Preserved Sheet Svetlana Olenka

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Jun 13, 2016
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Svetlana Olenkara


Basic Information


Full Name: Svetlana Mylatskiydom Olenkara Dmitrievich
Age: 35.
Gender: Female.
Race: Ailor, Vladno (West Ailor)
Main Ambition: To overcome the hardships of her past and family, and pave a good life for her child.

Skill Information

Proficiency (35 points)
+20 Medicine (+10 from Points, +10 from School of Medicine)
+20 Surgery (+10 from Points, +10 from School of Medicine)
+10 Horticulture (+10 from School of Medicine)
+5 Dagger (+5 from Points)

Cultural (35 Cultural Points)
+10 Weaving (+10 from Points)
+10 Instrumental Music (+10 from Points)
+10 Cooking (+10 from Points)


Visual Information

Eye Color: Dark blue.
Hair Color: Jet black.
Hair Style: Hair put down, reaching her chest. While working, put in a loose bun at the back of her head.
Skin Color: Fair.
Clothing: A humble styling of dresses, normally dressed with an apron for medical reasons, usually coloring in blue.
Height: 5'7
Body Build: Femmefatale.
Weapon of Choice: Simple dagger for defense.

Personality and Abilities

First Paragraph:
Svetlana is a new soul to Regalia and its mixture of beliefs and cultures. Being introduced to an entirely new concept of behaviors and morals. Awfully curious to explore Seeing this as a perfect opportunity to move on, she roams free through the streets of Regalia, admittedly a bit anxious to protect herself and her child. Svet's humorous, quick to witty remarks, finding it easier to communicate with those around her with that behavior. Lana is blatantly rude to those she doesn't care for much at times, the thought not crossing her mind twice

Second Paragraph:
Through the total of 24 years of either studying or professionally handling medicine, she had obviously taken a liking to assisting people to help. She's confident in her skills, and can tend to boast about them if asked. She handles medical clamps and surgical stitches well, and is well aware of it. Terrified of the habits of her family to catch up with her in Regalia, Svetlana's distrust had spawned from the twenty years of living in the oppressive Vladno culture, assuming that all men had the worst intentions for her. She is desperate to earn the love of her child, of which she is only now meeting her teenage years. She dreads what may happen if she never does, and still mourns the loss of the friend who cared for her daughter.

Third Paragraph:
To Svetlana's distant relatives to close family, it was not irregular for men to practice violence on the women in the family. She could not walk the streets alone, either by law or by safety hazard, and she could not speak out against the ones who wronged her without much more pain to come. For this, as most people would, she collected a deep and bottled hatred for the ones who raised her. Especially after realizing that the world did not have to work that way after landing in Regalia, she had been more grateful than ever for abandoning everything that she had previously known. Heedful to divulge her past to the friends she may meet in Regalia, the Vladno is portrayed as a distant character to newly met acquaintances, albeit willing to strike up small talk with them. With her desire to become independent and free from her past, she will respond to flirtatious remarks with a hostile response of her own. To presently be raising her child, Svetlana emanates a motherly persona, additionally having an enthusiastic and a tender kindness when meeting or caring for children. Slow to trust, Svetlana normally keeps her private life to herself, in exception for her few close friends.
Malý Vták, better translated to "Little Bird" holds herself a dear part of Lana's heart. The girl, now in her teenage years, was taught by Svetlana's close friend Natalia until she had passed away of illness. Malý holds Svetlana's sincerely last piece of innocence, and for that, she is dearly cherished by her mother.

Fourth Paragraph:
Despite hating her family and their teachings, she did muster the habit of learning to be selfless. She usually is one to first offer a drink instead of taking one. She believes that the ones close to you come first, others second, and yourself third. She holds strong and good morals, and can mostly draw a bold line between right and wrong. In her mind, the things that she considers "morally correct" would be equality, peace, and true, honest love. Living in Mylat for twenty years of her life, Svetlana has witnessed and been victim to the oppressive society that was built for the women of the Vladno culture. Lana finds herself morbidly repulsed by violence blossomed by the need for power, and does what she can to escape the role that her family gave her. She is compassionate, though slow to trust. She will help someone in need of aid if opportunity comes to it, albeit if her enemies were in need of her assistance, she would coldly refuse. Though she enjoyed helping wounded men in her time as a military nurse and surgeon, she couldn't help but be rough with the ones who either insulted or flirted with her.

Life Story

Svetlana Olenka Dmitrievna was born to Dmitri Olenka and Bogrova Olenka, within Mylat, Etosil. Lana was the only daughter of the Olenka family, her elder brother becoming decently well-known as a battle commander. Dmitri had the full intent to marry off his daughter, though he also wanted for her to be somewhat useful. A medic, one befitting of her brother's talents. He believed something with a more delicate hand would be an asset to him.

Svetlana spent the first twenty years of her life as an average Vladno woman. However, she was given medical training from ages ten to twenty. Her relationship with her family was rather strained by the patriarchal focus of her father, as she barely met her mother and knew next to nothing of her brother. Svetlana, at the age of twenty, decided it would be a lovely idea to see what the world was like. Mistaken for a prostitute in the Etosian streets, a drunken Svetlana had a night out with a young Etosian man, finding herself pregnant a bit later. Shunned by her family for being defiled, Svetlana was sold to an older Vladno man as a wife in exchange for two horses. Giving birth to a daughter, her husband had requested to dump it into a river and attempt for a boy instead. With Svet's refusal, her husband resorted to violence. Her personality hardened through these events and she became far less sociable, developing her issues with trust. With this, Svetlana abandoned Etosil with her infant daughter set sail for Regalia. She remained there until the age of twenty-two, giving her child off to a friend she gained in those two years.

She enrolled herself in the Regalian military, as a medic. Svetlana never shed a drop of another's blood in all fourteen years as a medic- though she certainly stopped a lot of blood flow. Her time in the military came to a screeching halt when she was informed of the death of her friend. Using her military-earned money, she travelled back to the crown city to take claim over her now teenage child, who had been living on their own for four months. Now trying to reforge an already shaky relationship with her daughter, Svetlana has much to learn about being a single parent, living in the Crown City and creating meaningful relations, and to grow and move on from her past.


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Svetlana Olenka Dmitrievna
I feel like you've missed an opportunity to follow the very interesting naming customs dictated on the Vladno page. If you don't feel like looking into it, Svetlana's name if it followed the customs would be: Svetlana Mylatskiydom Olenkara Dmitriovich.

Terrified of the habits of her family to catch up with her in Regalia, Svetlana's distrust had spawned from the twenty years of living in the oppressive Vladno culture, assuming that all men had the worst intentions for her. She is desperate to earn the love of her child, of which she is only now meeting her teenage years. She dreads what may happen if she never does, and still mourns the loss of the friend who cared for her daughter.
Outside of her anxieties, it seems Svetlana is at least a moderately talented person. What are her confidences and feelings about her own skills?

Heedful to divulge her past to the friends she may meet in Regalia, the Vladno is portrayed as a distant character to newly met acquaintances, albeit willing to strike up small talk with them. With her desire to become independent and free from her past, she will respond to flirtatious remarks with a hostile response of her own. To presently be raising her child, Svetlana emanates a motherly persona, additionally having an enthusiastic and a tender kindness when meeting or caring for children. Slow to trust, Svetlana normally keeps her private life to herself, in exception for her few close friends.
It'd be useful to dictate her opinions and feelings on her family, even if not directly relevant to roleplay. This can extend also to how she even may view the concept and idea of family.

Living in Mylat for twenty years of her life, Svetlana has witnessed and been victim to the oppressive society that was built for the women of the Vladno culture. Lana finds herself morbidly repulsed by violence blossomed by the need for power, and does what she can to escape the role that her family gave her. She is compassionate, though slow to trust. She will help someone in need of aid if opportunity comes to it, albeit if her enemies were in need of her assistance, she would coldly refuse. Though she enjoyed helping wounded men in her time as a military nurse and surgeon, she couldn't help but be rough with the ones who either insulted or flirted with her.
What is her opinion, however, on the general sense of good vs evil? Does she simply not care for either? Does Svetlana air on the side of morality, or selfishness? What about her thoughts on law and order in the world she lives in? You skated around the former a bit, and both need touching on.

Make changes in purple and @ me when done.

  • Adjusted Svetlana's name
  • Went more into detail about her family
  • Went more into detail about her morals
  • Went more into detail about confidences
Thank you for your review!