people with no armour, swords have high bleed chance, high counter attack chance at crutial moments, its ok if axes are A bit better than axes buy honestly its too much, but don't forget knockback on swords and fire aspect, the knock back is just overcoming the useless axe trait. Swords have many ways of killing people compared to other weapons.
don't forget knockback on swords and fire aspect, the knock back is just overcoming the useless axe trait. Swords have many ways of killing people compared to other weapons.
Since enchanted books axes can get those enchants too.

If dealing the same amount of damage you were about to do to them is op, then what is it when you do that same damage to them every other hit?
This discussions sounds to be about Mcmmo and not something we would do anything about. If you want Mcmmo to nerf swords, write on there bukkit page.
Only thing I don't like about the count-attacks is the fact that it takes the damage you do, halves it, and it deals it back to you. So the more damage you do, the faster you are killing yourself. If you skull split, and everyone in the group is holding swords it is basically a one shot, because it ignores armor damage.
I would say, people who use swords and ARE vampires are the worse to fight! How you ask? If you hit a vampire with a stick the counter may activate and you end up reducing half of your health, since a stick deals 10 hearts of damage to vampires. Taking that the vampire is wearing armor. Like Illo said, Every PvP skill has its Cons and Pros to balance out them all out. Also Chris, the chance for counter attack is already under 50%.
Fair enough. But what about mass unarmed and unarmoured people running at you?
Silly nub. You use the (patented) Stasiarose AOE-mass-murder technique! Oh wait... only I know that one ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1364365674,1364365330][/DOUBLEPOST]
No as it only works on people with no armour[DOUBLEPOST=1364316241,1364316180][/DOUBLEPOST]
Also, if you get a legendary pvper, what's the point of them being hit by their own powerful hits?
Strategy, kid. Use it! And for the record, the huge difference RP and IG wise between axes and swords is intentional :P The axe is a brutish weapon, meant to cleave foes and shear through armor, and sword are more gentleman-like, using DOT effects and using their enemies' strength against themselves.
I would say, people who use swords and ARE vampires are the worse to fight! How you ask? If you hit a vampire with a stick the counter may activate and you end up reducing half of your health, since a stick deals 10 hearts of damage to vampires. Taking that the vampire is wearing armor. Like Illo said, Every PvP skill has its Cons and Pros to balance out them all out. Also Chris, the chance for counter attack is already under 50%.
Woops I was thinking of something else, Ok counter-attack is part of to, but I NEVER said get rid of it, I said make it weaker or lower the chance to happen, I deal 21 with a wooden axe on a vampire, I end up just killing myself if they have a sword. Work this out: Bleed + Fire + Counter attack = Your Death
what about
Poison II + Bleed + Fire + Counter Attack = DIE HARD! :P
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