Archived [suggestion] Mining Bonus For Dwarfs

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
Much like Humans get an agricultural bonus Dwarfs get a mining bonus.

Same plugin eddied for Dwarfs.

Voila Dwarfs suit their roles better.
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This suggestion has been rejected before, mainly because dwarves are supposed to be type 1 races, which only have minor benefits.
I don't really understand any of that, maybe some more detail? And as favoured said, this has been rejected before so it might happen again.
I don't see why Dwarfs would be considered a minor race.
As you can see many players like to role play as dwarfs and they are in very very many movies (popular)
I think that Dwarfs should be more then a minor race.

I would like to feal more like a dwarf when I play

ax skills ok , mining skills great! , smithing skills obvious decision , week with bows , stocky meaning less knock back (lower center of gravity right?) , run less fast (short legs) <- also means they don't jump as far , make walking noises when sneaking as well , If you could edit the character to make them actually shorter that would be the BOMB!

I bet that anyone that loves role playing as a Dwarf would Love this
If you think this is not cool and should not be then you are a shame to dwarfs all over because you are a dwarf just for PVP reasons!
If you could edit the character to make them actually shorter that would be the BOMB!
More Player Models. Also don't assume people use Dwarves for pure PVP reasons. People do it for RP aswell otherwise I could be a Naga and say "Yeah I'm a Elf who is excellent at archery." I choose to play as an Elf because I love archery and I am good at it and that slight damage boost is good.

Now enough about me.
"ax skills ok , mining skills great! , smithing skills obvious decision , week with bows , stocky meaning less knock back (lower center of gravity right?) , run less fast (short legs)"
Now, it seems like your saying "Hey! Coders! Do this stuff because I think its cool and I'll RP if you do."
Now that is pushing it. Our coders try their best to bring in the things we have now and make our server great and disrespecting them is saying "I know you can code so code this and make it better and better" That isn't fair on their half and they should be treated with more respect. Now the things you have mentioned are all included in RP, as Massive isn't a strict strict RP server people who are Dwarves might like to train their archery and vice versa with a lot of races.

I am pretty sure that I have stated my point so maybe a mod+ could give their input on this.

Favoured didn't say minor race, but minor benefits- since they are a tier 1 race.
What you are suggesting Dworvin is to change dwarves from tier 1 to tier 2, but if dwarves are changed, why not elves, or tigran? it can be argued that the ability of dwarves is more like that of humans than most of the other tier 1 races.

Dwarves, and all tier one races arn't meant to play differently, their bonuses are just token items to encourage roleplay and this will not change, or at least not in the near future.

If dwarves want to be better miners then they should grind the mcmmo mining skill until they are. As for the rest of your proposed changes, tough.
I have read most of your posts, Dworvin. The majority of them are you trying to improve the Dwarf race. It seems quite clear that you are a Dwarf trying to get yourself benifits.
Ime not trying to say Dwarfs are better at all.
And as for trying to get the dwarfs better as an rp-able race yea! of course I am, I am a dwarf.
I could throw out ideas for other races but then I would not know much of what I am throwing out.
I am a dwarf guy <- Being blunt just comes with the package.

I listed pros and cons up their (I thought it was balanced)
This suggestion has been rejected before, mainly because dwarves are supposed to be type 1 races, which only have minor benefits.
Favoured is right on this. However he is even more right because YOU HAVE MADE A SUGGESTION FOR THIS BEFORE! Dammit "Humans have an agricultural bonus" Please tell me which is more important in MINEcraft mining or being able to get 20% more wheat. Yes only wheat, only ONE type of food that is one of the most inferior types of food. Just stop...... Please.......
Favoured didn't say minor race, but minor benefits- since they are a tier 1 race.
What you are suggesting Dworvin is to change dwarves from tier 1 to tier 2, but if dwarves are changed, why not elves, or tigran? it can be argued that the ability of dwarves is more like that of humans than most of the other tier 1 races.

Dwarves, and all tier one races arn't meant to play differently, their bonuses are just token items to encourage roleplay and this will not change, or at least not in the near future.

If dwarves want to be better miners then they should grind the mcmmo mining skill until they are. As for the rest of your proposed changes, tough.
Well... they sort of ARE a... hehe... MINOR race! Hahahaha!
Tigran are the best race. Cause they are flying kitties cousins :D
Favoured is right on this. However he is even more right because YOU HAVE MADE A SUGGESTION FOR THIS BEFORE! Dammit "Humans have an agricultural bonus" Please tell me which is more important in MINEcraft mining or being able to get 20% more wheat. Yes only wheat, only ONE type of food that is one of the most inferior types of food. Just stop...... Please.......
The humans also have chance to get extra log not only wheat ;3
Well I RP a dwarf, and the current setup for dwarfs is well.... It could be better, compared with other races.

Sure racial benefits are a nice gift from the devs. But it could be more balanced.
How is it unbalanced?
I personally don't Think Race need to be Added or balanced now..
And please for the Sake of the Admins please read some thread before you post this
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