Archived [suggestion] Addition To Premium Features

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Justice Bringer
Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
Note: This idea just came to my head so it may not be well thought through, so positive feedback :)

So I was thinking of an idea. So this came to my head. I was thinking that premiums can have "custom" name tags. For example, my name is Lord_ArchAngel but with this feature I can turn my tag to something like Lord_ArchAngel and with other colors. There could also be a cool down of how often you change your tag.
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Or they would make their names like "justin5191" so no one could see them and they would become invisible. :3
When you mention custom name tags I was hoping you meant changing your name to the one you use in RP that would be displayed in chat and over your head instead of your username. I honestly would enjoy that.
I really feel there is no need for what you stated and you should enjoy your flashy green name that the many commoners don't have...damn me being a commoner.
I agree with both Adrian and Wheatley on this. It would be nice if you could change your name to your RP name while not having every other person running around with rainbow colored names.
Changing the name plus tag for rp purposes is a planned feature. When cayorion starts working on the chat, he will probably implement it.
You could make it for RP names only and only 1 type of color.....
Changing the name plus tag for rp purposes is a planned feature. When cayorion starts working on the chat, he will probably implement it.

This is for everyone, right? Not just for premiums? Because, I know you guys mentioned all RP things will be for everyone, but I just wanted to check. :D
When you mention custom name tags I was hoping you meant changing your name to the one you use in RP that would be displayed in chat and over your head instead of your username. I honestly would enjoy that.

YES. I would love to have a plugin or something implemented so you could see their RP name then just bracket ask them (May not make sense)

This RP implemented name tag switch chat kind of thing is exactly what the RP players would need.

A toggle for doing this is.

/rpname on/off - toggle switch
/rpname setnameperm {name} - set is to set name, and perm is the permanent RP name you will get.
/rpname ? - plus side to this is /rpname help
/rpname who {players name}

That is all what I could think of, if you have any other versions of this please say.
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