Archived Suggetsion For Massivetraits

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[OuterHeaven] The Boss of MSF.
Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
Mother Base
If possible, an interesting thing to do with Massivetraits could be to "level up" persay, have a few levels for massivetraits to allow for more involved gameplay.
So, lets say, each level adds 50 points, and 1 slot. However, it also sort of tiers the traits. Players have only x traits available to them at level one, that arent ones like the heal or feed stats. Instead of the masterys being available right away, you would instead get novice. with a smaller dmg upgrade.

as the levels go up, so do the strength of the abilities available to you, maxing out at having lvl 3, non prems having 250 points available, and prems having 300. Something like that (this is lazy math)
and all the stats available to them.

Leveling up could be done by doing certain quests, using your traits often, or something of the like.

Its by no means something the plugin needs, but it could be a nice touch, and a bit more roleplay oriented, making you go from being a novice with say, archery, to being a master. Its just something I came up with the second I started looking at the traits.
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There is already MCMMO for that. I believe that Massive Traits is more for defining who you character basically is, and not much their skill gained. For instance, although you could in the story of your character gain waterbreathing for some or some reason, it's not much the result of a training. Same goes for many traits.

Also I think you mistake what "roleplaying" means: it's not a video game term, where you gain levels and skill and such, it's really just about ... playing a role ;-)
Yeah, since MassiveTraits is sort of used for two purposes (PvP and RP), I don't think people that roleplay would want to have to grind for certain traits. And I also agree with @Rosslaew about McMMO being for leveling and grinding for stats/levels.
There is already MCMMO for that. I believe that Massive Traits is more for defining who you character basically is, and not much their skill gained. For instance, although you could in the story of your character gain waterbreathing for some or some reason, it's not much the result of a training. Same goes for many traits.

Also I think you mistake what "roleplaying" means: it's not a video game term, where you gain levels and skill and such, it's really just about ... playing a role ;)
Could not agree more.
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