Archived Suggestion Regarding Teleportation

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Pink Fluffy Unicorn
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
If Massive is truly a roleplay server, why do we have the ability to teleport to Regalia? Why can't we make it so people have to walk(or ride) to their world's respective spawntown or blimp and then board a ship to Regalia? Would that not be more roleplay? Peasants would get what meager silver they have and make trips to Regalia to pick up supplies from the market. It would also make it so there could actually be bandits that stalk the roads to the spawntowns. People would hire guards to escort them, and you could also meet fellow travelers on the way to Regalia, leading to more roleplay opportunities. I know that the server can't be COMPLETELY medieval, because that would mean the removal of all chat systems besides the local ones, but I think this small change would be rather beneficial.
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I don't think anyone would actually walk to regalia. Only old-fashioned people, like from the 250's. I mean, its 1570 now, we are so advanced!
If Massive is truly a roleplay server, why do we have the ability to teleport to Regalia? Why can't we make it so people have to walk(or ride) to their world's respective spawntown or blimp and then board a ship to Regalia? Would that not be more roleplay? Peasants would get what meager silver they have and make trips to Regalia to pick up supplies from the market. It would also make it so there could actually be bandits that stalk the roads to the spawntowns. People would hire guards to escort them, and you could also meet fellow travelers on the way to Regalia, leading to more roleplay opportunities. I know that the server can't be COMPLETELY medieval, because that would mean the removal of all chat systems besides the local ones, but I think this small change would be rather beneficial.
I kinda agree with you. But the possibility that someone get's stuck, wants to participate at an event and such is very high.
Even if we take them the ability to warp to the spawn of a world or regalia. we must allow them to sue /mspawn since this will be the meeting point of the universes. From there, they can easily get to Regalia why make it so complex?

Another thing is, with this change you would skip the balance between a roleplay and heavy-roleplay. We don't define Massivecarft as heavy-Rp since it is highly uncomfortable and unsupportive for trade and RP (yes, inception). People couldn't just meet in Reglaia, no they would have to make up a date, travel there, wait, wait longer and then finally meet up...this is very bad for finding someone to roleplay with in my eyes.
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