Preserved Sheet Susanne Carnt

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Mar 4, 2016
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Basic Information (Required)

Name: Susanne Carnt (Susa, Susie, Sus, Su) (Born with ' Susa'eja'ekea C'aei'rol)

46 - September 5th 260

Gender: Female

Race: Maritime Altalar

Sexuality: Bisexual (Prefers males)

Religion: The Faith of Estel.




Skill Information (Required)

Outer Court Tal'Sieth, Stalwart of Guardianship

Proficiency Points - 46/46

(-) +10 Intensive Rouge Training (+10 from Points)

(-) +10 Unarmed Combat Skill (+10 from Points)

(-) +10 Fast Blades Combat Skill (+10 from Points)

(-) +10 Historical Knowledge (+10 from Racial Boost)

(-) +10 Altalar Martial Skill (+10 from Racial Boost)

(-) +10 Perception Training (+10 from Points)

(-) +6 Hunting Knowledge (+6 from Points)

Physical Stat - 10+10+10 = 30.

Body Shape - Athletic

Body Fat - Average

Languages -

Modern Elvish - Mother tongue what she grew up with.

Modern Altalar - Second tongue that she communicated among family with.

Common - Known ever since she lived in Regalia due to her family speaking it frequently.

D'ithanie - Many of her friends speak it.




Basic Information (Expansion)
Susanne lives in Regalia, she's not like any other normal female, she doesn't work, however, she is currently hunting for a job, and she enjoys annoying the citizens of Regalia. She takes great pride in the way she conducts herself around Regalia. Susanne lives in Regalia as she has always lived there, apart from when she was younger, and really doesn't find any motivation to move, especially because of the relationships she's made with others.

Susanne has been in Regalia for twenty years, which she does not regret, and lives in a small house in Regalia, somewhere near the tavern, which she rarely uses unless she is very tired as she is outside throughout the night and day.

Susa's upbringing wasn't like the usual happy child's, it was a cluster of her having to take care of her many siblings as her mother and father, Tiya Carnt and Jonathan Carnt, had long shifts for their work and trying to have time to herself. Susanne was Born in Ellador, accidentally, her mother was quite careless and happened to be on a well earned holiday from Regalia, going to see the world. Susanne has many siblings, uncles and aunts, cousins, two sets of grandparents, resulting in a large immediate and extended family, which she knows as most of them have spent their time looking after Susanne and her siblings when her parents work or leave for business.

Susanne's other top ambition is to find a husband/wife and settle down with either adopting children or having children, she envies her friend, Faye Cassarina, and any siblings who have already had children. She also wants to have a job that makes her successful and or above most people who looked down on her before.




Visual Information (Required)

Eye Colour: Pale Blue

Hair Colour: Crimson/Gingery Red.

Hair Style: Her hair is usually down, it is very wavy and sometimes looks out of control when she doesn't bother with it, somehow, Susanne manages to make the curls in her hair look good, sometimes even smart.

Skin colour: Fair/Pale

Clothing: Usually will be seen wearing her usual grey pair of baggy trousers, some leather boots, a green button up blouse type top and a leather jacket that she never buttons up, paired with some leather gloves.

Height: 6'7




Visual Information (Expansion)
Susanne's eyes are an almond shape, her lips are moderately large and plump, her ears are small with a long elegant point at the end adorned with silver piercings, her forehead was a average size kind of on the smaller side. Susanne's usual expression is a resting judgmental face, she stares at people with her lips pressed into a sour line.

Susanne is on the more taller side of the spectrum, being 6'7, with her long thin legs with only a hint of what looks like fat but muscle, she had the average amount of fat on her for an Altalar, making her look moderately healthy, she had more muscle than fat. She had some abs on her torso, a measly four pack she'd call it, her biceps were slightly toned. Susa's skin was a pale like colour, being a fair skinned Altalar.

Susanne enjoys not wearing dresses as she thinks it limits what she can do, she enjoys wearing trousers and comfortable clothing which makes it easy for her to move about and do physical activities, which she enjoys taking part in. Susanne has a four piercings in total, she has two silver earrings in each ear one at the bottom of the ear and one nearer the top. She never bothers herself with jewellery unless, it's an engagement ring or a wedding ring, maybe she'll accept a promise ring. Susanne's voice is deep for a females yet alluring, it has a hint of mystery to it, almost portraying her as a person who keeps to herself and is sinister or secretive. She speaks in a moderately fast tone, sometimes when she's nervous she'll say a sentence as one word, making it hard for people to understand her.




Personality and Abilities (Required)

Paragraph One: Upon just observing Susanne, one may think she was rough and boy-ish, possibly egoistic person by overhearing the way she speaks, what she says or noticing her posture, which makes her look as if she's extremely confident in herself. Others, having spoken to her may notice that what she makes herself look like or sound is extremely correct, as she usually refers to strangers as 'losers' or something that is beneath her.
Strangers in general would think she parades herself around as if she were an Empress or a member of Nobility, which in reality is very false. Strangers would perceive her would end up not wanting anything to do with her personality wise, however, her appearance draws people in.

Paragraph Two: Susanne usually thinks very low of herself, she wants to become something better than she thinks she is, however, she believes she will never be able to be anything more then she already is. Susanne's anxieties about herself make her feel as if she has to make an illusion, making other people think that she is confident and better than most people. Usually she ignores that most of her friends see through her lies, which is her trying to ignore the reality of her situation.
Basically, Susanne thinks really low of herself, however, she feels the need to pretend she is extremely overly confident in herself to others.

Paragraph Three: Around friends, Susanne acts as her egoistic, confident self, she acts like this around everyone except her extremely close family members because, she knows they know she's living a lie and she knows it too. Susanne pretty much acts as her confident self unless she's around people that have tried talking to her about her illusion. It surprises others when they find out how unsure she is about herself.
Susanne usually feels guilt as she has to pretend around her close friends and even most of her family, however, the guilt is invisible to others.

Paragraph Four: Susanne understands the law however, she only takes notice of the laws she agrees with, which are not many. Usually, all the bad things she does are in self-defense and or protecting her 'Brother', Oliver Redbane, as she sees him as her main priority as well as Faye Cassarina. When witnessing a crime or something bad happening, Susanne laughs, she finds it funny how bad things happen to others however, if it affects her, her brother, family or any friends she will intervene physically.
Susanne only really cares about the ones close to her and herself, overall, she tries to abide the law at all times unless she has no other choice.




Weaknesses (Optional)
(-) Anxiety - Susanne's anxiety about herself and how she is portrayed affects her lifestyle, it makes her do things that she doesn't want to do, forcing her to befriend others, put people - even family and friends - down an even physically harm people that insult her. It forces her to take jokes about her personality and appearance more seriously than a normal person would. Susanne could take hours a day preparing herself to see people and make her appearance look good.

(-) Responsibility - Susanne feels as if it is her job to keep her 'Brother' away from harm and trouble, she does this as her sister (Elizabeth Carnt) was executed a few years ago and she feels as if she needs to protect Oliver and Faye from the Law and trouble, fearing they'll leave her as her sister did. To protect her 'brother' she usually physically defends him, however, usually Oliver buggers off and leaves Susanne to it, this can leave her to get in trouble with the guards, however, she'd rather have herself executed than Oliver or Faye. Susanne doesn't really need to worry about Faye however, Susanne enjoys caring for Faye's well being and helping each other out. Susanne also cares for her sister, Eliza, 's child, Isobelle, as she is young and suffered the death of her mother Susanne feels as if it is her priority to build a family for her and help her fit in, like a mother.




(-) Tailoring - Susanne likes occasionally sewing her own outfits, she enjoys making outfits as a hobby and sometimes wonders if she should make it her job as a tailor, however, she feels as if her tailoring skills aren't good enough. Not many of her friends or family know about her tailoring as when she tells them, they usually ask for her to make them clothes.

(-) Food - Susanne enjoys the taste of food, the look of food, the smell and preparation of food. She enjoys how foods taste and how they make her feel, surprisingly she burns off calories quickly, leaving her to not gain weight.

(-) Children other than her own - Susanne dislikes children other than her own and Elizabeth's. All encounters with children have ended up with her threatening them or leaving them in the river to swim out. Susa finds all children to be disgusting and bratty. She hopes her own nor will Isobelle grow up to be bratty.

(-) Smoking - Susa dislikes smoking, despite how often she used to smoke. Susanne quit smoking as if it was like chewing gum, the day after her sister, who was a heavy smoker, died, she woke up and threw all her cigarettes into the bin and decided to change her life. She also despises the smell of cigarette smoke and doesn't find it hard to turn down an offer of a cig.





Tiya Carnt - Mother - Alive - NPC

Jonathan Carnt - Father - Alive - NPC

Elizabeth Carnt - Sister - Deceased - @ m e

Edward Carnt - Brother - Deceased - @Psycho_Squirrel1

Julia Carnt - Sister - Alive NPC

Faye Cassarina - Friend - Alive - @MincBxrnes

Oliver Redbane - Former Brother-In-Law/Best friend - Alive - @SpicierSeasoning

Meiukkii Cassarina - Enemy - Alive - @Hatobito

Isobelle Carnt - Niece/Daughter - Alive - @Amaryllis

Elodie Cassarina - Close Friend - ? - @Sinisterbeauty




Life Story

Early Life (0-13)

Susanne was accidentally born in Ellador, as her mother chose to travel the world as she disliked the idea of being stuck in a chair and only being able to waddle around to cook and go to bed. Susanne's parents were always there for her and her many siblings until, the age of eight from the age of eight and onwards her parents managed to get members of their extended family to observe the children and at the age of eleven, they believed Susanne will be able to take care of herself, and her siblings. Being responsible for her family was a task, however, Susanne started to slowly get used to it. Once she was thirteen, Elizabeth and her brother Edward was born, it was exciting but, Susanne wasn't allowed to be there, as she had to take care of her family.

Teenage Life (14-30)

Susanne and Elizabeth got along very well, despite Eliza being younger they really did have a lot in common and a lot to talk about, they helped each other look after the family as well. At the age of fifteen Susanne's father had died, the only way she found out was through her brother. Her brother was packing to flee Regalia, when she asked why he said he unleashed a bounty on his father. Susanne had taken him to the park and pushed him out of a treehouse, landing on his neck, resulting in immediate death. She threw the body into a bush and fled. When Susanne was seventeen her mother fled, leaving a note reading 'I love you all, good luck with your lives, I'm leaving for the good of you all as I don't want you getting involved in what I'm involved in.'.

At the age of 29, Susanne prepared for a journey she would embark on at 30 and on her 30th birthday she set off on a journey the Old Allorn Empire, in hopes of locating the Inner and Outer Pantheon's of The Faith of Estel. Once she had completed such a pilgrimage, she ventured to the shrine of Talea, choosing her patron deity, to do so she travelled to the pools of Talea, meditating and bathing there as she stared up in wonder at the mosaics, a ring was abruptly blessed upon her and appeared on her index finger, she examined it with a grin, going to return to Regalia.

Adult Life (31-37)

Susanne lived in the family house for a few days, needing to find a place and lift herself up independently. Once Susanne turned twenty she enrolled in The School of Rangers seemingly because most of her friends joined there. Susanne, at the age of 31, joined a gang, which is what her mother told her not to get involved in. is how Susanne met Faye, her and Faye had a lot in common and to this day they help each other out, even Elizabeth's death have brought the two closer together.
The Surreptitious Order was disbanded after Susanne was Corporal when she was thirty-six. Oliver and Susanne got close and became good friends after him and Eliza got married before she died. Susanne saw him as a little brother and when they divorced Susanne still enjoyed his company, after Eliza died she thought it was her job to protect Oliver and Faye. Susanne's sister died when she was thirty-six, a few months after The Surreptitious Order,the gang she joined at 31, disbanded, Susa didn't know of all the things Elizabeth was up to and it came to her as a shock as she was called a heretic. Susanne watched the execution and quickly went to inform close friends of hers and Elizabeth, shocking Faye as Elizabeth's last words were, ''I love you Faye.''

Present Day

Susanne struggles to come to terms with her sister's death, she can no longer watch public executions and lashings, or any form of public harms. Susa and Faye still talk to each other, sometimes they have a large argument but the next day, it's forgotten about and their back to their normal selves. Susa knows/thinks Faye can see through her lie and hopes at some point she won't have to lie anymore and can see what her normal self looks like. Susanne is currently working for the Vigilant Shield Order
and stays loyal to the Code Of Nenya Oak from the School of Rangers.
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Review In-Progress.
My Review:
People, once befriending Susanne and getting to know her will know that what she makes herself look like, sound like and seem like is really false, she creates this illusion that makes people feel like she is better than them or she thinks of herself being an Empress or something of high maintenance which is, in reality, extremely false. Friends would notice, Susanne has many flaws and anxieties about herself and thinks lowly of herself.
  • The First Personality Paragraph is for what strangers and first-timers would think of her. Please remove this section as it discusses friends and replace it with appropriate content.
  • All of her other Paragraphs need at least one point of content added to them as while they run four lines, the actual content of them is often single continuous run-on sentences.
Susanne's sister died when she was thirty-six, a few months after the Creed disbanded...
  • What is the Creed? The gang she was in?
Please tag me once the edits are done in green @LegendWolfie120
just updating the new format thing-- You know for the proficiency
I ask that in the future you please tag the reviewer on your application if they are still a lore staff, I likely would not have seen this for quite some time otherwise. In any case:

My Review:
Proficiency Points - 0/38 - 10 points due to school 0/28
  • This information is no longer correct, please change it to fit the fact that Schools no longer have any real impact on Proficiencies and exist more as flavor and background in many cases.
  • Please add the Body Build section and all its features below the Proficiency section as it is a new and required part of the Character Application template.
  • Please remove one of her Languages as she can only know three being 38 and as Common is no longer free.
  • Please remove the second statement of Body Build in the Visual Information section as it is no longer part Character Application template.
  • Is she still working for the Shield in RP? If not, I'd add a point or two to update her Life Story.
Tag me once the edits are done in red @memesteli
@HydraLana I believe the changes have been complete and yes, Susanne is still working for the Shield, apologies for not tagging as I made the edit, will do in the future.
@HydraLana I've made some changes to Susanne's proficiency due to the update in The School of Rangers and in a result I added a bit to her life story and bumped her age up a bit. These are made in blue.
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My Review:
  • Where did the third +10 come from for the Body Build? I don't see where it came from since you only have +20 invested in combat skills. If you brought it over from your Racial Boost, please remember that you only earn points towards your Body Build on skills you spend Proficiency Points on. Overall, fix whatever is needed and name each bit of the math so it can be clear what comes from where.
  • Languages need to be updated to conform to the new requirements. Middle Elven no longer exists and she can only know Common, the Language of her Mother and the Language of her Father since she has no points in Linguistics.
Tag me once the edits are done in green @sllurrpp
My Review:
  • Where did the third +10 come from for the Body Build? I don't see where it came from since you only have +20 invested in combat skills. If you brought it over from your Racial Boost, please remember that you only earn points towards your Body Build on skills you spend Proficiency Points on. Overall, fix whatever is needed and name each bit of the math so it can be clear what comes from where.
  • Languages need to be updated to conform to the new requirements. Middle Elven no longer exists and she can only know Common, the Language of her Mother and the Language of her Father since she has no points in Linguistics.
Tag me once the edits are done in green @sllurrpp
@sllurrpp Any progress to report?
@HydraLana due to christmas coming up and such, I've been quite poofed and stressed, although i do come on the server occasionally, i will attempt to start this after christmas and will be done as quickly as i start it, please could you reject it until further notice?
@HydraLana due to christmas coming up and such, I've been quite poofed and stressed, although i do come on the server occasionally, i will attempt to start this after christmas and will be done as quickly as i start it, please could you reject it until further notice?
Rejected for now, tag me once you are ready.