Archived Suggestion For Transferring Stats

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Founder of Raptum
Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
Due to recent discussions that I have had with people I decided to make a formal suggestion on the forums instead of just speaking about it.

The issue.

A little less than a year ago I lost the access to my mail and minecraft account, this resulted in my requesting my account 'Fubecraft' to be permanently banned from the server to make sure that the person who had taken the account could not use it. While I could get my items back, the biggest loss that I had was my McMMO stats. This leads me to my suggestion

The solution.

I propose that a person can request that his stats can be transferred from his lost account to his new account, this process would include the new account getting its stats cleared completely, and the old account getting a permanent ban that can not be appealed. Now, to avoid people using the system in a way that it is not meant the new account would have to play on the same IP as the old one.

If I missed something crucial then please tell me so.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
What happens if your computer breaks? Then your ip changes. It should be you must verify access to old account. And it should be that the old account can only come online from the original IP. And then the new account must play on the original IP once. This way if your computer breaks, you can still play!
There are many ways to prove your the rightfull owner more than just IP.
I'm pretty sure it has.
The idea of transferring stats has been posted before, the solution has not as far as I have seen in the search that I did.

Even so, the suggestion always gets support from the community, so it is obviously a popular suggestion.
What? IPs are not connected to your computer, that's the guid system tag. An IP is connected to your real world address and it only changes only every few weeks, dependent on the internet service provider. This means multiple computers and devices can have the same IP, the only way to tell the difference between the computers is the guid.
Oh that ip. oops