Archived [suggestion] In-server Active Rp Organisers

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Bad Cop
Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
OK, I know how the Server does do its own RP, and Ulumulu himself said that players usually end up making their own stories, but I think we need to put more life into Regalia and the world. So, I came up with the idea of the RP Production Group. This would entail multiple jobs;
Publicisers: Act like 3rd parties, and tell lots of people about when the next big organised public RP will be and what about.
Organisers: Plan the RPs, and the people involved. Usually set the basic theme, moods and inportant details.
Actors: Improvise scenes to do with the information given. Stay as in character as they can, and might add dramatic details to improve how things happen.
Mass Actors: Hordes of players who act as armies or crowds to improve the experience.
RP Guards: Nearby Admins to help stop interruptions.
(NOTE: Helping is not mandatory, even if you're the only possible person to make the story work. We will not force you into RP and/or
There are, however, multiple problems with this.
  1. Work: Lots of players will need to put in a lot of time for this to work.
  2. Interest: Enough players will need to want to be in/ want to watch things like this happen.
  3. Skill: If one person messes up a battle scene and/or tries to be a hero/kill a big part in the RP, the whole story potentially changes.
  4. Jobs: It's predicted that just to start off a basic story at least 10-20 players would be needed, unless people take up multiple jobs.
Of course, these are easily fixed if people put in time and effort towards the concept. Here's how a production would generate;
  • Step 1: Produce a basic idea. This could be anything from rival guilds to discovering a rare stone in a mine.
  • Step 2: Refine and Evaluate. Is the idea good enough? Has it been though of well enough?
  • Step 3. Pick out key plot points. Could a player's personality or backstory be perfect for or seriously damage the timeline?
  • Step 4. Talk to potential actors. See if they know the role and know how to act as it. Even better if their RP character would suit this situation. Maybe the RP character has other ideas about the role to make it more interesting?
  • Step 5. Gather crowds. Make sure enough people turn up that the work is not a waste.
  • Step 6. Survey the crowd. Are there any untrustworthy people here? If so, make them go away or make sure they quieten down in a private message.
  • Step 7. Act! Let the actors do their thing. If someone interrupts, but is helping the story along and is a well-known face around the server, let them join in. Make sure the story steers towards the desired ending.
One final point: With enough support, hopefully we could make multiple big stories happen at once and maybe even cross them e.g. someone, during an organised war, steals a holy weapon and the new recruit has to solve the mystery with help from a veteran officer, and the end of that story would affect the end of the war.
Hopefully I've explained this well enough to get support. If accepted, I would happily be an organiser and actor. Any improvements or suggestions? Just ask! Wanna volunteer? Message me! -S
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
While this is a good idea, it would certainly clunk up important places such as Regalia. Also many people would do this in their own faction so there is not much need of them.
Good idea but do you really think people will be willing to do this all the time? Sorta rare for the admins to rp in regalia since the crimsons disbanned.
If you want to do this, have at it. This shouldn't be suggested as a server suggestion because it has almost nothing to do with the server staff.
I could be the hero with 20 million kitties

While this is a good idea, it would certainly clunk up important places such as Regalia. Also many people would do this in their own faction so there is not much need of them.
I just thought maybe we need to make it feel more city-ish. Like every few hours someone has an argument or an illegal trade or something to make it feel more like a city. Also, in my experience, people usually find it hard to RP due to allies talking, constructions or wars. This could open up more opportunities for players to meet than just pick-and-mixing allies. Finally, it wouldn't clunk up the city as such, but make it seem like an actual city, where actual things happen. Not many people hang about the city for too many times, but during those times, think. Have you ever actually SEEN an event happen (except maybe a MrsBaver attack)? Have you ever WATCHED someone's story play out PUBLICLY? I'm not looking to turn the server into a soap opera, but just give it that little bit more life without adding Millenaire/NPCs.

Good idea but do you really think people will be willing to do this all the time? Sorta rare for the admins to rp in regalia since the crimsons disbanned.
I'm not looking for a load of admins, or in fact a load of people for that matter. All I'm looking for are some players to help me and some recognition that it's not a bad idea. Also, you've just reminded me, since the Crimsons have disbanded there's not really anything happening in the world right now. I'm looking for the end goal of this to make a different event happen nearly every day, be that a thievery or a party we organize to make the town to feel alive and moving.

If you want to do this, have at it. This shouldn't be suggested as a server suggestion because it has almost nothing to do with the server staff.
I'm not saying it HAS to be with the staff, but here I can actually see if people would enjoy this concept and/or would help out with it. The actual goal of this is to improve the atmosphere of the server, too, so it technically has a little to do with the staff. Also, I want permission to do this and not have anyone punishing us for repeated public annoyance or anything.

Final Point: Making a Poll for this, so people can show me if/what they want to this.[DOUBLEPOST=1367050268,1367050120][/DOUBLEPOST](Someone tell me how to make a poll, please :/)
There are now applications for Role play staff, people who will be casually helping out with those with cliche character, organising events and enforcing the medieval universe. There is no need to make a poll for this as the crowd have already posted their views, although I do like the idea there is already action being taken against the cause and lack of RP.
There are now applications for Role play staff, people who will be casually helping out with those with cliche character, organising events and enforcing the medieval universe. There is no need to make a poll for this as the crowd have already posted their views, although I do like the idea there is already action being taken against the cause and lack of RP.
Good to know. Thanks for the quick response. Could I have a link to the page, please? :D
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