Archived (suggestion) Drop Player Heads On Death Plugin

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People would start making this into a competition and do more killing just for heads
i think it would make it hard for RP, "i was beat once...i am alive but they have my head"
Yeah there is that part to. But i wrote some aspects of rp not everything involving rp.
Yea but then theres the respect part of it, some people would mount it on a wall or something, I find that really poor ethics on pvp :/ its like flaunting to an extreme, sure theres nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments, but there are PLENTY of pvpers on this server who need their egos dropped a few pegs, not raised with head mountings.
If this happen's Everyone would have a Head's Collection going on Iam just collecting Liver's or Foot Now so if there is heads iam going to collect it
I think this was rejected because if this plugin were added people would go crazy hunting down staff members for their heads.
It would be pretty neat... but... People WILL go crazy. I think if there is a guillotine mod with a head plugin, that would be awesome.
I am not looking forward to having my head become a target since I'm probably the hardest staff member to kill.
If this happen's Everyone would have a Head's Collection going on Iam just collecting Liver's or Foot Now so if there is heads iam going to collect it
all of u who dont soupport it then dont start a collction cause i bet many other people dont agree with this either so there might be a few people who try and start a collection of heads but if the magority doesnt then u have nothing to worry about
People would start making this into a competition and do more killing just for heads

That's kindof the point.

I think this was rejected because if this plugin were added people would go crazy hunting down staff members for their heads.
I am not looking forward to having my head become a target since I'm probably the hardest staff member to kill.
Then don't give staff the playerheads.canloosehead permission.

In my opinion, anyone who cares if their head is in someones collection on a wall has a bigger ego problem than the person collecting the heads, with the exception of staff.
People would start making this into a competition and do more killing just for heads

This is my only real reservation. Mindless killing for heads is not something I would look forward to. Perhaps if it was enabled in such a way that only warzone allowed this? So only in Arenas, so that you could get the heads of your honorable rivals.
This is my only real reservation. Mindless killing for heads is not something I would look forward to. Perhaps if it was enabled in such a way that only warzone allowed this? So only in Arenas, so that you could get the heads of your honorable rivals.

That could work. So players who want to take heads and are ready to lose their heads can got to an arena and fight each other and those who don't want to have their head on someones wall or fence post can just continue as normal.
That would be entirely possible to make it only work in the mini game universe.

I am aware that Cayorion will not have the time to code this, but maybe make it so you can only get the heads of enemy factions, in your own territory. This way, you can only gain heads from defending from a raid, and it would be kind of RP-ish if barbarians displayed heads in front of their base as a warning to others, showing all the people that have failed to raid them. And it will discourage constant raiding, the more you die the more of your heads are on someone's wall.

My only concern is that people will sell high value heads, like Bsavs, and they will display a head that they didn't earn.
I do believe not everyone wants their heads been sold and tossed around, also, the amount of items lying on massive raids all the time would be tremendous and it will cause too much lag.
Could this possibly have something to do with your Creative mode? Just asking :P It would explain it since I've never seen you in armor before.

Don't acuse staff of using creative mode, they don't abuse it. I remember when Igel_Son was a young staffling, someone complained that he was flying and using god mode, when he didn't even have access to either.

besides, Monmarty doesn't need armor. Armor is for people who actually get hit.

oh, and for the record, he is the hardest current staff member to kill. me, Luuk, and Pallie were all once among the top PvPers on the server.
Sounds like an awesome idea. Would make great for proof of killing someone without screenshot.
I think this would be a fun addition to the server and great for some aspects of rp. It makes players drop their heads when they die. The plugin is easy to configure you can set drop chance and when a player drops his head it could be everytime he dies or only when another player kills him.

And to make it even better, after all the recent executions, all those Steve Heads at spawn will actually become a threat to people, as they could see the player head of their best friend stabbed upon a stake.
Cause you have to admit, having about 17 Vampire heads of people who must've been a large amount of Twin brothers? It did kinda become visually bothersome.
That would be entirely possible to make it only work in the mini game universe.

I am aware that Cayorion will not have the time to code this, but maybe make it so you can only get the heads of enemy factions, in your own territory. This way, you can only gain heads from defending from a raid, and it would be kind of RP-ish if barbarians displayed heads in front of their base as a warning to others, showing all the people that have failed to raid them. And it will discourage constant raiding, the more you die the more of your heads are on someone's wall.

My only concern is that people will sell high value heads, like Bsavs, and they will display a head that they didn't earn.

Plus the fact some people could disguise themselves.
*Puts on his own player head*
Hehehe... They'll never find out it's me now....
And to make it a chance drop could be better, because knowing people like Chronikatr, they will slay anyone enemied whom gets near them, sometimes killing at least 25 people before they actually die. So finding 26 heads on the ground of a faction would get annoying if there are daily raids, but the chanced drop makes it so you never know when you were beheaded and decreases how many are dropped.
And fun fact: A person's soul within the Medieval times was thought to be contained in their head.
In other words, beheading someone was literally taking their soul.
It should be so that if someone wants their roleplay Character to die then they can ask a staff member to bring them to a Hanging post or something and have them be decapitated then the heads will be put in the piles and on stakes in regalia.
Just My thoughts Just an Idea.
Maybe with the shake perk from fishing...
Don't acuse staff of using creative mode, they don't abuse it. I remember when Igel_Son was a young staffling, someone complained that he was flying and using god mode, when he didn't even have access to either.

besides, Monmarty doesn't need armor. Armor is for people who actually get hit.

oh, and for the record, he is the hardest current staff member to kill. me, Luuk, and Pallie were all once among the top PvPers on the server.

He is actually correct in saying that I am in creative mode all the time when I am outside of regalia. I spend 95% of my time in regalia nowadays, and for what little time I am not in regalia, I am doing stuff, building, moving over projects and other things that involve creative mode.

I have a set of god armor given to me by Honourbound, but I never use it because even some low level in iron armor can probably whoop my ass.

The only way someone could hypothetically kill me if they managed to ask me to helpop them and hope that I'm not in creative gamemode.

Without derailing too far on the topic, I have discussed it with a couple of staff members, and we generally all agreed that it would not do the current "negative raiding attitude and atmosphere" any good to install this. Perhaps it can become part of a future bounty plugin, but that's just a vaguue concept I suddenly came up with.
Just my two cents, getting a kill with most weapons shouldn't warrant you getting their head. However, perhaps with a silk-touch enchanted weapon, you could get people's heads? Just an idea.
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