Archived Suggestion For The Upcoming Slums.

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Staff member
Nov 6, 2012
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Okay, I'd first like to start of by saying that, so far, the builders and world staff are doing a PHENOMENAL job at constructing the new district. It, so far, looks gorgeous, and really gives a great atmosphere. But, there are a few things that I think would be real neat to see in the new slums;

  1. Tunnels that have rent-regions, or even bases inside them.
    • I suspect that the staff might already try and do this, but, in case not, I've added this on the list of suggestions. The tunnels already are a great idea, and as a person who plays a vampire, they'll be very beneficial for moving around in RP. The only problem is, the current housing (And the rest of the housing, if all the areas of the slums follow the same style) is rather 'open'. Big windows, slatted walls.. Not very suiting for a vampire, or a full coven, to live in. I think it'd be neat to see some rent areas in the more vampire-friendly environments, something that will promote both Covens and Tresmisae hordes.
  2. Extending the tunnels past the slums, and into the actual city areas.
    • I understand the slums are meant to try and connect sewer rp with surface RP, which in my opinion, is great! But, I feel that criminals and heretics may still have a bit of trouble traversing the city, especially with the guards running around. I believe extending the tunnels into a few districts of regalia may aid in the slum's intended purpose, by connecting the criminal world and Regalia with discreet passage ways, so crime rpers and heretics are less intimidated by the city and it's non-tolerant environment and guards.
  3. Add a little shanty - church type deal.
    • Okay, hear me out on this one. Regalia V1, if you remember it, had a relatively small poor district. And in that poor district, was a church. I just thought that it was super cool, putting a church in there along with everything. After all, you wouldn't see poor-folk at the grand, regal cathedral to worship. They're too busy being poor! I think it adds atmosphere, I guess. Since, y'know, not everyone in the slums will be a hardened criminal, some are just normal citizens, who are unfortunate to be poor. I don't know, it sounded a lot better in my head, I just thought it'd be neat to see that little church come back again.
That's all I have suggestions wise. I hope the world staff and builders see this, and consider my ideas.
Keep doing great on the slums <3
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
One thing extra which would be interesting to see is strategic points that can't be rented with /As Rent but players can plan an event and take control of that area by assaulting pre-existing owners. Ownership of these spots allow characters certain benefits around the area, be that to secure certain spots and allow people to roam that territory with NPC backup (Similar to the Bluesteel Guards guarding Black Tower.) This would open contact between gangs, creating a rivalry in turn and opening more opportunities for roleplay. My suggestion, anyways.
I would love the tunnels extending out further thing, especially just to have little hidey holes and ways in and out that guards cant always watch.

Also since the average price of rent regions will probably be from 200-300, having longer tunnels for people to decorate as they want for like 500 would be nice, and fair enough. As long as they are positioned in ways that people cant cut off access fully to some areas.
EDIT: Actually if bases stay 300, which I hope they do lol, then hallways would be the same. basically mini bases.

I would like to see some larger open areas as parts of bases as well. Not just a box room, but like, have it extend outside a bit so people can dec out the entryway and such
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If I might toss in another idea: Height differences.

As it stands, Regalia is pretty... flat. In the literal sense. Everything is built on a similar plane with a few exceptions like small areas under and below the Imperial Bridge, and the Noble District being slightly elevated. I would love to see some areas on elevated platforms with bridges going over roads bellow, and stuff like that. It would make more room for rent regions, and make things feel bigger.

That goes for both the Slums and any future districts maybe, its an aesthetic I dont feel like Massive has explored much.
Where's the rating for "Make This Happen Right Now"?
Even though I am a lore staff, I'm going to concur and add a suggestion of my own here:
  • So far, I've noticed that a large amount of the houses in the slums have wide open doors or archways. While this might be lovely for atmosphere, it's often not too popular for sewer roleplayers (from what I've seen), whose characters favor privacy and protection. A few open buildings would be great for shops and lounges and the like, but I think that the majority of houses should be sealed with doors.
  • Another thing I would like to see is more open spaces! So far, from what I've peeked at, the slums are very narrow. Slightly wider spaces are more favored for combat roleplay, as thin roads can get busy very very fast. Widening the spaces between some of the houses and making some roads (such as the waterlogged road) less cluttered would help a lot. Reducing some of the houses could also achieve this.
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more vampire-friendly environments

I also agree with everything here because I think the church would add a unique atmosphere. Tunnels are a creative idea, although where would they actually spill out into? Plus there could be stuff underneath the ground that'll conflict with these huge tunnels. If adjustments can be made, tunnels are my favorite, as they'll actively support both vampires and the movement of underground organizations.
Im adding another to this list: An official Black Market area, with cheapish rentable tents and stalls to harp wares at etc.

Any maybe some nice large areas people can lay claim to for events and have world staff decorate for said events. One issue with the Sewers ATM is there are very few real eventy areas. The surface has various large building- the Assembly, the Park, ETC. The Sewers had the Rat King's place. And thats it. Even sewer bases are hard to retrofit for events many times- mine for instance, KotDamBase, is roughly 6 blocks shorter and 2 thinner than the average base size for its rent amount (we picked it for the location and bar outside TBH), which has made me putting it to use in any meaningful way harder.

Larger more open spaces for event hosting would be cool.
Im adding another to this list: An official Black Market area, with cheapish rentable tents and stalls to harp wares at etc.

Any maybe some nice large areas people can lay claim to for events and have world staff decorate for said events. One issue with the Sewers ATM is there are very few real eventy areas. The surface has various large building- the Assembly, the Park, ETC. The Sewers had the Rat King's place. And thats it. Even sewer bases are hard to retrofit for events many times- mine for instance, KotDamBase, is roughly 6 blocks shorter and 2 thinner than the average base size for its rent amount (we picked it for the location and bar outside TBH), which has made me putting it to use in any meaningful way harder.

Larger more open spaces for event hosting would be cool.
There is a reason the black market is called that. it wouldn't make sense to have an open market for it. Better for there to be a system that incorporates the black market and lets gangs form trade deals and the like or lets regular players buy directly from their headquarters. From personal experience, forming trade deals tends to be good RP and it adds a special something if the trade deal in question is illegal. I agree with adding event areas, something along the lines of a fighting ring would work for most of the events in the sewers-- although honestly the tavern already functions for that and most other events you are going to be able to realistically have.

I already spoke to a number of players and at least one lore staff about the ideas I myself have.
although honestly the tavern already functions for that and most other events you are going to be able to realistically have.
The tavern, and entire "Sewer Cavern" that we have currently, is coming over to the new Slums. Which is cool, but I have to disagree with that being a good area for events. Its a very cramped area, with very little space for anything more than 5-8 people to chat at most. Trying to host any real eventful events there is near impossible unless World Staff come in and remove a ton of tables or something.

Whataboutaseperateworldtokeeplagdown? No? Okay. I knew it was a bad idea to begin with.
Can't wait to have a great experience with 3 fps lol

Thats another point, one of the reasons things were divided in the first place as near I can tell is lag. And while I agree with all the reasoning for bringing it to the surface etc, this is an issue.

I dont want us to lose all our decorating ability- IE chests, and armor stands, and signs- just 'because'.

At the VERY least, I want sewer bases to be region'ed to players CAN still use the old decorative blocks. If possible, having the entire area be like that would be a blessing please Staff Gods.
The tavern, and entire "Sewer Cavern" that we have currently, is coming over to the new Slums. Which is cool, but I have to disagree with that being a good area for events. Its a very cramped area, with very little space for anything more than 5-8 people to chat at most. Trying to host any real eventful events there is near impossible unless World Staff come in and remove a ton of tables or something.

Thats another point, one of the reasons things were divided in the first place as near I can tell is lag. And while I agree with all the reasoning for bringing it to the surface etc, this is an issue.

I dont want us to lose all our decorating ability- IE chests, and armor stands, and signs- just 'because'.

At the VERY least, I want sewer bases to be region'ed to players CAN still use the old decorative blocks. If possible, having the entire area be like that would be a blessing please Staff Gods.
Bases certainly should, so that we can actually label which group is which, and the various rooms for various functions. And armor stands, to display the uniform, would be nice.
Suggestions for unorthodox regions:

Race related regions:
- A burrow in the roots of a tree (suitable for klein)
- An underground half inundated cave (for maiar)

Smuggler regions.
- Two regions that have an underground passage between them.
- A region that has an underground passage into the park.
- A region that has an underground passage to the forest beyond Regalia's walls.
- A region with two doors, one front door and a more discrete backdoor leading to an alley.
- A region that is in the cellar of an abandoned / burned house.
This isnt more directed to staff but to players that roleplay gang members. Please add drug labs.

You see the gangs being like "yo kid want some crazy drugs m8" but you never see them making them, and gangs never recruit Alchemists that could potentially make drugs.

Your probably wondering "Hey link why are you talking about drugs so much? You hiding something?"


Its just that were supposed to believe all these guys make a living by stealing, and they surely arnt stealing from rich people because the noble district is full of Bluesteel, and estates usually have private guards on top of that.

Stealing from other poor people is pointless and would realisticlly get you hung by a crowd.

It makes way more sense to sling drugs. Something the staff could do is introduce some new types of drugs to get the drug trade going.
We need less heads on pikes. The place already smells, and a lot of characters living in these slums are just plain poor, not criminals. Perhaps less decapitated rotting corpses outside of poor old people's homes?
Having visited the work in progress that is the slums it gives me the impression that things are too crowded.
I think that was done by design but it takes some of the beauty of the buildings... one cannot fully appreciate a house when one has to stand two blocks away from it.

I'd suggest widening the channels and including a few open areas and plazas.
Having visited the work in progress that is the slums it gives me the impression that things are too crowded.
I think that was done by design but it takes some of the beauty of the buildings... one cannot fully appreciate a house when one has to stand two blocks away from it.

I'd suggest widening the channels and including a few open areas and plazas.
I personally like the clutter of the slums. I think it gives the place a better "poor, dirty, forgotten and overcrowded' atmosphere.
i think we should have an underground secret passage way to behind the tavern, and in the ithanian district, less because we need to get around a bunch of places, and more because it's an easy escape route. Who doesn't like a little hit n run?
Having visited the work in progress that is the slums it gives me the impression that things are too crowded.
I think that was done by design but it takes some of the beauty of the buildings... one cannot fully appreciate a house when one has to stand two blocks away from it.

I'd suggest widening the channels and including a few open areas and plazas.
I personally like the clutter of the slums. I think it gives the place a better "poor, dirty, forgotten and overcrowded' atmosphere.
I do like the kind of poor slummy atmosphere, but it needs to be balanced with openings and larger areas every say, 30-70 blocks or so. Places for fights to happen, and chats, and general stuff. Im definitely in favor of the roads being like, 3-5 blocks wider in the center areas.
Given that the Sewer Cavern is carrying over, I would love to see more tunnels readded that connect to the surface (even via teleports would be nice) and maybe even including back tunnels that can only be accessed from some of the bases or through sneaky means like shifting through bushes or something. Would add a nice air of "A lot of illegal stuff is going on constantly even if you cant see it"
UPDATE! Popping in again to put in another idea!
  • Another thing I would like to see is more open spaces! So far, from what I've peeked at, the slums are incredibly narrow. Slightly wider spaces are more favored for combat roleplay, as thin roads get clogged very very fast. Of course for the aesthetic some narrow corridors are great, but in my personal opinion a notable "main road" to follow is ideal.

    Widening the spaces between some of the houses and making some streets (such as the waterlogged street) less cluttered would help a lot. Reducing some of the houses could also achieve this, which I don't think should be an issue given the amount there are.
UPDATE! Popping in again to put in another idea!
  • Another thing I would like to see is more open spaces! So far, from what I've peeked at, the slums are incredibly narrow. Slightly wider spaces are more favored for combat roleplay, as thin roads get clogged very very fast. Of course for the aesthetic some narrow corridors are great, but in my personal opinion a notable "main road" to follow is ideal.

    Widening the spaces between some of the houses and making some streets (such as the waterlogged street) less cluttered would help a lot. Reducing some of the houses could also achieve this, which I don't think should be an issue given the amount there are.
Well the houses part could possibly be a Tiiiny. bit of a problem because of those house refunds but otherwise I agree.