Archived [suggestion] Axe Treatment

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
put an axe in an anvil with some red stone
the axe can now get the enchantments of a sword at an enchant table.
I think this would fix the issue with axes.
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-Facepalm- This would be really Over powered if you could put swords enchant on an axe. Imagine someone with 1000-2000 axes running around with an Unbreaking3 Fire2 Sharp5 diamond axe....
Fire aspect and knock back cannot go onto an axe
Thats a good thing, they are OP enough as it is. Imagine if you were fighting someone with a KB 2 FA 2 diamond axe and you struck them with great force. Assuming you hit them over open ground or down a hill they would be knocked a long way away and take lots of damage from the fire before they got back.
This is all clientside and i dont see how this would fix anything
Axes is op enough
This is all clientside and i dont see how this would fix anything
Axes is op enough
This could be done (I am using previous experience as a server owner), but it is super op, so there is no point in even implementing it. Just stop with this surge of useless suggestions...
Even if this was possible, I don't think red stone should make a god axe
Axes are really not that op, especially because you have to train for literally over 100 hours to get to 2,000 axes where you see the purpose of axes, to wreck armor. If anything is over powered that would be archery, where you can easy one shot kill anyone in plain diamond armor. Axes rarely ever one shot kill, and the 1/30 times they do, is on a skull split where you have to be grouped up with 3-5 people for it to work decently.
Axes are really not that op, especially because you have to train for literally over 100 hours to get to 2,000 axes where you see the purpose of axes, to wreck armor. If anything is over powered that would be archery, where you can easy one shot kill anyone in plain diamond armor. Axes rarely ever one shot kill, and the 1/30 times they do, is on a skull split where you have to be grouped up with 3-5 people for it to work decently.
Axes would be very op with fa and kb. But axes vs x mcmmo is for another thread.
Axes are really not that op, especially because you have to train for literally over 100 hours to get to 2,000 axes where you see the purpose of axes, to wreck armor. If anything is over powered that would be archery, where you can easy one shot kill anyone in plain diamond armor. Axes rarely ever one shot kill, and the 1/30 times they do, is on a skull split where you have to be grouped up with 3-5 people for it to work decently.
Ive seen a player only been on here a month and get to 1000, ive been on nearly a year and am only to 600...its alot easier for people who have alot of time on their hands. Its OP
I'm looking at forums suggestion and its like you naturally spammed it without intentions... Dude you need a hobby
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