Preserved Sheet Sundiata Keita

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Dec 2, 2014
Reaction score



  • Full Name: Sundiata Keita Al Ramoran
    Nickname: Sunny
  • Age: 50
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Songaskian
  • Sexuality: Pansexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Nearest object


Total Points: 43 Proficiency Points as the character is 50 years old and is a Lvl 4 Sorcerer. (55 - 12 = 43
  • Talent Group:
    • + 10 Bodycare Training (+ 10 Talent Points)
    • + 10 Vocal Singing (+ 10 Invested)
    • + 8 Strings Instrument (+ 8 Invested)
  • Hobby Group:
    • + 15 Dance Arts (+ 5 Invested, + 10 Hobby Points)
    • + 10 Body Arts (+ 5 Invested, + 5 Songaskian Boost)
    • + 10 Theatre Arts (+ 10 Invested)
    • + 5 Circus Arts (+ 5 Invested)
  • Level 4 Arcane Sorcery (+ 12 Points)
Body Shape: Sunny is Athletic with Moderate body fat around the bust and bustle.
  • Physical Stat: 15/2 + 10/2 + 10/2 + 5/2 = 20 Points
  • Body Shape: Athletic - Sculpted
  • Body Fat: Moderate
Languages: Sunny speaks two languages.
  • Common (10/10)
  • Sofaal (10/10)

Abilities: She has Songaskian Racial Abilities and Arcane Sorcery Spells
  • Racial Abilities:
    • Elder Shift: Tail, Scale, Horns, Head, Flame.
    • Common Abilities: Sand Mastery, Desert Wall, Shambala's Gaze, Dragon's Core
  • Level 4 Arcane Sorcery:
    • Abilities:
      • Binral Blink [Sorcery Spell]
      • Dazzling Display [Sorcery Spell]
      • Walling Ward [Sorcery Spell]
      • Distant Discourse [Sorcery Spell]
    • Aesthetics:
      • Opulent Orchestra [Sorcery Spell]
      • Quarrelsome Quill [Linked Channel]
      • Illusory Instruction [Sorcery Spell]
      • Lasting Lustre [Toggle Passive]

  • Eye Color: Amber
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Long Braid
  • Skin Color: Dark Brown
  • Clothing: Bright and light clothing, highlights of gold and orange
  • Height: 6'0



  • Character Alignment
    Chaotic Good
  • Personality Type
    The Campaigner
    "She's fiercely independent, and much more than stability and security, she craves creativity and freedom."
    Main Traits: curious, observant, energetic, enthusiastic, excellent communicator, knows how to relax, friendly, poor practical skills, difficult to focus, over-thinker, easily stressed, highly emotional, narcissistic.
  • Character's Religion
    Sunny follows the faith of Shambala. She believes strongly in the Sun's power and the Dragon culture, but tends to avoid preaching. 8/10 Devout.


Ages 0-14:
  • Sundiata Keita Al Ramoran was born the youngest of three in a very well-off, if not quite rich, Songaskian family in Regalia. She never lacked food nor clothing nor shelter, and lived comfortably while enjoying some of life's many pleasures as her parents, much like her, appreciated the finer things.
  • Sunny started dancing at a young age when she found the joy of music: she found it so breathtaking and mesmerizing that she simply couldn't contain herself. Her parents, seeing dance as an art, supported her passions by paying for private classes to hone her skills. They eventually sent her off to a dance and music-oriented school in the Pearl City of the Songaskian Masaya. Being Songaskian, she also focused a lot on her looks as she craved being as beautiful as her surroundings.

Ages 15-35:
  • As she started to age more, Sundiata became more and more extroverted and energetic. She adored making friends and meeting new people, always curious to learn more about them and their views on the world. She often enjoyed performing in front of new acquaintances as to make an impressive first impression. Sunny loved the attention, and even started to crave it.
  • Sundiata started having relationships, as all young adults do, and quickly learnt that one person's love and affection just didn't seem enough. As much as people could grow to like Sunny, it was tough to stick with her when she wanted to impress the whole world.

Ages 36-49:
  • With the blessing and regals of her parents, Sunny started to travel the world on her quest of showing off her skills and learning more about people. She started her travels near her homelands of Farah'deen in Cerdia of the Oldt Era. Not finding it quite to her liking, she moved on towards Daen quickly.
  • Sunny, absolutely fascinated by the way Arcane Magic could enhance and glorify a performance, started to learn how to cast a few that would soon become instrumental to her performances. She stood out as a dancer and entertainer, hard not to when you dance to music without a musician.
  • In Daen, she first found herself in Ithania. She loved the matriarchal cultures, the fine extravagances and polyandry of their society. Her love for dancing only grew as her crowd did too. Sundiata stayed in Regalia for nearly a decade, before deciding that it there was more to see in the world.
  • Moving onwards, she visited the Dressolini. The musical society heightened her passion for dance, as well as creating a new one within singing. She loved partying with the Dressolini.

Ages 50 and on:
  • Eventually, Sunny made her way back to the Crown City of the Regalian Archipelago, her birthtown, to spread her dancing and love of the Arts to all.

Last edited:
Due to the Proficiency Update, I have updated Sundiata's proficiency points!
Nothing else has changed.
@Mistles Your application seems to be mostly in order, there is just one thing that needs to be changed:
  • Your Body Stat Calculation is incorrect and is using the wrong numbers from your proficiency points.
Please make the appropriate changes in Blue, tag me when you have done so.
@Mistles Your application seems to be mostly in order, there is just one thing that needs to be changed:
  • Your Body Stat Calculation is incorrect and is using the wrong numbers from your proficiency points.
Please make the appropriate changes in Blue, tag me when you have done so.

@Follower I have made the change! I'll admit I totally overlooked that aspect.
Thank you very much for the re-review!
@Mistles Approved, and no problem! Simply tag me again if you require a Re-Review.
Hi! I've made a few changes to Sundiata as I have given her a few Arcane School spells.
Please let me know if the changes are alright!
Thank you.
@Mistles You have a slight typo in the Allocation of your points, it currently says 55-8 instead of 12. Also add a line under your point allocation saying:
+12 Points Arcane Sorcery
Your body stat is also incorrect since you removed points from Bodycare, please adjust that as well to reflect the updated points.
Outside of that, Re-Approved.
@Mistles You have a slight typo in the Allocation of your points, it currently says 55-8 instead of 12. Also add a line under your point allocation saying:
+12 Points Arcane Sorcery
Your body stat is also incorrect since you removed points from Bodycare, please adjust that as well to reflect the updated points.
Outside of that, Re-Approved.
Thank you! I've corrected the typo and body-stat mistake.
Due to a slight name-change, a re-review is required. I've made all changes in red for her name and slightly-altered backstory!
Claimed for review.​