Archived Summoning Mrsbaver [new Idea]

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Jul 3, 2013
Reaction score
I don't actually know what to call this idea, but here is the idea.

Basically, whenever a war goes on, with, say, 25 deaths in the same area within one hour, the skies would suddenly darken and it would begin to rain. Then, an NPC (doesn't have to be MrsBaver, it could just be a dark figure) would descend from the storm clouds and wreak havoc by throwing fireballs (non-explosive, of course) and causing lightning strikes. I thought it would have an interesting effect on wars to have some upset deity be disturbed and join the battle. Of course, the fireballs wouldn't obliterate everyone. Lightning strikes don't do a ton of damage if you have armor, and the fire wouldn't do much if you had fire protection / resistance.
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Sounds like a good idea, but with how big some fights are these days, I'd say you might want to make it bigger on the d/hr part. It'd definitely be good for RP if it was done right IMO.
P.S. I'd call it the "Angered Lord" idea :P
indeed this would make things more interesting.. but this "deity" I guess you would call it could cause mass havoc.
Baver is a player account and only does things when a trusted staff member (usually MonMarty) decides they're bored enough to go scare a few noobs.
I have a pvp match worth paying to see: LadyHeretic v MrsBaver
Idk about this honestly :/ it would take alot of work for Cayorion and the others and I am more looking forward to new worlds and races then a Dark Thing coming and killing me when I already get killed in PvP enough because of being a Non-Premium
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