Suggestions For Conquest

Mar 30, 2013
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I know some servers base the size of a faction peoples power. If u die the player will loss power affecting faction power eventually once the power is less the the claimed land it will allow the faction attacking the other faction to claim te land making the faction under attack lose land and power
making conquest easier
I know some servers base the size of a faction peoples power. If u die the player will loss power affecting faction power eventually once the power is less the the claimed land it will allow the faction attacking the other faction to claim te land making the faction under attack lose land and power
making conquest easier
I don't like this because it encourages more PvP, I myself wouldn't like Osai (A refuge faction in which we have a lot of various people coming in, and we lead relatively peaceful lives) to be conquered and claimed by some non-roleplaying group of hardcore PvP'ers just because they can kill us. I know that it is sometimes a tad unrealistic, like when there are 20 people huddled in a house surrounded by attackers, and the attackers get in and the people are screaming from the house "We never surrender!"
However, I don't think people should be "conquered". If they are being killed and raided a lot, then they can surrender, pay money to the attackers, and that is that.
I know some servers base the size of a faction peoples power. If u die the player will loss power affecting faction power eventually once the power is less the the claimed land it will allow the faction attacking the other faction to claim te land making the faction under attack lose land and power
making conquest easier
The very fact massivecraft does not do this is part of what makes it better than other server (at least imo). On other servers with factions my faction members kept dying and loosing power so there was a risk or my base been claimed, I ended up taking all the resources and leaving the area. I kicked all the members and built a sky castle within one chunk. This was then blown up by someone with a TNT cannon while I was offline(the fact explosions do no structural damage is another thing I like about massivecraft)[DOUBLEPOST=1364848370,1364847820][/DOUBLEPOST]
There is way u can be a peacful faction that can't be attack
There are no peaceful factions on massive, its to easy to abuse it.
People wouldn't use expensive resources making impressive structures, I've seen a faction server where every faction save perhaps 2 live entirely underground.
The very fact massivecraft does not do this is part of what makes it better than other server (at least imo). On other servers with factions my faction members kept dying and loosing power so there was a risk or my base been claimed, I ended up taking all the resources and leaving the area. I kicked all the members and built a sky castle within one chunk. This was then blown up by someone with a TNT cannon while I was offline(the fact explosions do no structural damage is another thing I like about massivecraft)[DOUBLEPOST=1364848370,1364847820][/DOUBLEPOST]
There are no peaceful factions on massive, its to easy to abuse it.
U can make so they have to apply to beome peaeful
Its not RP to have invincible people who cant be attacked walking around.
Even if you are, it still should be possible to attack you. Make it so there are severe consequences(like all other factions declaring war on you), but don't just have a invincible guy.
There is way u can be a peacful faction that can't be attack
Like it was said, the peaceful factions can easily be abused. Let me enlighten us all with a scenario.

Faction A (for applesauce) is at war with Faction B (for Banana)
Faction D (for Dingleberry) is a peaceful faction, but the leader (Dingledork123) is friends with Faction B's leader (Bananasplitandrun) So, because Dingledork's men can wander the world and take no damage, Faction B asks if Dingledork and his troops can walk over to Faction A, inspect the land, get a layout of it, and report everything to Faction B. Faction A is unable to stop them, as they cannot kill them.

Was that not good enough for you? Heres another scenario.

Faction A has discovered a huge vein of diamonds, but they don't have a pick with them so they post 2 soldiers to defend it while a third leaves to get a pick. Trollipopper567, a member of a peaceful faction, sees them defending the vein, and begins to mine it. Faction A is unable to do anything to protect their amazing find, as Trollipopper is invincible.

In short, I don't think that peaceful factions should ever be implemented, especially in a server like this where there is more to warfare then raids. And with peaceful factions out of the question, there is no feasible way for me and my fellow faction members to retain our cherished homeland when we are attacked and killed by a bunch of anti-RP hardcore raiders.

I rest my case.

((all of those names were made up, I am not trying to insult any non-existant players))