Archived [suggestion] Coppy Enchanted Books

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
enchanted book in item frame.

come up to it with 30 xp
and a book
and right click it bam you got a coppy.

I think it would be sweet to collect all the enchants
and have them up on a wall
for a tool room

You get farms
dark rooms
portal rooms
meeting rooms
enchant table
how bout a library of all the enchants

This would help with not having to spend so much time
getting the enchants you want.
+ it would be fun to collect them all
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Say you had a Sharpness V Enchanted book, and a mob spawner and multiple darkrooms, everytime you get 30 levels, ou can get a Sharpness V book and then you can make Sharpness V swords and then those will be over powered.
I get what you mean by collecting all the books but in reality i don't like this idea.
Everyone can do this
so its fair
I just think it would make things even
because axe's cannot be enchanted like a sword can
It would increase the amount of enchanted goods being sold
the way I see it is enchanting is like black smithing
you make the tool to fit the purpous
this is rp too
the books are like crafting recipes for the tools
you can have hanging in your work shop

I think it would be one more awesome thing
you can build towards getting for your faction
that would be practical.
If this should be implementet then i think it should cost alot of more xp like 60 instead of 30 or just a maximum like if you only could do it with sharp III instead of V :3
This is way too op in my opinion... and the prices of Unbreaking III books (as they are the most valuable) would plummet.
yeah but you could make more books?
So the price might not rely change
I can see how paying more xp for the enchantment would make sense.
I STRONGLY dislike this idea. It would cause a major collapse of the economy, because the prices of everything enchanted would plummet. The point of enchantments is that there is risk in them. There is SKILL in getting good enchantments. This would ruin all fun that comes with enchanting.
I dislike this idea, the economy would be ruined along with every single person is wearing god armor, leaving the people who worked hard with nothing
yeah but at least we would have more stock available in towns
and maybe not if the cost in xp would go up to copy enchants

you mean luck right?
And why should there be more stock? this is just like bottled exp it sets a central value on all enchanted goods making the economy for them flat and boring similar to diamonds and such.
If this was implemented, then it would just be way too easy to make a set of god armor. I for one, do not like this idea.
Well I don't think you can throw in the bottling xp thing allong with the dooping E-books because People still have to work just as hard to bottle the xp...
Everyone can do this
so its fair
I just think it would make things even
because axe's cannot be enchanted like a sword can
It would increase the amount of enchanted goods being sold
the way I see it is enchanting is like black smithing
you make the tool to fit the purpous
this is rp too
the books are like crafting recipes for the tools
you can have hanging in your work shop

I think it would be one more awesome thing
you can build towards getting for your faction
that would be practical.

Things are already even.
Axes' purpose is different than swords, swords don't do nearly as much armor damage as axes.
This plummets the economy, what's the point of buying something you can just copy? and attain yourself..
It's not anything like black smithing.
The tools already fit the purpose, your idea is just Op.
This... has absolutely nothing to do with Rp.
Plummets the economy...
There isn't a point of implementing this just so that you can "hang it in your workshop".

You should stop and think before you blindly post ideas. Most of your ideas are either Op, and clientside ideas that will not be implemented.
Maybe a Mod should lock this? It is probably never going to be implemented.
It'd lead to the same problem many private wow servers/aion servers etc suffers from. The game would lose the little challenge it has. In a private server like massivecraft, the market/trading aspect of it is really important. While it serve as a gameplay function it is also a neat way to meet people/make connections/friends and so on. If this would be implemented, those aspects would disappear. This suggestions is imo pretty horrible, and I'm against it, like the majority of the posters above me are.
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