Archived [suggestion] Pioneers

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Champion of the common man
Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
Just something I happened to think up based on the way Premiums were allowed early access to Ithania. What I have in mind would be a server event right before the full public opening of a world in which players (some or all or just premiums) are given adventure mode and allowed to roam the new world exploring it. To entice players perhaps ruins could be bo2'd into the world (Similar to Deandroc) with loot chests hidden within them. This would be similar to a treasure hunts the only difference would be players having to search a new and previously unexplored map. Also some roleplay could be worked into this and its selection process fittingly.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This sounds interesting!
Just something I happened to think up based on the way Premiums were allowed early access to Ithania. What I have in mind would be a server event right before the full public opening of a world in which players (some or all or just premiums) are given adventure mode and allowed to roam the new world exploring it. To entice players perhaps ruins could be bo2'd into the world (Similar to Deandroc) with loot chests hidden within them. This would be similar to a treasure hunts the only difference would be players having to search a new and previously unexplored map. Also some roleplay could be worked into this and its selection process fittingly.
While I find the idea great myself and I have thought about a similar concept before, we did speak about it in the team. Everything that is non-persistant (or timed, like only for a week or event) is time inefficient. ((Yes, that's why so few events happen, they are highly unefficient)) Exploring a world in adventuremode, running around and roleplaying sounds nice and all, but giving you items in chests is a one time action. We would have to refill it manually, thus is time inefficient. Your original idea will not implemented of these reasons.

I had some ideas for a slightly different setup. If you want, we can discuss a few possibilitys in this thread.
One question I had was, How are you going to make people wanting to go there and roleplay if there is no monetary bonus(such as finding items and ores)?
Would it be that attractive since most people want to build structures or what can be done to compensate this?
Could we possibly incooperate multiple quests into this land, to make it feel like a big quest island?
Should it be a normal world settup (pvp out of the spawn area) or sbouod jt be a peacefull place?

Without a question, this is a project I would be interested in developing with you guys, but as once stated we will not release to many new things until sharding (because of the low player cap). If you want to help, feel free to theorize with me on these questions?
I think that maybe there is one player, any player, and if you find him and/or kill him you get a prize. But not making the player underpowered or anything like he/she has iron+ armour and some sort of weapon. This might add a quest type thing as Ulu has said before and will encourage players to go and kill this player.
Another idea is a novelty events, minigames really. These are when a team tries to complete an obstacle course and finish to get points and the team with the most points at the end wins a prize for the whole team. 2nd and 3rd might get a prize too.
I'd like a world which is world guarded but chests are openable and all you do is explore in parties and fight each other. And structures will be made like a castle and you can try and take it. Don't know if this is wat ur sayin or not[DOUBLEPOST=1366989918,1366989888][/DOUBLEPOST]Like you find armour in chests and stuff
I like the idea of a pioneers. Even without chests, it would be very wise to investigate a world prior to opening it to editing for the following reasons:
  1. Find good locations for castles, towns, mines, ext.
  2. Enjoy the scenery of a vast wilderness not yet tapped or damaged.
  3. Fight people without worrying about getting territorial effects (+30%/-30%).
  4. Find easter eggs (which the admins would put in) before others.
    • Easter Eggs meaning like secret cities in caves, underwater shipwrecks, the like.
    • Since u can't edit, the eggs would remain undamaged, thus more fun to investigate
And if people won't go without incentive, well, screw them. You don't get paid to Role Play in Regalia, so why do it? Because it's FUN. There doesn't always need to be a literal profit from something in order to enjoy it :)
I simply Love this idea! And lovely to see all this positive feedback to it!

Ill do my best in making such an event possible, please keep all the great ideas coming!

We should make a giant soap bar in the sky on fire at one bit
While I find the idea great myself and I have thought about a similar concept before, we did speak about it in the team. Everything that is non-persistant (or timed, like only for a week or event) is time inefficient. ((Yes, that's why so few events happen, they are highly unefficient)) Exploring a world in adventuremode, running around and roleplaying sounds nice and all, but giving you items in chests is a one time action. We would have to refill it manually, thus is time inefficient. Your original idea will not implemented of these reasons.

I had some ideas for a slightly different setup. If you want, we can discuss a few possibilitys in this thread.
One question I had was, How are you going to make people wanting to go there and roleplay if there is no monetary bonus(such as finding items and ores)?
Would it be that attractive since most people want to build structures or what can be done to compensate this?
Could we possibly incooperate multiple quests into this land, to make it feel like a big quest island?
Should it be a normal world settup (pvp out of the spawn area) or sbouod jt be a peacefull place?

Without a question, this is a project I would be interested in developing with you guys, but as once stated we will not release to many new things until sharding (because of the low player cap). If you want to help, feel free to theorize with me on these questions?
I agree the idea I presented was really just a generic gimmick to get the community to par take in it. Though the main purpose of what I'm thinking is merely a chance to see the world without running around for land claim or killing or hunting for loot, Merely enjoying the scenery and seeing where you'd want to build.
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