Archived Suggestion Concerning The Regalian Church.

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Grand Elder of Calemberg
Aug 8, 2013
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As I was walking around Regalia last night, I stopped to gaze up at the vastness of the Cathedral, when I had an idea. We all know how the guard, and soon to be the senate, are player controlled. So I got to thinking, what if the Regalian church were to be player controlled as well? If you know me, you would know that once I get going on a certain idea, I try to prefect it. So, I have created somewhat of a system for this. (If you wish to see the system, look at the spoiler below.)

So, at the head of the Church would be Supreme Reverend Wolffram, an account controlled by MonMarty. He is the head of the church, and that would not be changed.

This is where the player controlled element would come in. There would be one or two "Arch-reverends". These one or two people would be directly under the Supreme Reverend. These one or two would also administrate the church and it's actions, lead the lower clergy, make important church decisions, administrate holy orders/groups (Such as the Crimson Inquisition, if they are ever to return.), and serve on the senate as a member of the "Order of Dawn" faction. (If you are in the Guard, you would know that the Guard is led by two captains. This is what this position would be the equivalent of. Not the head of the church, but in a high position of leadership.)

Then we would have Bishops. These people would be under the Arch-reverend(s). They would act as the advisers for the Arch-reverend(s), Aid in important church decisions, administrate the lower clergy, address the public in the arch-reverend's absence, and carry out special services for large events, such as noble funerals or noble weddings.

Next would come the Priests. Your "Average Joe's" of the clergy. This group would carry out church services, answer to the bishops and higher clergy, attempt to convert heretics and those of other faith, and carry out services for events such as commoner funerals or commoner weddings.

Lastly, there would be the Monks. This group of individuals is for those who want to be involved in the church, but don't want it to be too serious. They would aid Priests in their duties, and aid in anything else the church would need.

A few notes:

All those who would want to join the clergy would have to be well spoken (good grammar),
have a knowledge of clerical terms such as, "Excommunication, incense, heresy, blasphemy, sodomite, etc..", And must have a decent knowledge of lore.

The Arch-reverends and Bishops would have editing rights to the Cathedral, but ONLY for adding things for say, a funeral.

And finally, the high clergy could not do things like "Durr hurr, let's make vampires legal.".

This is just an idea, and is far from perfect, so please add your thoughts and critisism.
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It would be interesting to have holymen wandering the streets, preaching and such, but more lore would have to be released on both the old gods and Union before I could trust people to do that.
It would be interesting to have holymen wandering the streets, preaching and such, but more lore would have to be released on both the old gods and Union before I could trust people to do that.

Not to mention that there would have to a template for sign up, Other registration, Time Zones to consider, and possibly Role Play Characters titles and generalized Ideas to be changed. The Idea over all is rather unique; however the problem is the development to begin this. Preachers or Priests would have to be constructed into the Lore Properly. (Which I think they are, I don't know of this as of now.)
Of course we would even then create MassiveCraft Religions, Which I think someone has mentioned of this before. I think it was denied, due to religious discrimination? Although I think we were using in real life Religions, such as Christianity or Judaism. If we were able to create Religions that do not alter the current MassiveCraft Lore, then maybe just maybe it would be accepted.

Personally in our Character Creation Template there should be an alignment set up. If you choose an alignment, you're indicating your character's dedication to a set of moral principles: good, lawful good, evil, or chaotic evil. In a cosmic sense, it's the team you believe in and fight for most strongly. For the purpose of determining whether an effect functions on a character, someone of lawful good alignment is considered good and someone of chaotic evil alignment is considered evil. Alignments are tied to universal forces bigger than deities or any other allegiance you might have.

Indeed. I don't know how people would apply for this. However, I was thinking of a forums application in the permission request thread. I forgot to add this on the main post, but I was thinking of a limit of two Arch-Reverends, six Bishops, and any number of other clergy. But, it's all up to staff in the end!
Indeed. I don't know how people would apply for this. However, I was thinking of a forums application in the permission request thread. I forgot to add this on the main post, but I was thinking of a limit of two Arch-Reverends, six Bishops, and any number of other clergy. But, it's all up to staff in the end!

Not necessarily, Remember that players can create their own side lore? Any Lore that does not conflict the current one, thus meaning that you can create your own template thread and supportive as long as they:

  • Apply to what we are looking for.
  • Stay in the same thread (don't move into other sectors or separate threads)
  • Apply to the According and Current MassiveCraft Lore.
Of course the Template would be all in the same thread, more or less a signup sheet. This can go with the accordance of Marriages, Ceremonies, Rituals, Sacrifices, and much more religious sacramentals. Not only that, but if we were able to create a magisterium or Church Ranks System within MassiveCraft's Lore, without obscuring it in anyway, You may have a chance in creating an original topic.

Also, if there is religious ceremonies their would have to be exceptions to other races along with their Alignment and sociality, sexuality and even their full at basis to what they deprive of.

A problem that may be faced if cursed beings (Vampires and Undead.) I find them a little hard to avoid since most religions reject them. Sadily those typical two sectors choose to be on the evil side of alignment. Of course, Mrs. Baver, who is also a Vampire, would destroy or sabotage any ceremony that isn't representing her.
Erm, I don't really think, for example, I could just go up to the cathedral and state "I am the Arch-Reverend! I am appointing clergy! etc etc.." Anything concerning making the Regalian Church run by players would have to go by MonMarty, or someone else first.

True, but take in consideration that would be in the hands of Role Play Moderators, and since normal players would have to be judged or even tested by MonMarty or Any other Moderator themselves, Many wouldn't Apply for a religious Position. After that, the Electives for such ranks would have to settled by the magisterium. Unlike governmental policies, the church elects their representatives internally. For Example: Bishops Elect 1 of the 10 they have in a certain area to be an Arch-Bishop. I typically think the whole idea is great, but you would have major edits to deal with, of course religious reformation and even crusades, riots, and sometimes All-out War between Factions over something rather simple.

Anyway, if you need help with supportive or any religious guidance for templates and requirement settings please don't be shy to send me a message about it. By the Way, I would suggest to ask MonMarty to read this thread and see what his decision is.
Extra Side Note: Possibly add a Alignment setup, some religions are evil while some are good, so you have to take that in consideration as well. Not everyone likes to be the good guy.

Alignments are: Good; Lawfully Good; Unaligned; Evil; and Chaotically Evil
Terribly sorry for the self-bump, but would anyone else like to share their opinions on this? I would love to see more ideas.
The evil or good system has a place in the church and can have THOUSANDS of possibilities for both in game effects ^ and just being something fun for role-play, i would enjoy having effects like that being implimented but to be honest all you need is a little organization and you have a church following for epic role-play battles.

though i would love to see some "holy" and "unholy" aspects in massivecraft plugins as well:

for example "holy" attacks seriously harm undead, zombies, skelitons, demons, vampires, zombie-pigman, ghasts, and endermen "purifying" them and are good abilities for PvE and such while also damaging these creatures even in non pvp zones such as regalia. where as unholy would allow people to control and ally with "darkness" creatures (work along-side witches and endermen possibly while also controlling spiders and bats) and cause affliction to beings outside of pvp zones meaning no abilities like those in regalia, a example of affliction would be causing a curse that slowly drains health if you want to be boring, if you want to be fun have it drain sanity or create a worship for darkness in him and cause the afflicted to die if not cured then spawn a witch (new cultist), enderman (demon) or zombie in his place where he has died to symbolize his affliction taking over.
We haven't written up a Regalian "bible" yet, so it would not be good to recruit religious individuals to promote a faith that does not exist yet. Who knows when we have the book ready though, we might get priests.
We haven't written up a Regalian "bible" yet, so it would not be good to recruit religious individuals to promote a faith that does not exist yet. Who knows when we have the book ready though, we might get priests.

can we still currently have beliefs in good and evil?
I believe the library will soon feature a book on the human "old gods" as they were prior to the establishment of the Regalian Empire.
Would certain faiths be allowed to have embassies in Regalia? I think that'd be pretty cool. Obviously, some religions aren't going to like each other and that may cause some stir in roleplay. Just as long as people don't get legitimately offended, it is rp after all.

This is a great thread.
All religions aside from the Human old gods and the Elven pantheon are considered herecies and will result in imprisonment until conversion, and if conversion is refused, death. Religious prosecution is a big thing in Regalia, especially Chetists are hunted moreso than vampires even.
We haven't written up a Regalian "bible" yet, so it would not be good to recruit religious individuals to promote a faith that does not exist yet. Who knows when we have the book ready though, we might get priests.

Alrighty. Thanks for your feedback! I had considered the thought of Ulric going into the clergy. So, perhaps when my Guard work is done, I'll see what I can do.
All religions aside from the Human old gods and the Elven pantheon are considered herecies and will result in imprisonment until conversion, and if conversion is refused, death. Religious prosecution is a big thing in Regalia, especially Chetists are hunted moreso than vampires even.
I suddenly have this inward urge to worship Chet. Nope, it's gone.
I would be intrigued to see a church, would give e algaron priests someone to follow
MonMarty Ah, One last question that I had forgotten to ask. What do you think of the system I designed? any critisism or thoughts?
I'm not a big fan of complex structures, but we will see.
Ah so this is where the alignment post spawned from. I see even more reason to use the 3.5 ver. of DnD's alignments now rather than the newer, simplistic one. Although with all the other religions being outlawed they don't have much purpose. At least on an "official" level. But let's say the Church is Lawful Good, and there's a Lawful Neutral coven somewhere that isn't well known. The local Church priest in charge of the area may vary well let them be as long as they keep quiet. They're both lawful after all and may realize stirring up the area and causing chaos would do more harm than good. Of course that'd depend on the character of that priest. If the priest were Lawful Neutral, he'd likely put the law of the Church over the Good, and turn the coven in.

While the lack of Lawful Evil in 4.0 annoys me, it'd have its role to play in this as well. I imagine you'd see the differences between the different types of Evil a lot in brigand groups or Vampire groups. If there were a vampire to (legit, not just derp about and not rp) "live" among humans, follow their rules, and not succumb to their base instincts, they'd for sure be of the Lawful variety, and could even still worship the Lawful Good Church (if they found an rp way that is).

I think I'm kind of ranting now though, so I'll stop >.>
Ok, I now understand there might have been some confusion. This suggestion pertains only to the Imperial Regalian Church. I was suggesting that, like the senate, the Regalian church be run by players to make Role-play more interesting. I am not suggesting that this system be used for all MassiveCraft religions. I'm not sure where this "Alignment" thing really came from, but I believe it was due to the fact that someone thought this was a suggestion for all religions. It is not.

So, if I may, let's not have any more talk of alignments, as they have no place in this thread.
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