Archived [suggestion] Character Names Cannot Be Seen Through Walls.

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
I don't want my name to show through blocks...

And I only want my friends, ally's,faction members to see my name through walls.
Ore better yet make it so their is a cursor over the name of people in your party. <- /party thingy mentioned in another post.

Anyway I just think its not RP ore fun to be able to see someones name through objects.
You can already hear people walk and break blocks when near.
This feature of seeing players names through objects is not practical for a non private multilayer server where not everyone is your friend.

PS : Names should be able to be seen through glass and fences.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I don't think you can change that, mojang made it, it's like asking admins to remove someone's head off on their skin
You already posted this aa while back, and it was rejected. Don't keep spamming the same suggestion over and over again.
moved to Features and Ideas, although I am 99% sure this is impossible.
I'm pretty sure something like this is impossible, but it would be neat if it was. :/
We could at least make it so you can toggle crouch. So you can type while hidden ect....
I posted it again because I could not find my old post and this is really bothering me.
We could at least make it so you can toggle crouch. So you can type while hidden ect....
I posted it again because I could not find my old post and this is really bothering me.
Use a client side better running and sneaking mod. It was okay'd by an admin or mod (can't remember) awhile back, it let's you toggle sneak mode, even while opening chests and chatting, and gets rid of that double tap sprint glitch where you jerk between running and walking.
Something : (loud!) Thump Thump Thump , -Trips on beard- PAFF!
Guard-A : "what was that?"
Guard-B : "noises without seeing someones name... you must be dreaming!"
Guard-A : "Your right what was I thinking."
-This whole time it was-


Aw ninja Dwarf!


Thank you Dragonwaz for the Training!
I use a mod for toggleable sprinting and sneaking. It gave me a push to press sprint as well (made parkor loads easier).

Sorry, tad off topic
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