Rejected Suggestions

This suggestion has been rejected.


Binded by Contract
Apr 18, 2020
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Move the suggestions back to the discord, I don't know why it was moved, it would be interesting to know the rationale behind this decision. I stand by the sentiment that "if it ain't broke don't fix it"

Moving the suggestions to the forums adds another layer of obfuscation for no apparent reason, its hard enough engaging what is left of the factions community, don't make it harder by forcing people to make a forums account just to check the suggestions.

At the very least, make a suggestions channel in the discord that is read only and send a notification whenever there is a new suggestion if we absolutely must keep the suggestions on the forums.
Move the suggestions back to the discord, I don't know why it was moved, it would be interesting to know the rationale behind this decision. I stand by the sentiment that "if it ain't broke don't fix it"
The suggestion category on the forums has a history that predates Discord, even if you can no longer see old suggestions while we work on tagging them properly. We hope that the forums are utilized more in the future, and that users put rationale and thought behind their suggestions when creating them.

don't make it harder by forcing people to make a forums account just to check the suggestions.
You don't need an account to see the suggestions category.

At the very least, make a suggestions channel in the discord that is read only and send a notification whenever there is a new suggestion if we absolutely must keep the suggestions on the forums.
This was done at the same time suggestions were moved back to the forums. Posts were not sending, but this should be resolved now. If you cannot see this channel, please check your channel subscriptions in Discord.