Summer Writing Contest


Lore Shop Owner
Apr 25, 2014
Reaction score
This summer I have decided to hold a contest for all you writers out there.
The theme of the contest is... Summer!
There will be 3 types of writing available.

For all you poets out there!

-Short Story
Maybe telling a tale of your character.

-Diary Entry
This can be describing a day of your character.

(*)What I am judging it on(*)
Length - The more, the merrier!
Creativity - Don't be boring.
Most Popular - Judged by the community

Probably making a google form/poll after entries are submitted.

1) Please no inappropriate things
2) Don't be mean to each other
3) Please make sure, your writing(s) have decent grammar.

1st Place - 400 regals
2nd Place - 250 regals
3rd Place - 150 regals
There will be a 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place for the 3 types of writing.
Also, anyone who participates will get 5 regals.

Type: [Poetry, Short Story, or Diary Entry]
Writing: [Please include the writing in a spoiler]

Multiple Entries are Allowed.
Goes from June 24th, 2015 to July 5th @ 6 p.m. EST
I wish you all luck and most importantly, have fun!

Also first time doing this. If anything is wrong, contact me please. Please don't be mean.
Thankyou @Annju for help on this.
OoooOh. Fun. I'ma give this a try~
IGN: Goldzillaa
Type: Poetry song thing

The manatees

Swim through the ocean

The manatees

They love to eat

I see the seaweed

A vibrant green color

The ocean life

I used to meet

Since I went away

The days are dark

And all I fear's

Not coming home

But I miss you most of all

My darling

The manatees

Start to loll

This is to the tune of "Autumn Leaves."
Nice. I'll try this out. But how do you make spoilers?
There's a button four choices from the right that you can click, and under that is the option for spoilers, or you can do brackets around the word 'spoiler' and brackets around another word '/spoiler' after that.
IGN: The_Shadow_King3
Type: Short Story
Writing: When They Met
It was the summer when he met her, a quiet evening to be precise. The wind blew gently out over the assembled merchants and clergy who were all attending this gathering. This was all the work of someone neither of the two future lovers really cared about, someone who their seniors wanted to respect and honor with them and their families' presence. The young man calmly stood off to the side, talking with some man his father had pushed into him to meet. A fellow scholar, a monk who was looking into plant species. It was pleasant talking to him, albeit a bit dry due to his intense religious background. The young man was, of course, Unionist like all members of his family but this monk was just too fervent for his taste. He continued to remind himself that it was a monk and that's just apart of who he was. The conversation drew to an end and he soon found himself bored and uncomfortable. Most of the men present were rather old and the women were all so prying and pressing. So, it came to pass that the young man went out of the main crowded space and into the manor's small garden space.

The young woman was being shown off to numerous people and with each, she gave a smile, a curtsy or two and accepted even a light kiss on her hand with grace. She was soon given over to a group of young women, where many were her friends who began to coo over her dress. They admiring the faint patterning upon the light blue cloth and the wonderful job the tailor had done on her Traedyn. Soon though, the small group went to go sit down. They discussed the end of the Chrysant War and how awful it was that so many people were now dead because of the filth Naylar. The young woman was interested about her friends opinions on it all yet soon it ventured into fashion and jewels and other things the young woman wasn't interested in. She looked about the room, noticing a few nice looking boys but no one she was really interested in. When her friends' talk reached shoes, she excused herself to go get some fresh air somewhere. She wandered out of the gathering, into the relative quiet of the rest of the manor before she noticed a garden space. She moved there slowly, taking in the lovely paintings that hung on the walls and letting the summer breeze waft over her exposed neckline and arms.

The young man was sitting on the bench when she walked through the doorway. He didn't notice her at first, too interested in his meddling with the flower growing from the bush behind the bench to notice her. The young woman herself didn't notice the young man as she was too busy scanning the sky. A waxing crescent lay in the sky and so torches had been lit in the garden yet they had begun to burn low in the night air, the fluttering of their flames a dance that could easily mesmerize. The young woman might have been mesmerized if she hadn't heard the scraping of someone's boots closeby. Startled, she turned towards the noise and was the young man. At this more obvious movement, the young man looked up and looked at her. She looked at him looking at her. She saw a gentle face, with black curly hair, green eyes and an aura of calm that radiated out from him. She knew that whatever he'd been doing had been his element, his passion and something he was used to. The young man saw a face carved of ivory, with blonde hair styled behind her head, soft blue eyes, and didn't feel nervous as he felt later on he should have.

"Hello ser." the young woman said as she laid her Traedyn-ladened hand on the railing the short few steps that separated her from the young man's area.

"Hello madam." the young man replied, turning himself to fully face her.

As she stepped down the stairs and got closer to him, she gently gestures with her unladdened arm, "What were you doing before I interrupted you?"

He gave a small smile and stumbled over his words a bit, saying "O...oh, didn't disturb me, I was just finishing up taking a...sample of these flowers."

He showed her the small light blue flower and piece of stem he'd removed from it resting place in the bush.

"Might I ask you name?" the young woman asked, stopping a few steps away from the bench which she had slowly moved closer too as the young man had been answering her.

"Philip Black."

"Oh, a Black!" she said in slight surprise as she recognized the name.

"My name is Alyssa, Alyssa Sangster." she then replied before giving a radiant smile.

It was the summer when Philip Black met Alyssa Sangster, the love of his life.

Type: Short Story
Writing: Endless Summer (Inspired by the upcoming video game, Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Evgeni walked along the rough people in the Upper Plains as he approached the Upper Forest

The fire had burned low and two of the men had gone to get more wood. It was at this time that the old woman, draped in her heavy shawl made of rough Mam hide, stood up and moved towards them all on her Velo-skull-topped cane. Then, her raspy voice rose into the cold night air.

"Young Hunters, today is the day upon which you are told the story of the Endless Summer."

She gave a shake of her cane, the feather adornments beneath the skull on her staff rustling in the cold breeze.

"Ages past, the Ancestors built a great empire throughout the Home. Luna was a place of trade, Mapc was home to the Great Mines and Venera was the world of sky houses, hanging without strings. We even touched the lands of Yupiter, going to his consorts and building great fortifications, places of alchemy and mines."

With this, she pointed up to the sky at those celestial bodies with her scrawny fingers. Then she slowly sat down and began again in a low voice.

"Yet we had neglected Zemlya, our Mother and she wanted us back. So she began the Great Heat. The factories of humans and their creations spewed twice as hard into the skies. The mounts of humans and their creations coughed thrice as hard into the land. Finally, the great Drillers of humans and their creations drilled so much Dark Maslo that the oceans did begin to die. The people were restless and so those false demigods who claimed to rule heaven and earth made many amusements for their people, urging them to forget about the Mother."

She taped the skull atop her cane knowingly with her left knuckle.

"We in our weakness, did so and by the time her wrath had been awoken, it was too late. The water rose out of the seas to flee our poison and the Chaos came. The demigods were struck down and peace might have returned if it had not been for the Endless Summer. The heat continued with fires spreading everywhere with waters vanishing yet the skies began to clear. Then began the cold. The Old Folks came here to this valley to escape the cold yet it covered the whole Earth. Now, we lay in a blanket of snow and ice...but not for long."

At that point, people muttered and started debating what she was about to say next. The old woman licked her lips in annoyance at all the talking going on before turning back to the group of teenagers seated before her.

"The cold is going children. In my lifetime, I have seen in begin to wane and now we see Syos moving across the Upper Plains. Change is coming. The Endless Summer may soon be upon us again and so it will be time to reach the…"

"That's enough Elder." came the rough voice of Evgeni's father as he stood up.

"YOUR Old Folks words are not fact and that area is off limits to our Young Hunters so DO NOT TELL THEM OF IT!" he said, his voice raising as he finished his outburst. A few people openly nodded with him and the old woman turned to face him, her own face touching his distaste.

"It was people like you who in ages past that helped the demigods deceive the people. Change is coming. You cannot deny that…"

His father had roared, had went right for her and after that it had been a whirlwind of shouting and grunts and flesh hitting flesh.

His father had been thrown into the Drya, as they had realized he'd been drunk. The outburst was not held against Evgeni, as everyone knew his father was into vodka. It had been a restless night, with him awake for most of the night.

So when dawn came, he was the first to leave, climbing up the Valley's pathways and over it's lip out onto the Upper Plains. He needed to bring in more than the others, he needed to make up for his father's...disgusting behaviour. He looked around, at the distant mountains that rose above them all. Suddenly, he heard a giant crash. He whipped out his bow and immediately turned towards the sound.

Erupting from the treeline came Sarmas, a dozen or so, fleeing out onto the plains. That was very shocking to see these creatures out of the Upper River, which ran through the forest. The unasked question of what they were running from was instantly answered as a Tirano came crashing out onto the plains, a Sarma hanging from it's jaws. Evgeni instantly got down low into the grasses and watched the giant lumber after more prey, dropping the Sarma from it's jaws as it did so. The creature was obviously not enough for this monster and so it began a slow chase of it's stupid prey. Then Evgeni made a reckless decision. He dashed straight for the dead Sarma laying there in the grasses as the Tirano continued to move further off for more kills. He lept over rocks, trying to keep as low as he could as he rushed the kill. Then he was there, slinging it over his shoulder and running back to the Valley.

He didn't look back, concentrated on keeping the flopping heavy weight over his shoulder as he continued to rush the safety of the cliffs. There was a muted series of cries before a large crack noise sent him into a panic. The Tirano had just killed it's target and would be turning around now. There was a loud roar and Evgeni knew it was a narrow margin. The earth began to shudder beneath his feet as the Tirano started after him, giving another roar of anger. Evgeni was nearly at the ledge and he saw the other hunters starting to poke their heads up as they completed their climb.

"MOVE!!!" He shouted as he ran.

Two girls, Kaarina and Rada were just starting to help someone else up when they turned around and instantly scrambled back over the edge. Then he threw the limp Sarma over the edge and jumped over it himself. Then, with a final roar, the Tirano went after him...and promptly fell to it's death. The small pathway Evgeni, Kaarina, Rada and the others clung to was against the wall for a short way on the cliff down before it reached a rise where rough steps led down to the forest where the Village lay. There was heavy breathing all around as they watched the large creature tumble over, smashing through trees and rocks before it finally came to a slow halt at the base of the steep landscape.

Evgeni turned to the others and said, still gasping for air, "Summer is coming."

Type: Dairy Entry
Writing: The Journal of Lana Asskan
August 10th - 293 A.C

It's been awhile since I've written in you, journal of mine. The past few weeks have been bland for me and my sister. We wake up in the morning and eat bits of whatever fruits and fishes Aunt Issa has bought from the vendors in town. Our little house contains only the remains of our family yet holds us well. We now live at the edge of Ona Zattan, being forced to relocate after the fire destroyed our old home. It's peaceful out here, the closest things being the jungle a few meters away from the house's back. The place is built into the ruins of some other home, making up the back wall and floor of our ground level. Our upper area is a simple crawlspace, where we keep our most precious things, like you journal.

In anycase, my and Lissana have had to re-scout out the jungle for good spots where the Bugtuza might be hiding. Our old spots are too far away now and this area is wilder than our old hunting ground, which is better for finding game. Liss wants us to start hunting immediately but I've convinced her that we need to be more thorough in our scouting. The truth is, I want to find ruins from the old times. We were once apart of a great empire yet were crushed by the filthy Regalians and their ships. Laying out there are treasures, secrets and riches that nature has consumed with the goal to forever silence it and I will be the one to find it all. My father and brother wouldn't wanted it, they always said to never let history fade, amongst other things.

We're going to start bringing Bugtuza though in a week. Liss has grown sick of my quest, though she'll understand it someday. Aunt Issa continues her work on her garden and venturing into town to trade those weaving skills of hers for food. She doesn't really pry into anything of ours and doesn't spend a lot of time with us. Yesterday though, it was so hot, me and Liss took a swim in the river to cool off when we got back. She joined us after some encouragement and we had a bit of fun. Fun isn't productive though so soon we'd all gotten out and gone back to our own things. I hope it cools off more in the coming weeks, else the Bugtuza won't emerge and we'll have to dig for them. Hope that doesn't happen. I hate dirt in my scales.
This reminds me. Thankyou. This is now closed.
Locking thread.
Edit: Can't lock thread on mobile it seems.