Preserved Sheet Sulaimaan Fahrahhi | The Tech Prince

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Feb 25, 2019
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"You may say, it is impossible for a man to become like the Machine. And I would reply, that only the smallest mind strives to comprehend its limits."
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Sulaimaan Fahrahhi
    • Aliases: Ifrit
  • Age: 92 (Appears 42)
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Khaneh Qadir
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Halberd
Skill Information
  • Total Points: 55 from Age + 5 from Base + 10 from Hobby Points
    • Combat Proficiency Category
      • +15 Pole Combat Skill
      • +5 Light Bow Combat Skill
    • Knowledge Proficiency Category
      • +4 Magical Knowledge
        • Sanguinology
      • +3 Society Knowledge
        • Eastern Culture
      • +3 Hisorical Knowledge
        • Farah'deen History
    • Science Proficiency Category
      • +20 Finecraft Sciences
    • Body Proficiency Category
      • +10 Athletics Training
    • Arts Proficiency Category
      • +4 Literary Arts (from Hobby Points)
      • +3 Cullinary Arts (from Hobby Points)
      • +3 Visual Arts (from Hobby Points)
  • Body Shape
    • Physical Stat: 25 (5 from Light Bow Combat Skill +15 from Pole Combat Skill +5 from Athletics Training halved)
    • Body Shape: Athletic
    • Body Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Languages
    • Faraddi (10/10)
    • Khanehi (10/10)
    • Common (7/10)
  • Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
    • Racial
      • Metriculous Percision
      • Qadir Soul Shot
    • Vampirism | Cratos Bloodline | Active
      • Chosen Mutations | 5
        • Tech Obedient
        • Tech Venting
        • Tech Arachnia
        • Tech Exploitation
        • Tech Re-Aquisition
      • Standard Mutations | 8
        • Blood Collaring
        • Immortal Aging
        • Tech Lasting
        • Tech Halting
        • Tech Feeding
        • Tech Body
        • Tech Power
        • Tech Form
          • Sulaimaan's head transforms into a robotic variant, with a pair of glowing red eyes accompanies by whirling cogs and gears. Over his mouth rests a respirator, distorting his voice through a crackled static. The respirator folks open to allow a pair of needle-like fangs to feed if need be. Wires and tendrils of brass hang from his respirator, connecting it to various "powerbanks" along his back. These power banks offer an almost hunchedback appearance to the Cratos. The rest of his body is fused with similar clockwork, encasing 50% of his entire form in machinery. An autonomous arm sprouts from between his shoulder blades (which is purely aesthetic), and a glowing red core, not too dissimilar from what you would find on clockwork, rests over where his heart would lay. The brass littered across his body is adorned in fine engravings in Khaneh, translating to corrupt variants of Esrah Alwattah prayers and teachings.
Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Hazel, with his eye sockets darkened with a reddish hue
  • Hair Colour: Dark Brown
  • Hair Style: Bald
  • Skin Colour: A Deep Brown Tan
  • Clothing: Desert Robes
  • Height: 5'8"
Personality Information
  • Alignment: LE
  • Personality Type: INTP
  • Religion:
    • Esrah Alwattah - Khaneh Variant 10/10 (prior to Vampirism)
      • Sulaimaan lives and breathes his faith, with no thought conducted without its consideration. Having grown up within Khaneh culture, such was inevitable, however, the Qadir takes this to a new height of fanaticism producing his overly zealous persona.
    • Atheist (post Vampirism infection)
      • The teachings of the Esrah Alwattah follow through to Sulaimaan's infection, however, no longer does he seek to create a new god in the stead of the last. Rather, he seeks the destruction of all deities, and to place himself and those sharing in the Sanguine Gift at the pinnacle of existence, alongside his technomantic creations.
Life Story
  • Childhood (0-16)
    • Sulaimaan was born in the settlement of Fahrahhan, 14th Septmeber 265AC, to a family with strong Khaneh values.
    • From a young age, the Qadir was exposed to the extremes of his kin; learning the history of his peoples from the moment he could read.
    • With the roots of his philosophy established, Sulaimaan's father began teaching the youngling how to navigate clockwork, utilising it to segway into the teachings of the Esrah Alwattah.
    • These teachings instilled the groudwork for his fanaticism. From now on, the young Sulaimaan had aspirations to join the clergy, and work his way up to tend to the Alumattaq.
  • Early Adulthood (17-25)
    • Sulaimaan embarked to the Holy City of Mooriye, seeking to find his way into the priesthood of the great city. Issues were encountered when trying to enter the city, given their outward rejection of outsiders. Even after being afforded entrance, the man was still treated with the upmost scepticism for severl years.
    • He took up residency in the famed Hadritya of the city, as his education for priesthood began. With this secured, his parents travelled to the city to join him in this high-life. For the remainder of their days, Sulaimaan's parents lived in relative comfort within the colossal temple.
    • Ascension through the priesthood was a long and arduous road, yet it was one he was willing for. Sulaimaan spent days on end inspecting the machines of the city, and ensuring it all was in the highest and most pristine of orders.
    • Eventually, the time came for Sulaimaan to be wed, following a harsh series of trials set out by his parents for the would-be wife. Following the approval of his father and mother, Sulaimaan found himself wed to a goldsmith by the name of Nour. She moved in with he and his family in the Hadritya, as did her parents. Quite the tight-knitted family unit began to form.
    • It became rarer and rarer for Sulaimaan to spend time with his family, as priestly duties grew more and more demanding by the day.
  • Adulthood (26-42)
    • Following a request from higher-up, Sulaimaan and his wife found themselves required near the city of Al-alus, causing them to leave the santuary of the Hadritya they called home.
    • He grew disgusted by the ongoings in this heretical state, believing them to be a shadow of their former selves. His opinions, though, were not met by his wife, nor anyone else they shared a table with. This rage and anger at the heresy before him continued to vent up, festering away like an untreated wound.
    • The pair returned to Mooriye some years later, Sulaimaan overjoyed to finally re-enter a place that maintained their sanity. With an upright zeal, he continued his priestly work around the city.
    • Sulaimaan joined the local law enforcement on several investigations of colourful anti-state paintings that cropped up around Mooriye. Immediately blaming the Al-Alusians for the heresy, his hatred grew more and more for this neighbouring state.
    • One fateful evening saw Sulaimaan captured by a pair of hunting Cratos Vampires, dragging him down into the depths of their mechanical undercity to infect him with their curse.
  • Late Adulthood (43-85)
    • Sulaimaan slowly began to morph from a pious member of the clergy into something darker, more sinister. His ideals were twisted and shaken from wishing to construct a new God, to wanting to become the new God himself. He worked day-in-day-out to improve upon his skill with the metals, and to enhance his clockwork to new heights.
    • Taking on the new alias of "Ifrit", Sulaimaan was only used for when he had to make ventures to the surface to collect resources, and try to stick in with his fellow clergymen.
    • He ascended up the ranks of his coven in the underworld, his dedication to his craft dazzling his competitors. Participating in many duels in the rings of Malice, he quickly grew more and more adept at combat, adopting quite the unorthodox style when compared to his contempories.
    • His discovery was inevitable, however. During an unlucky encounter, his wife walked in on him infecting a fellow priest, provoking the guards into action. He raced down into the Undercity, and remained there for the foreseeable future.
    • Life down there was cut-throat, with everyone seeking to one-up each other. More fledglings joined their ranks, just as old faces withered away, disappearing without as much as a word to the wind.
    • Eventually, Sulaimaan found himself pushed out from Mooriye by his competitors, however, it was framed in a less obvious way. Wishing for him to spread the influence of the machine cult, Sulaimaan was sent to Al-Alus to aid in the construction of a new Undercity.
  • Recent Years (86-Present)
    • Working beneath the place he had long come to despise began to turn on lightbulbs in the man's head. The ones responsible for the weakening of al-Alus were the Regalians, sitting on their high castle and cushioning this once great land with their "culture".
    • This hatred grew and grew and grew, until his rambling on the matter became almost fannatical. He hitched a ride on a trading vessel with some of his fellow Sanguine, with his eyes set on the creation of a new Undercity, and tearing down the offenders.
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@Arhbi Reworked the character given the introduction of the Cratos Bloodline. Needs a re-review whenever you can.