Archived [suggestion] Inspecting A Player's Armor/weapons

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Feb 22, 2013
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Have you ever wondered what enchanted armor or weapon a person was using, and can't know without asking them? I have come up with an idea for a plugin that would eliminate this problem. The plugin would consist of a few components, the command to inspect someone's armor and weapons, (Ex. /inspect "player-name"). The next component, being the display to view the person's armor and weapons. I have not come up with an official way for this. A Possible way is a pop-up display (I'm not sure if this is possible) The display may look something like this-
I do not know if that is possible (Coding Wise). Another way may be something text based that would show after you type the command, Such as-
[Player Name]
Helm- (Ex. Diamond/Protection IV
Chest-Plate-(Same as above)
Leggings- (Same as above)
Boots- (Same as above)
I am guessing the text based display would be an easier one (Less coding). I would accept either.
By now, you may be thinking, "This defeats the purpose of pvp and raiding" That it does, although we can restrict it's use with these suggestions-
⦁You cannot inspect players who are enemies to you.
⦁You cannot inspect someone while in a PvP Arena or War-zone.
⦁You cannot inspect someone while "Pacifist False"
⦁You must be within 30 blocks of the person you would like to inspect.
⦁If none of these cull the use of the plugin from being an advantage/disadvantage to PvP/raiding, it could be restricted to only being used in Regalia or a none PvP zone, although I understand this and the 30 block restriction are large restrictions.
There are obviously going to be loopholes to certain rules, such as using an ally to inspect an enemy, although I hope fixes to these could be found.

You may also be thinking, "This defeats any purpose of role-play" and you would be right. This is why I would also suggest this being a plugin exclusive to any moderator if it is not accepted by the community on the server, to be used to find and ban hackers. A possible example is a moderator inspecting a possible hacker, and finding that he is wearing Protection VIII Unbreaking VI armor, obviously hacks. A simple screenshot is then all the proof needed to ban the hacker.
Any feedback or questions are encouraged. If this idea has already been suggested and rejected, or is not possible coding wise, please ignore this post and have an admin delete it please. I will answer all questions to the best of my ability.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
My thoughts on this -
You say it would be moderator exlusive, then why put so many restrictions on when moderators can use it (e.g the pacifist, 30 blocks etc). Also, moderators can also open player inventories anyways, so they can see the armour of the player.
I don't think I'd be that in favor of the mod-only thing. But I like the rest.
My thoughts on this -
You say it would be moderator exlusive, then why put so many restrictions on when moderators can use it (e.g the pacifist, 30 blocks etc). Also, moderators can also open player inventories anyways, so they can see the armour of the player.
The restrictions are for normal players, as to curve using it for a PvP/raiding advantage, I'm sorry if I did not explain it well. I also did not know moderators could open a player's inventory.[DOUBLEPOST=1365045501,1365045331][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don't think I'd be that in favor of the mod-only thing. But I like the rest.
The mod-only thing is if the general public did not like and accept this plugin, so it could still be used by moderators to benefit the community. The plugin would be open to use by the public, only if the people wanted it to be.[DOUBLEPOST=1365045574][/DOUBLEPOST]Edit.... I reworded the post as to make more sense
You may also be thinking, "This defeats any purpose of role-play" and you would be right. This is why I would also suggest this being a plugin exclusive to any moderator on the server, to be used to find and ban hackers.
This ^ makes it seem moderator exclusive :P , but my only problem with this is I love fighting people in Blast prot armour with an efficiency axe and they run away thinking I might have god gear :P[DOUBLEPOST=1365045630,1365045595][/DOUBLEPOST]ah, you reworded it, looks better now :)
This ^ makes it seem moderator exclusive :P , but my only problem with this is I love fighting people in Blast prot armour with an efficiency axe and they run away thinking I might have god gear :P[DOUBLEPOST=1365045630,1365045595][/DOUBLEPOST]ah, you reworded it, looks better now :)
I'm sorry, in the original post I worded it wrong, completely my bad.[DOUBLEPOST=1365045869][/DOUBLEPOST]
but my only problem with this is I love fighting people in Blast prot armour with an efficiency axe and they run away thinking I might have god gear :P[DOUBLEPOST=1365045630,1365045595][/DOUBLEPOST]ah, you reworded it, looks better now :)
Do you mean fighting in a PvP Arena or raiding. If so, either way, as I state, a possible rule would make it so you cannot inspect someone in a PvP arena or if they are an enemy of you.[DOUBLEPOST=1365125263][/DOUBLEPOST]In the description of this suggested plugin, I mentioned how it may affect RP. The fourth rule I suggested "You must be within 30 blocks of the person you would like to inspect" Would add a certain RP aspect to the game, and let me give an example below-
You want to inspect the armor and of a person you have been thinking about raiding. They know you might raid, so they always wear their armor. You travel to the player's base (travel promotion) to inspect the player. You must also be sneaky and not be seen, while getting fairly close to the player (30 block rule). This could add an aspect to a spy's RP, or give a player/faction a motive to send a scout forward to inspect the enemy.
I understand players do not always wear their armor, but this is a role of the dice when you choose to risk inspecting someone.
i really dont see the point in it if you cant inspect enemies.
Have you ever wondered what enchanted armor or weapon a person was using, and can't know without asking them? I have come up with an idea for a plugin that would eliminate this problem. The plugin would consist of a few components, the command to inspect someone's armor and weapons, (Ex. /inspect "player-name"). The next component, being the display to view the person's armor and weapons. I have not come up with an official way for this. A Possible way is a pop-up display (I'm not sure if this is possible) The display may look something like this-
View attachment 4397
I do not know if that is possible (Coding Wise). Another way may be something text based that would show after you type the command, Such as-
[Player Name]
Helm- (Ex. Diamond/Protection IV
Chest-Plate-(Same as above)
Leggings- (Same as above)
Boots- (Same as above)
I am guessing the text based display would be an easier one (Less coding). I would accept either.
By now, you may be thinking, "This defeats the purpose of pvp and raiding" That it does, although we can restrict it's use with these suggestions-
⦁You cannot inspect players who are enemies to you.
⦁You cannot inspect someone while in a PvP Arena or War-zone.
⦁You cannot inspect someone while "Pacifist False"
⦁You must be within 30 blocks of the person you would like to inspect.
⦁If none of these cull the use of the plugin from being an advantage/disadvantage to PvP/raiding, it could be restricted to only being used in Regalia or a none PvP zone, although I understand this and the 30 block restriction are large restrictions.
There are obviously going to be loopholes to certain rules, such as using an ally to inspect an enemy, although I hope fixes to these could be found.

You may also be thinking, "This defeats any purpose of role-play" and you would be right. This is why I would also suggest this being a plugin exclusive to any moderator if it is not accepted by the community on the server, to be used to find and ban hackers. A possible example is a moderator inspecting a possible hacker, and finding that he is wearing Protection VIII Unbreaking VI armor, obviously hacks. A simple screenshot is then all the proof needed to ban the hacker.
Any feedback or questions are encouraged. If this idea has already been suggested and rejected, or is not possible coding wise, please ignore this post and have an admin delete it please. I will answer all questions to the best of my ability.

For the sake of immersion, I'd prefer this be handled in a different way.

Perhaps if a concrete magic system is ever implemented, this could be a spell of sorts.
"Le bump"
Thank you to everyone who posted with helpful and constructive criticism. No moderator response yet? I'd just like to see that this was acknowledged by a moderator.
you have to be crouched to inspect
kinda like pick pocketing
without you being able to steel something
this also lets people notice you are acting strange

enemies can pick pocket

you see their entire inventory window instead of just the armor and weapon

this would let people know if you have good stuff to stalk if you are leaving town

Allot of the rp is lost when you can just fast ravel everywhere though :/
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