Archived [suggestion] Talk To People Even When They Are Offline

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
A new section on the massive craft website
you can now search a players name
get a picture of their Mine craft character they posted
in a background of their choice.
A chat bubble with the greeting they posted opens up
you get to choose questions to ask him that he made up for you
(This would be great for shop keepers)
and he has pre defined answers for your questions
just like an RPG game
you could ask them questions about their faction, shop, character, ect...
and ti would be totally RP
Maybe even have it show they are online at the moment at the top right of the screen ore something[DOUBLEPOST=1366397718,1366397341][/DOUBLEPOST]I think that
to make things easier on the people making their responses they can have a GUI visual tree of questions and answers they can punch in
press the + button to add a branch to a question and + from a question to an answer
The default answer to a question is whatever you make yore's.
Mine would probably be "I'm sorry I must of spaced out their"
and my greeting would be "Good Morrow I am Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin"
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I really like this idea. It provides more consumer/provider interaction when one party is away. I think many buisnesses would benifit from this idea.
Would be very hard to code, if this does get implemented I doubt the project will be starting before Factions 2 & Sharding is completed (Estimated 4-5 weeks.)
This is a web page for those that do not know, completely out of minecraft.
unless you can make it in minecraft though I would be annoyed if I had to punch in commands all the time to fill this out.
Nothing is taking presedence over factions and sharding.
To talk to offline people:
Steal their cellphone number
Find them on Facebook and stalk them
This whole idea is to save time
you know how annoying it is to answer questions all the time
all ways the same questions?
and you have to wait for your answer
this would also be allot more fun
then looking up their faction info on the forum
ore their shop (nobody really does aether ore)
because their is some kind of alternative that is not as cool
but at least you don't have to go out of your way to make it better

if you like it -post-
you think theirs something that needs tweaking -post-

you don't like it?
think it sucks?
want to rage on it?
let the thread die!

You got nothing good to say don't say it at all (Moms words)
I don't go and troll on your posts
leave mine alone
Errr I fail to see why you couldn't just use Skype. So to me this suggestion seems completely useless, like most of your others. We already have a forum mail system, and there are plenty of alternatives. Please, next time to think your suggestions through.
This whole idea is to save time
you know how annoying it is to answer questions all the time
all ways the same questions?
and you have to wait for your answer
this would also be allot more fun
then looking up their faction info on the forum
ore their shop (nobody really does aether ore)
If you all want to be lazy and reject sick @#$%
because their is some kind of alternative that is not as cool
but at least you don't have to go out of your way to make it better
then GTF out of this kind of thread with your smack

if you like it -post-
you think theirs something that needs tweaking -post-

you don't like it?
think it sucks?
want to rage on it?
STFU and ignore it!
let the thread die!

You got nothing good to say don't say it at all (Moms words)
I don't go and troll on your posts
leave mine alone

Well, these threads spammed the forums, might as well answer them.
Does this help Dworvin? (Not you Grid, ignore this one)
no I get it skully_man
you can't blame a guy for getting upset
but I won't stop posting my thoughts
so pleas people stop bothering me on my threads and just ignore my posts
if you are going to badger them
they took off the negative icons for a reason
no I get it skully_man
you can't blame a guy for getting upset
but I won't stop posting my thoughts
so pleas people stop bothering me on my threads and just ignore my posts
if you are going to badger them
they took off the negative icons for a reason
Post it in 1 thread. That's all we want and need, if you make it cleaner and include more detail people will actually read what you have written, got that yet?
no I get it skully_man
you can't blame a guy for getting upset
but I won't stop posting my thoughts
so pleas people stop bothering me on my threads and just ignore my posts
if you are going to badger them
they took off the negative icons for a reason
(Sensible kitty mode activated) Dworvin I'm not trying to be offensive but all your ideas normally include mods try to research it a bit before trying to get massivecraft to get an item that is not physically in the game (sensible kitty mode deactivated) meow
What about using 2 leather and a chest to make a back pack.
your character can walk around but not run with a chest you can see on his back
only a 1 chest though.
he cannot run with the chest on his back though he can still jump
if killed the chest drops on the ground as a block
you have to private the backpack to pick it up
right click the sign and type /chest take
the chest will say Backpack as an item name when you make it
the chest will show in the spot where you put your torso armor
and the chest will show on your back
Ive seen chests placed for peoples heads so I know this is possible
you have to place the chest on the ground for someone else to be able to access the contents
you can access the content by doing a command like /chest search
you cannot put the chest in your inventory
if you pick up the chest through your inventory window it will automatically be placed on the ground

should the private sing still be on the chest when if falls ore when you put it down?
I would disagree because then people cannot be robed by highway men while doing journeys.

if you cannot place the chest on the ground when you discharge it
(faction property ore whatever)
if goes back on your back

voila a detailed mod. If you say it is client side I think bu## @#$@ because I did not download the mod that lets you see a chest for peoples heads.
Dworvin this is client-side because your basically suggesting a new item. Changing what people see is one thing, adding a WHOLE NEW item is another thing.
Sounds like you're suggesting an interface, I can't see this happening. Locked.
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