Archived [suggestion] Forum "gossip Magazine" Or "encyclopedia" To Aid With Rpers

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Bad Cop
Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
OK, you're probably thinking "Dude, are you sure you're alright in the head", but this is actually an interesting concept of mine.
Basically, the forum could have a player-made "magazine" to post on the main massivecraft website, like the Daily Creeper. If not in that style, maybe as a multi-book beginners' guide for new people. This could include, but is not limited to;
  • Battles
  • Well-known names (Last priority)
  • Advertisements
  • Public Events
  • Interesting things in Regalia (e.g. big builds or abandoned but fully-working bases)
  • Guides to RP and using plugins for beginners
  • FAQs
  • Up-and-coming players/factions
Any thoughts?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I would say yes.
And how About giving the player in the inventory/backpack once they logged in a day and they would have to apply this function at a shop..or something close
OK, you're probably thinking "Dude, are you sure you're alright in the head", but this is actually an interesting concept of mine.
Basically, the forum could have a player-made "magazine" to post on the main massivecraft website, like the Daily Creeper. If not in that style, maybe as a multi-book beginners' guide for new people. This could include, but is not limited to;
  • Battles
  • Well-known names (Last priority)
  • Advertisements
  • Public Events
  • Interesting things in Regalia (e.g. big builds or abandoned but fully-working bases)
  • Guides to RP and using plugins for beginners
  • FAQs
  • Up-and-coming players/factions
Any thoughts?

  • Battles: Check the Faction Announcements or Player Announcements section
  • Well Known Names: Character Introductions, Introductions, or start talking with people
  • Advertisements: Market or Player Announcements
  • Public Events: General, News, Player Announcements, Faction Announcements, or Role-Play Announcements
  • Interesting Things in Regalia: This is an opinion, so ask around.
  • Guides to RP and using plugins for beginners: Ingame Tutorials/Guides and Wiki/Forum Tutorials/Guides
  • FAQs: Help Central
  • Up-and-coming players/factions: Introductions, Character Introductions, Faction Announcements, Faction Recruitment
If you look through the forums, there's an answer for every point you made. If you, personally, wish to create a "Gossip" Magazine that states your opinion or something along those lines, go ahead and make some books and do so, I'm sure people would buy it. ;)
The thing is, I have no time to do it with revision and coursework, and I'm sure there are people who would love it, so maybe someone reading this can pick the project up? :P
You do realise there is a lore book for all of the races with upcoming races too and also the wiki covers everything apart from 1 thing which is upcoming players/factions.
OK, you're probably thinking "Dude, are you sure you're alright in the head", but this is actually an interesting concept of mine.
Basically, the forum could have a player-made "magazine" to post on the main massivecraft website, like the Daily Creeper. If not in that style, maybe as a multi-book beginners' guide for new people. This could include, but is not limited to;
  • Battles
  • Well-known names (Last priority)
  • Advertisements
  • Public Events
  • Interesting things in Regalia (e.g. big builds or abandoned but fully-working bases)
  • Guides to RP and using plugins for beginners
  • FAQs
  • Up-and-coming players/factions
Any thoughts?
Dude your off your head
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