Archived [suggestion] Revisions To Faction Power

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Champion of the common man
Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
Hello While looking around at the member size of factions and the amount of land they could claim and I thought of the following revisions.

  • A minimum power level around 5 for non premiums and 10 for premiums.
  • A maximum power level around 20% higher that can be gained at a slower rate that than 5-10 or 10-20 that can be lost by being inactive for more than a day.
Also I was thinking about noobs casuals who aren't on more than a few hours a week dying from a random spawning mob and getting killed because they're scrubs Casuals. These people though they may contribute to their faction are in a way dead weight to a faction as they would count for tribute payments but not for land power.
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Agreed. I hate it when noobs causals die by falling off something or other random shizzle, and then end up quitting the server giving off a dead weight and not regenerating it.
I dislike the entire new power system, but yeah, that would be a good fix. Don't tell anyone but my power level once actually hit 2 because I was on a run of bad luck haha.
A minimum power level around 5 for non premiums and 10 for premiums.
This should defiantly be added. The current power system is very tough hard on factions that help get noobs new players started and don't want to kick them because they are hopeless unused to the server.
This should defiantly be added. The current power system is very tough hard on factions that help get noobs new players started and don't want to kick them because they are hopeless unused to the server.

That's basically what Thaelyn does :P Bring in all the noobs!
Non prems are a large part of the playerbase. they're hardly "useless". Disadvantaged at fighting perhaps but generate a large part of the economy through mining and trading.
Hardly though considering just how much materials the top and (mostly prem) fishers are making
<-- this guy is a noob but he can wreck someone with an Axe
Anyway i think it's a good idea and why not let those who just started playing on the server have a access that they won't lose power for maybe a week or 3 days?
Non prems are a large part of the playerbase. they're hardly "useless". Disadvantaged at fighting perhaps but generate a large part of the economy through mining and trading.

Hardly though considering just how much materials the top and (mostly prem) fishers are making

Dumb mcmmo, screwing around with every aspect of the server -_-

related to the thread... how?

I personally hate this, sorry for being a jerk.

any reason, or are you just a hater?

Anyway i think it's a good idea and why not let those who just started playing on the server have a access that they won't lose power for maybe a week or 3 days?

That could work.

Here's an idea I have regarding the topic. Let new players start with 10 power rather then 0. This means they have some to loose to start with and will not be stuck at 0 because they keep dying often enough to counter any power recharge.
It hasn't been removed at all. From what I see it hasn't been removed or removed in anyway so why say this if it hasn't been removed or deleted? Am I thinking the wrong thing? If so sorry.

I never said it has, I was just saying what would happen if it was in response to what chris knight said
I don't think MCmmo should be removed, just... tweaked. Made less completely obnoxiously OP. EX: Add another 0 to all the maxed out or 'breakthrough' levels. Makes it more difficult. And pvp skills should only be gained from attacking players, since darkrooming makes it way too easy to lvl up ones pvp skills even if you suck at combat.
I don't think MCmmo should be removed, just... tweaked. Made less completely obnoxiously OP. EX: Add another 0 to all the maxed out or 'breakthrough' levels. Makes it more difficult. And pvp skills should only be gained from attacking players, since darkrooming makes it way too easy to lvl up ones pvp skills even if you suck at combat.
Must every thread be turned into a bitch session on mcmmo?
Must every thread be turned into a bitch session on mcmmo?

No need to be rude about it Grailen, I was simply replying to the posts above. If you have such a problem about people posting thoughts on MCmmo then just say so politely like "I don't see anything wrong with MCmmo as it is." That's a perfectly valid way in which you can state your displeasure without pissing people off. If you want I can make an independent thread about it for you to ignore.
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