Archived Survival Events & Factions Lore

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I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
Roleplay Guilds
Emerald Alliance
TL:WR - Give factions, players, and events in survival worlds a chance to become part of official server lore.

Long Version: It's been suggested in other threads that Lore include the survival worlds, but I'm stealing the idea and posting it myself. Three Cheers for Plagiarism! The idea has 3 key parts: Players/Characters, Factions/Nations, and Events.

Currently players either live in survival and don't roleplay much or they live in Regalia and do pretty much nothing except roleplay. There is much of an in-between. But there should be. It should be possible to create a lore compliant character that lives in survival and is recognized in Lore. The High King of Deldrimor, for example, or the Last Warrior of Alamut. PvPers have little power in Lore as it stands right now, which does not help with mixing the two or getting PvPers (or survivalists in general) interested in Roleplay or Lore. If they had a way to use a lore-compliant character to actually influence Lore with their in-game actions and choices it would go a long way to getting survivalists & roleplayers to coexist and cooperate.

Factions are awesome. Nobody can argue that point, it's just the truth. But right now, Factions are also meaningless. Congrats, Deldrimor is a massive faction full of players! So what? How does that influence the server? Currently it doesn't. Factions lack purpose, there's no particular reason to join them, and they can't be used to gain anything. However, I feel that if Factions could apply to become "Nations" in Aloria and could then influence or even create server Lore, becoming part of the server's history and getting a seat on its wiki, both roleplayers & PvPers would be interested in doing so. PvPers would be able to control Roleplay Events to a degree now, and Roleplayers would have reason to pay attention to events in survival worlds, and even to participate in those events. Hell, it could even be set up that a powerful enough Nation could threaten Regalia, triggering a War that would have effects across both the Survival Worlds & Regalia (maybe special "Soldier Mobs" that attack each other & drop lored items like 'Deldrimorian Ax' or 'Regalian Armor'?).

Imagine if a war between SunKiss and Raptum was able to become Lore? Or if the construction of a new city could end up in Lore? Now the battles, the builds, they aren't just "meh, another fight/castle" they get immortalized into server Lore. Roleplayers would now be able to actually see something in a PvP battle - it would have influence beyond just the items lost or faction that came out victorious. PvPers would suddenly have an incentive to, well, PvP more - now if they make a name for themselves in the battle they could well end up immortalized into Lore.


My biggest worry with this idea is that it caters more towards Roleplayers than to Survivalists. While it does give PvPers and Survivalists in general the ability to influence Lore events, most of them have little interest in doing so, or so I believe. What do you guys think? What changes should be made? What else can be added? What should be removed? I want to know.

And please, don't just shoot an idea down. Either give an actual explanation for why you think it won't work, or give suggestions as to how to make it work. Just saying "this won't work" helps nobody.

~Casual Gamer, Mecharic
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No, this is good. For my first half year on the server, I was under the misconception that the server sort of kind of worked like this. So I would go out of my way to raid people of enemy race to mine, and write character back story based purely on survival world events and racial lore. It was fun.

I immediately lost interest in all of that when I started realizing that nothing outside of regalia matters. What can I say, I like lore, just not actually role playing.

Like this idea.
I think some heavy restrictions should be in place, so not any faction could be "canonized" and only larger factions that exist for a good while, cna
I think some heavy restrictions should be in place, so not any faction could be "canonized" and only larger factions that exist for a good while, cna

Yeah. I referenced an application for a faction to become a Nation, that would need to be buffed out and expanded upon by people who know more about lore than I do.
This is a suggestion which has been brought up repeatedly and (repeatedly) shot down, but it is clearly wanted by players by the number of times it is brought up. I can give no guarantees on this being considered for implementation, for if something like this was implemented it inevitably needs to go through the Lore Department and the Game Department for a way to balance this in a way that would require minimal upkeep from staff. The biggest concern brought up by Lore in the past has been how factions are brief. For the most part, they have a lifespan and come and go so dedicating large pages to them, lore integration, etc when they may die off and disappear in a month or two is discouraging and the benefit may not reflect the effort of maintaining the system.

Not outright rejected nor accepted, simply marking this as Under Review for the time being. Direction staff will discuss this among other ideas when we have the availability. This discussion would hopefully occur within the next month or so, as our focus is going to be on improving the Factions/ Survivalist experience.
This is a suggestion which has been brought up repeatedly and (repeatedly) shot down, but it is clearly wanted by players by the number of times it is brought up. I can give no guarantees on this being considered for implementation, for if something like this was implemented it inevitably needs to go through the Lore Department and the Game Department for a way to balance this in a way that would require minimal upkeep from staff. The biggest concern brought up by Lore in the past has been how factions are brief. For the most part, they have a lifespan and come and go so dedicating large pages to them, lore integration, etc when they may die off and disappear in a month or two is discouraging and the benefit may not reflect the effort of maintaining the system.

Not outright rejected nor accepted, simply marking this as Under Review for the time being. Direction staff will discuss this among other ideas when we have the availability. This discussion would hopefully occur within the next month or so, as our focus is going to be on improving the Factions/ Survivalist experience.

You can put this one on "Rejected", for the reason(s) stated in my quote below from another (similar) thread.

Because it's not worth it. I truly believe that survival and roleplay cannot be integrated. They are opposite ends of the gameplay spectrum, and trying to bring them together is doomed to failure because of their inherent differences. Not a lot of survivalists care about lore. Not a lot of roleplayers care about survival. The small middle area that does generally exists in limbo because both of the more extreme ends hate on them for being the "other side". The server can't bring the community back together, so it should just focus it's efforts on making both communities happy in their own setups.
Noted as you withdrawing the suggestion, so I will mark it as rejected.
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