Archived Suggestion For More Funds

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


The Phoenix
Apr 25, 2014
Reaction score
One way that might help make funds is through programming teams. You could put together a group of staff called 'Coders', they would get free premium or something in exchange for coding for other servers or mojang or somebody for money (for the server). You could have Cayorion and the other plugin developers help out (if they agree on this)

If anybody else has suggestions to help keep the server alive post them here.
Do not beat down other people's suggestions as it isn't our decision in the first place (unless you're Monmarty or somebody epic such as staff of course).

EDIT: I put 'help out' in bold because people thought I meant they would be the ones doing the heavy lifting. I merely meant checking in to make sure they're doing their job, or making small suggestions.

I reorganized this, because I had paragraph issues (was using my iPod, will fix grammar later if I find problems)
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
One way that might help make funds is through programming teams. You could put together a group of staff called 'Coders', they would get free premium or something in exchange for coding for other servers or mojang or somebody for money (for the server). You could have Cayorion and the other plugin developers help out (if they agree on this), if anybody else has suggestions to help keep the server alive post them here.
Do not beat down other people's suggestions as it isn't our decision in the first place (unless you're Monmarty or somebody epic such as staff of course).

A lot of players do not understand how many hours go into coding an actual good quality minecraft plugin, or rather the amount of hours Cayorion puts into coding. And that is just the coding by itself, then we aren't even speaking about all the other tasks surrounding plugin development.

The above image is a blurb from our "Point accumulation system" or the "activity log" that logs the estimated amount of hours put into MassiveCraft on a weekly basis and a 10 weekly period by any staff member, or not staff member. The system isn't 100% accurate, I myself for example don't clock my hours that well and don't file half of them, but the numbers are fairly high regardless.

But looking at our schedule, when do we have time to implement even one of these? Is Cayorion going to have to cancel his quality time with his girlfriend to code a party system? Am I going to have to tell my boyfriend that he should just eat instant noodles because I need to spend time on documentation writing? We don't get overtime paid. We don't have weekends. Massive 24/7 all day every day.

It's not like Cayorion or myself sit on our hands and actually have time to implement any suggestion popping around when our agenda is packed full for the next 3 months at least. It seems a bit silly to say "Oh sure, we'll implement this in half a year" to a suggestion that seems really cool. Sometimes I feel some players underestimate how many hours staff members actually pump into this server, and how busy they actually are with them. In the 2 or so hours that I can actually roleplay in an average week, that's not me being lazy, that's me having some relaxation time before going to bed and starting the same Massive ritual from the moment I get up in the morning again.
My point saying that there is not enough time for this.
Why code for another server when they barely have enough time for MassiveCraft. [For coding new ideas, that is.]
Well, coding for someone else is essentially a job. So this idea is basically expecting staff to spend more time working, less time playing massive or doing something else enjoyable, and donate more of the hard earned money that they get for doing said work to massive, rather than for sustaining themselves. Of course it would get more funds for the server, absolutely. However, we can't expect Cayorion, or any staff, to sacrifice their time and effort for free, and get nothing out of it except free premium, just so they can fund massive. They're people too.
My point saying that there is not enough time for this.
Why code for another server when they barely have enough time for MassiveCraft. [For coding new ideas, that is.]
okay, what about other people? People who aren't already coding for the server? What I meant by 'putting together a group', wasn't regrouping the people whom are already in staff.

I would join a group of fund makers (and maybe advertise, I'm good with that).
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Well, coding for someone else is essentially a job. So this idea is basically expecting staff to spend more time working, less time playing massive or doing something else enjoyable, and donate more of the hard earned money that they get for doing said work to massive, rather than for sustaining themselves. Of course it would get more funds for the server, absolutely. However, we can't expect Cayorion, or any staff, to sacrifice their time and effort for free, and get nothing out of it except free premium, just so they can fund massive. They're people too.
free premium is better than responsibilities as staff also, and I suggested /maybe/ (a big huge maybe) the top staff coders could also help. I meant mainly recruiting people /just/ for this purpose.

EDIT: I could have gotten my point across easier, but I didn't want this to be a debate page. (which is hard for me, I love debating. If you think my idea is bad, just disagree and maybe post your own better idea.)
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View our tech department: MassiveCraft has one coder. Do you not think if we could find more within our community that would be willing to do coding work, that we wouldn't try to get them on our staff?
View our tech department: MassiveCraft has one coder. Do you not think if we could find more within our community that would be willing to do coding work, that we wouldn't try to get them on our staff?
Now that you are on the subject. What should one (I) do to help the tech staff? Because i would gladly help but can't apply, because i am under the age of 16.
View our tech department: MassiveCraft has one coder. Do you not think if we could find more within our community that would be willing to do coding work, that we wouldn't try to get them on our staff?
I see your point, but there are constantly more people on massive (even the 'noobs' might know coding). Because one fails at RP or PvP (or getting a hand at joining the community... and maybe age limit like I forgot Madus said for a second), doesn't determine they are below standards of coding.

EDIT: I would help out as well, but I have just started 'learning' code.
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I see your point, but there are constantly more people on massive (even the 'noobs' might know coding). Because one fails at RP or PvP (or getting a hand at joining the community... and maybe age limit like I forgot Madus said for a second), doesn't determine they are below standards of coding.

EDIT: I would help out as well, but I have just started 'learning' code.

Now i see the purpose of this thread........
you wish to join coding staff so you can get the free prem while doing as little work as possible -_-
Now i see the purpose of this thread........
you wish to join coding staff so you can get the free prem while doing as little work as possible -_-
erm... no I wouldn't be able to join it... I fail at coding java atm, I'm still just starting on learning it.
Free premium wouldn't be too bad though
erm... no I wouldn't be able to join it... I fail at coding java atm, I'm still just starting on learning it.
Free premium wouldn't be too bad though

Naturally, we always have our eyes and ears open for applications from players that have promise in the tech department. As such, however, players are expected to have a very grounded knowledge and know what they are doing. If they come in as a beginner and have no experience, they really won't be able to contribute too much.

That being said, premium is not a defining feature to look into staff for. We are staff because we want to assist the progression of the server as best as possible, and we want to make the player experience as enjoyable as possible. Staff are players, just like anyone else, but we spend countless hours helping in maintaining, running, and progressing the server.

If someone steps forward that shows talent, even if underage, they should express to staff an interest to learn at least. Even if they cannot apply for staff, it is possible that a staff member may be willing to mentor them. Granted, staff members are very busy as previously discussed. Even if they don't have the time to mentor a player, they may be able to give some tips and helpful advice.

Now that you are on the subject. What should one (I) do to help the tech staff? Because i would gladly help but can't apply, because i am under the age of 16.

In the past, very rarely, we've accepted non-aspirant contributors. In essence, these players are not a part of the Massivecraft team nor do they get the benefits of staff perks. What they do get, however, is a mentor to train with. As stated before, the only time I've seen a non-aspirant contributor accepted, the player showed a heap of promise. At this point in time, I'm not sure if our tech staff are currently capable or willing to take on such non-aspirant contributors.
If my memory serves me correctly, staff donate for premium.
If i remember correctly. Staff used to have prem features. But that was when Ellador was released. So ages ago.
EDIT: That being said, i was never looking for free premium myself, and i've been premium almost all the time i was an actine member. Including right now.
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I'd just like to put in my my 20 cents.

A while ago I decided to learn programming, to be honest I found Cay as somewhat of an inspiration and it was him that motivated my learning, a he didn't know that of course. When I eventually became proficient enough I decided to apply for staff even though I knew I was under age (at the time I was a few months shy of 15. After the idea was discussed with staff and it was established I was a programmer I put in my application. I had one vote no then Yendor (I'll name him and Cay but not the other staff member) said that he was happy to take me on as a non-aspirant contributor as mentioned above. Cay agreed, the other staff changed his vote if I was a non-aspirant contributor. I worked for the staff for a while helping where I could, offering my help to anyone, not just Tech staff.

I'm now better at programming and a fairly skilled web developer but I don't work for staff as Yendor is no longer staff and while I'm over 15 and could probably try for the -1 (even with it gone, a programmer is in need) I just don't have the time. I like Massive but I feel it would be wrong to ask a bunch of players to dedicate their time to work for Massive when they A) Don't get anything out of it and B) Aren't even working for Massive. I'm not sure how good you are with Programming but it's not as easy as one would think. You can have a lot of knowledge but it will still take time to type, test, improve over and over again. If you are that insistent on helping the server then donate via Premium (I keep forgetting to renew mine xD). But even at a young age, I spend a majority of my time programming, I barely have enough time to play Massive and I'm constantly tired trying to manage 2 jobs, a traineeship, school and programming work. If I was a staff member I couldn't, without any weight on my conscience, ask a person to do that. Sorry.
I do not mean to get off topic but what if before Cay releses a plugin to the public on bukkit he has to get a certain amount of donations and then he releses it but it would be on massivecraft already. I figure this because there have to be thousands (at least hundreds) of servers that use plugins coded by Cay.
Also mabey a store on amazon I think where you order stuff like massive tshirts and ship it to amazon and they sell it for you and massive gets all the profit because they run it.
I'd just like to put in my my 20 cents.

A while ago I decided to learn programming, to be honest I found Cay as somewhat of an inspiration and it was him that motivated my learning, a he didn't know that of course. When I eventually became proficient enough I decided to apply for staff even though I knew I was under age (at the time I was a few months shy of 15. After the idea was discussed with staff and it was established I was a programmer I put in my application. I had one vote no then Yendor (I'll name him and Cay but not the other staff member) said that he was happy to take me on as a non-aspirant contributor as mentioned above. Cay agreed, the other staff changed his vote if I was a non-aspirant contributor. I worked for the staff for a while helping where I could, offering my help to anyone, not just Tech staff.

I'm now better at programming and a fairly skilled web developer but I don't work for staff as Yendor is no longer staff and while I'm over 15 and could probably try for the -1 (even with it gone, a programmer is in need) I just don't have the time. I like Massive but I feel it would be wrong to ask a bunch of players to dedicate their time to work for Massive when they A) Don't get anything out of it and B) Aren't even working for Massive. I'm not sure how good you are with Programming but it's not as easy as one would think. You can have a lot of knowledge but it will still take time to type, test, improve over and over again. If you are that insistent on helping the server then donate via Premium (I keep forgetting to renew mine xD). But even at a young age, I spend a majority of my time programming, I barely have enough time to play Massive and I'm constantly tired trying to manage 2 jobs, a traineeship, school and programming work. If I was a staff member I couldn't, without any weight on my conscience, ask a person to do that. Sorry.
I guess my plan is a bit much. As stated earlier, I do program, but very little. I know programming is hard, and not many people would want to do it long term as a job.
And I would donate, but I'm currently saving my money for a car...

I heard a while ago massive was going to advertise, what happened to that idea?